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Fab Lab: Connecting physical and digital realms - University of Florida Design, Construction and Planning. October 06, 2011 Out with the X-Acto knife, in with the latest technology. With the Art and Architecture Fabrication Laboratory, or A² Fab Lab, students and faculty alike have more opportunities to explore new ways of creating. Located in the Architecture Building, the lab currently houses three primary technologies – laser cutters, 3D printing and 3D scanning, each of which provides different ways of bridging between physical and digital realm. “The students can push the boundaries in terms of visualizing their models,” said Lee-Su Huang, assistant professor of architecture. “One of the inherent difficulties you usually have with picturing your design is that sometimes what you create in the computer, you can’t build it with normal, flat materials. These materials are ways to get around that.” For DCP students, the two laser cutters are used mostly for model making and provide a level of speed and precision not available when cutting by hand with X-Acto knives, as done in the past.

Fab Labs Carolinas. Stanford Makers' Club - Rapid prototyping, digital fabrication, and learning design at Stanford. FabLab Abq. Fab Labs au Québec | Communauté de motivés par la création de Fab Labs au Québec. Discovery Center - UW Stout, Wisconsin's Polytechnic University. FAB LAB. The Fab Lab Welcome to the workshop of the future designed to connect people and their ideas to the world!

Along the way, you will create, collaborate, learn and build just about anything you can imagine. Your journey starts at Fox Valley Technical College—from there we open your portal to the world and to making your dreams reality. What is the Fab Lab? The Fab Lab (Fabrication Laboratory) is a unique Learning Center that enhances student classes and provides for an outreach program in the Fox Valley. How the Fab Lab started and why this is a first for Fox Valley Technical College, Wisconsin and the Midwest.

What is the Fab Lab Network? FVTC is part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Global Innovation Network. Equipment & Resources The Fab Lab combines advanced manufacturing technology and electronics tools to bring your ideas to reality. FVTC industry experts in engineering and manufacturing will help you make almost anything. How to Use the Fab Lab. LCCC Fab Lab. Mcstemhs. Fab Lab : Century College. From idea to reality Our Digital Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab), located on Century College’s East campus, is a “hi-tech tinkers” workshop for inventors and people who have a need to design, prototype and build things.

In our lab, individuals who can envision an idea, have access to a variety of technologies which allow them to produce an end product through the use of computer-aided design and desktop manufacturing technologies. The Fab Lab is available to Century students, faculty and staff. Lab equipment The lab is equipped with open source CAD/CAM software, allowing people to design and manufacture products. Fab Lab equipment includes: a laser engraver mini-mills - 2 Sherlines & 1 Modela vinyl sheet/sign cutter 3D powder-based rapid prototyping machine ShopBot (4’ X 8’ CNC Router) and a host of hand tools and bench top machines It is possible to “make almost anything” in our lab, ranging from small electronic circuits to full-sized boats, and even small modular cabins. Contact. Welcome to Mott Community College. Mtelliottmakerspace. Fab Lab. Created by a group of dedicated professionals at MIT, the Fab Lab is a place where ideas become reality.

Using a small configuration of machines, anyone with any level of experience can create anything. Through the online Fab Lab community, you can then share those ideas with people half the world away and collaborate on ways to tweak, improve, or polish your designs. Click on one of the links below to hear stories about some amazing things that people have done with Fab Lab: A home created using only Fab Labs How Fab Lab is being used to rebuild Afghanistan A writer “prints” a guitar Wireless Antennas in Ghana, Milk Testers in India With implications locally, nationally, and internationally; our Fab Lab is here for you to take advantage of. SETC. The Community College of Baltimore County.

Welcome to The Museum of Science and Industry. Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab. Fab Lab San Diego — A place where you can make almost anything. Fab Lab Tulsa | MIT Fabrication Laboratory within Tulsa's Kendall-Whittier Neighborhood. Fab Central.