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Flat Design

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Flat SEO and Internet Marketing Icons on Behance. Modern Mobile Communication Flat Icon Illustration on Behance. Mobile GPS Navigation Icons Flat Illustrations on Behance. 69 Flat Icons Set - Business and Web Services Icon on Behance. Long Shadow Flat Icons - SEO and Web Icons Set on Behance. Web Flat Icons Set on Behance. Modern Communication Technology Flat Illustration on Behance.

Flat SEO Icons and Internet Marketing Icons Set on Behance. Icons - SEO Icons and Web Icons Set | GraphicRiver on Behance. 130+ Flat Icons - Colorful Icons Set for Designer. Free Icons. Free Icons. Gangnam Design vs Lasting Design. Have you ever heard of the song “Gangnam Style” by Korean music artist PSY? Yes you have. Did you go all crazy when it was played in your favorite club?

Possibly. Do you still listen to it or sing it in the shower? Probably not. I believe there are some interesting lessons about the ephemerality of trends and design which can help us to understand how perception changes and what impact it has on visual communication. Designing for change When I was at the Adobe Digital Marketing Days in Zurich, Dietmar Dahmen from presented some interesting facts about changes happening in society that affect our everyday lives. In 2013 we are confronted by an average of 5'000 ad messages per day (source). First we invent technology, then this technology reinvents us. Technological revolutions like the first computer, the walkman, the iPod and the iPhone didn’t just change the way we use and think about technology. Gangnam Design? So what is Gangnam Design? Some examples The Boy-Coy Website VW Website. Irony: Just As 3-D Interfaces Are Getting Good, Apple's UI Is Going Flat. The original Mac OS is almost the perfect flat interface.

There are no cheesy extrusions or faux plastic glare coating the icons, no faux leather bulging around skeuomorphic stitching. Instead, each element seems to celebrate its two-dimensionality. But there are moments when UI artists clearly couldn’t help themselves. Even Steve Jobs’s fabled calculator sticks out, literally: Its buttons protrude from the screen with a heavy drop shadow.

And for the next few decades, powered by more pixels and more powerful graphics chips, designers couldn’t seem to stop themselves from building more and more 3-D effects into user interfaces--until the trend stopped dead in its tracks. Windows 8 went 100% flat with Metro. But here’s the irony: just as interface flattens to its flattest, we have our first wave of legitimate 3-D controllers like Leap Motion and immersive 3-D displays like Oculus Rift making their way to market.

Why 2-D Works Better On Our Phones Why 3-D Isn’t Done Yet So…What Will Happen? Authentic Design. Advertisement The recently popularized “flat” interface style is not merely a trend. It is the manifestation of a desire for greater authenticity in design, a desire to curb visual excess and eliminate the fake and the superfluous. In creating new opportunities, technological progress sometimes leads to areas of excess. In the 19th century, mechanized mass production allowed for ornaments to be stamped out quickly and cheaply, leading to goods overdecorated with ornament. A similar thing occurred in recent years, when display and styling technologies enabled designers to create visually rich interfaces, leading to skeuomorphic and stylistic excesses. In its desire for authenticity, the Modern design movement curbed the ornamental excess of the 19th century, making design fit the age of mass production. Today, we’re seeing the same desire for authenticity manifest itself in the “flat” trend, which rejects skeuomorphism and excessive visuals for simpler, cleaner, content-focused design.

(al) Branding: Google Visual Assets Guidelines. I hate the term: Flat design — Design/UX. A debate that seems to be sticking I’m a user experience designer working for Ubuntu on web and cloud services. Currently i’m crafting a GUI for a service called Juju and i’m having a great time exploring what it can do and how best to facilitate our complex user base. Before I joined Ubuntu I was part of the Interactive design team at Applied, we specialised in creating some of the most acurate maps for pedestrians and I learned a lot about designing for the user while producing interactive maps. In the last few months when I check the newsletters I’ve recieved in my inbox or when I’m browsing a design news site there has been an influx of posts about flat design. Before that, it was posts about Skeuomorphic design. I like to look at both the good and bad stuff for inspiration so I can see what I should be aspiring to produce and how to better my designs to avoid other peoples mistakes.

With that in mind, I would never limit myself to a style of visual design. Luca. What Is Flat Design? Allan Yu. The Flat Design Era — LayerVault Blog.