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Facebook Ads vs Promoted Posts: A Side-by-Side Comparison. Guest post by Kapil Jekishan from Latestcrunchs Targeting your audience on Facebook is not only painful, but confusing – especially if you want to go down the ‘organic’ path. Hey, I can’t blame them, as any business with interested parties and dollar driven investors want return on their profits. So whilst I don’t agree, I can understand why Facebook has made it difficult for business owners to connect with their followers unless you show them the money. Understandably, several individuals are unhappy with this new paid approach, including Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban, who was extremely vocal when presented with a price tag of $3,500 in order to promote a message from the Dallas Mavericks Facebook Page to their followers. FB is blowing it ?

This is the first step.. But with over 1 billion users, Facebook’s juggernaut position (which is essentially a monopoly) allows them to impose these monetary protocols, so for now, we’re stuck with playing by their rules. Facebook Advertising. Publishing to Twitter from Facebook Pages - Flock. 9 Best Practices for Attorneys Using Facebook - Flock. More than 10% of law firms in the country are on Facebook and more than 40% of attorneys, according to a survey conducted by the American Bar Association earlier this year. 12% of respondents reported working at firms with an online presence in a social network such as Facebook, up 4% from the 2008 survey, marking a three-fold increase, and 43% of reported maintaining a personal account. So, in an era of growing Facebook and social media use among both regular folks and big businesses, trying to find a place for the legal community online may be a challenge — especially with privacy and safety issues sometimes involved for attorneys.

With Facebook’s new customized privacy settings and its continued growth both in the US and worldwide, lawyers and law firms must figure out how to make the most of all that Facebook has to offer. 1. Start a Facebook Page and Use It To Find Clients All you need to sign up for a Facebook account is an email address and a desire to network. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Top 50 Facebook Pages 2009 - Flock. How To Get More Fans On Your Facebook Page - Flock. Facebook Fan Boxes: Embeddable Facebook Pages. Facebook continues to extend outside the walls of its social network. The latest: Facebook Fan Boxes, which lets Facebook Page admins embed the latest activity from their Page on their own website. Page admins will now see an “Add Fan Box to your site” link under the logo of their page. From there, they can cut and paste the code into their website, which will then display a widget containing that page’s latest updates, and optionally, pictures of fans. Additionally, Facebook users can become a fan of a Page right from the website the Box is embedded on.

For example, here’s what Mashable’s Fan Box looks like: Considering gaining fans means gaining access to a user's homepage on Facebook, expect to see lots of these boxes popping up around the Web. Facebook Fan Boxes: Embeddable Facebook Pages - Flock. Facebook Empresas: Marketing Facebook Para Empresas - Flock. Facebook: Um Documento Livre Sobre As Páginas Do Facebook Por The Advance Guard Introdução A Este Guia Sobre O Facebook Em março de 2009, o Facebook mudou a sua oferta de páginas para marcas e empresas, com a introdução de um design avançado e as opções de funcionalidades que mais repetiu o formato dos perfis pessoais. Acreditamos que esta é uma mudança fundamental, muito além de apenas um layout novo. Até agora, a presença das marcas em muitas das páginas do Facebook tem se caracterizado por um design fixo e layout na parte superior, usando painéis gráficos estáticos ou animações em Flash.

Essa hierarquia fazia com que o conteúdo destacado permanecesse isolado da atividade social que conduzia ao compartilhamento viral de conteúdo entre os usuários normais do Facebook. Com esta implantação, tudo muda. Criação de conteúdo,Distribuição de atualizações de status,Publicação de fotos,Organização de eventos e Geração de contribuições regulares para a comunidade. Estrutura Deste Guia Do Facebook. 8 Essential Apps for Your Brand's Facebook Page - Flock. Alison Driscoll is an interactive copywriter and social media consultant who specializes in . She authors a blog at Not even a year ago, Facebook was still being dismissed as a silly site intended to help college kids slack off. Indeed, that is what helped the social network take hold with a large number of users, but it has proven its worth in business and by now, nearly everyone is on board.

Companies of all sizes are scrambling to get on the site and reach both new and current customers with a Facebook Page, the Facebook preferred method for user interaction with a brand, company or public figure. An effective Facebook Page not only attracts fans, but is sticky so that fans keep coming back and may even share the content on the Page. To do that, you need a well thought out Page that has some great applications supported by good, relevant content. Here are eight essential apps for your brand's Facebook page: Applications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Britney Spears Zappos.

9 Facebook Best Practices for Consultants - Flock. With over 300 million active users worldwide, and nearly 100 million in the US alone, Facebook can be a good platform for those wanting to grow their consulting business. While there are other social platforms for meeting new contacts or building your professional reputation, like LinkedIn or Twitter, Facebook offers a variety of ways for consultants to authentically market themselves to target contacts and customers. Because it’s a place where people play social games, post personal photos, and live out their real lives, it can sometimes lead to better connections than you could find elsewhere.

Maybe you and a friend of a friend will get in a discussion about a move all of you like, and that will lead to more conversation…. and eventually a business contract? But using Facebook for network requires nuance and sensitivity. Here’s our list of 9 Facebook best practices for consultants. Privacy Decide what to keep private – Two other options in Privacy Settings also deserve some attention.

12 Ways to Use Facebook Professionally - Flock. Facebook has to be the most talked about, and the most misunderstood, web service/platform right now. If you haven’t gotten drawn in by the hype, it may surprise you to learn that many people have already found Facebook to be an essential addition to their web working toolbox. Why? Because the Facebook social networking experience can be precisely what you want to make of it.

Think of Facebook as a professional tool, and that’s what it is. It doesn’t matter how millions of high school and college students are using Facebook to get out of doing homework. You can make it into whatever you want, even your own personal media broadcasting channel. Let’s look at 12 ways Facebook can benefit the web worker, particularly those who are home-based. Note: you may need to have an existing Facebook profile to follow some of these links. Think of it like personalizing your desk. Only display on your profile what you’d put on your desk. Look for old co-workers and current connections. Ask Questions. The Super Simple Guide to Setting Up Your First Company Facebook.

Back in part two of this series, I took a look at some of the most popular native Facebook Page applications and gave you step by step instructions on how to set them up. Today in part three, we're going to continue diving into the native Facebook Page applications so you can make sure you're taking full advantage of your Facebook presence. Today we're going to take a look at how to make use of the Photos and Video applications. These are your chances to really add some content to your Facebook Page. Sure, you can (and probably should) have this content set up on other areas of the web designed for it (Photos could be shared over at Flickr and videos find homes on sites like YouTube), but there is an advantage in housing this content on Facebook.

This fall, Mashable reported that users were now spending more time per month on Facebook than any other site on the Internet. This is something that can't be overlooked. So all that said, let's get back into the thick of things. 9 Facebook Best Practices for Consultants - Flock. Complete Brand Marketing on Facebook | Involver. Oracle Oracle Solutions Social Relationship Management Involver Involver is Now Part of Oracle Social Relationship Management Involver and Oracle – Powering the Socially Enabled Enterprise Launch Infographic Involver, now part of Oracle, has been integrated into the Oracle Social Relationship Management (SRM) Suite.

Insight Into Social Best Practices and Trends Industry’s First One-stop Social Platform Oracle Social Relationship Management delivers the first unified solution for social monitoring, marketing, applications, engagement and analysis, and it fully integrates products from Involver. Need Help for Involver Products? The point of contact for Involver support is now through Oracle Customer Support and My Oracle Support and no longer through the Involver Support portal. Try it Request a Live Demo Watch What's New. 30+ Apps for Doing Business on Facebook. Josh Peters is a freelance social media consultant from Salt Lake City, Utah. He authors a blog at Think LinkedIn is the only place for business? Facebook is growing rapidly and it's becoming a destination for businesses and business professionals alike to establish a presence. Here are over 30 Facebook applications to help promote, network, communicate, collaborate and accomplish more with your business.

Which apps do you use? Blog Promotion Networked Blogs app – This app shows up on your profile or in your boxes tab and displays your blog and any of the blogs you like to read. Notes (Default App) - Default App found on the right side of your profile. Social RSS – This one can be in either a box on your profile or even better, its own tab on your profile. Simplaris BlogCast - Quick and simple way to put the title of your blog post and a link to it in your feed. Business / Self Promotion Define Me – Displays a cloud of words others use to describe your business. Communication.