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Actualités du mobile learning

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Le m-learning, l’avenir de la formation ? App Store : un parcours du combattant pour émerger et pour convaincre. Usage Statistics. Smartphone Usage Statistics and Trends 2013. Share this post: Trends and statistics show that smartphone usage will continue to rise throughout 2013 and in years to come. Satellite driven smartphones have begun to penetrate rural areas and markets that, traditionally, would not even have dial-up access to the internet. Last year, I posted an infographic on smartphone usage in 2012 and it was one of my most popular infographics of the year. See Also: Effects of Sleeping Next to Your Mobile Phone or iPhone [Infographic] This year, I would like to share a similar infographic (posted below) originally published by Compendium, the Marketing Tech Blog and Exact Target. The infographic presents us with a slew of information regarding how people are using smartphones, where they’re using smartphones and how smartphone usage trends are increasing. 2013 Smartphone Usage Infographic Highlights: By 2016, 80% of the US population will use mobile phones.

Easily add this infographic to your blog or website using the embed code below: Le nouveau continent des apprentissages mobiles… Par Michel Diaz. Les grands salons e-learning de ce début d'année et nombre d'études menées auprès des Responsables de formation le confirment : l'année 2012 pourrait être celle de l'entrée en fanfare du "Mobile Learning" dans les entreprises. Oui, mais… Apprentissages mobiles, "Mobile Learning" ? Il s'agit avant tout des usages pédagogiques des Smartphones et tablettes numériques.

Deux types de terminaux mobiles que l'on confond à tort dans ce mouvement, car ils se distinguent par la taille de l'écran et la "pocketisation" comme par le nombre d'exemplaires en circulation. Pour résumer : le Smartphone est un objet personnel, presque intime, devenu quasi indispensable, et le plus souvent connecté au Web (3G, Wifi). Le support idéal, par conséquent, du Mobile Learning. Mobile Learning : un avenir très prometteur Ensuite le Mobile Learning répond à une demande des métiers (du "business") que les dispositifs de formation actuels couvrent mal. Juste à temps A propos de l’auteur : Le Journal du Net - Premium : ebook bien référencer son site mobile. Les éditeurs déçus des déclinaisons iPad de leurs contenus vont-ils rebasculer sur des offres HTML5 ? Making calls now fifth most frequent use for a Smartphone. The Samsung Galaxy SIII has heralded the latest in a wave of smartphones with a focus “beyond calls” – handsets created specifically for a new generation of users with new demands of their phones – according to a report by mobile network, O2.

On average, smartphone owners now spend over 2 hours a day using their phones, according to O2’s “All About You” Report into the way customers are using their handsets. However, the research found that making calls comes just fifth in a ranking of things they are used for. Smartphone users spend more time browsing the internet (25 minutes a day), social networking (17 minutes a day), playing games (13 minutes a day) and listening to music (16 minutes a day) than they do making calls (12 minutes).

How long we spend using our smartphones (by activity) each day David Johnson, General Manager Devices for O2 in the UK, said: The phone has also started to replace a range of other possessions: What we use our phones for… For more information contact: Expérience Ipad ? ou M-learning.