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Nerd Blerp - 10 Great Horror Films You've Never Seen. Being a fan of all things horror, I thought it high-time I showed some love for the genre on this site.

Nerd Blerp - 10 Great Horror Films You've Never Seen

Horror films are great because they appeal to our most base natures, but also because they are allowed to be as loopy and imaginative as they want...well, at lest they used to be. These days, imagination has been replaced by lots of gore and cheap 'jump-out-of-your-seat' shocks. Horror films no longer follow you home and haunt your dreams in the stillness of the night. So, here are ten great horror films that you've never seen before (I hope). They will provide you with a much needed antidote to the teeny-bopper and remake hell that we are stuck in today. 13 killer films that take place in just one room. 15 Movies from Your Childhood to Rewatch with Your Kids. Watching movies with your kids is a great way to bond, not to mention introduce them to some of your favorite and most beloved films from when you were their age.

15 Movies from Your Childhood to Rewatch with Your Kids

It’s a win-win: they get the joy of watching something they've never seen before while you can bask in a nice dose of nostalgia. Here are 15 movies we loved when we were younger that we'd eagerly rewatch with our own children. 15. Hook (1991) A fun twist on the well-known Peter Pan story, Hook explores what would happen if the boy who never grew up actually did.
