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Experimental Photography

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An In-Depth Guide to Infrared Photography: Setup and Capture. Infrared photographs are a stunning way to make unique landscape photos, and will add variety to your portfolio.

An In-Depth Guide to Infrared Photography: Setup and Capture

Understanding how to take and process them properly can be very difficult and time consuming due to the steep learning curve involved, but I hope to help. In this two-part tutorial, you’ll learn about the infrared choices available, how to take infrared photographs using a filter, process your photographs to a high standard and avoid any common mistakes along the way. Let’s begin. Photo Extremist: Creative Photography Tutorials, Photoshop Tutorials, Instructional Videos. Long Exposure Effects for the Experimental Photographer Light Painting Drawing with light is extremely easy and fun.

Photo Extremist: Creative Photography Tutorials, Photoshop Tutorials, Instructional Videos

Simply wait until night time, put your camera on a tripod, and set your exposure for long periods of time (these are usually 5 seconds-5minutes), your aperture, and ISO. I usually use f4 at iso 200 or 400, but these settings need to be determined differently according to each situation. Then, DRAW! Scribble with laser pen. City lights from a far away distance. 30 second exposure of tiny LED finger ring lights. 7 second exposure / f22 / ISO 200. Using paper negatives to make salt prints « Saltprints. Writer and photography / Nitsa Malik Nitsa describes how to make salt prints – on a tight budget.

Using paper negatives to make salt prints « Saltprints

She uses a paper negative. Green Cove, Virginia / Salt print from paper negative on canvas. Salt printing is the oldest method for contact printing photographs on paper. The paper, coated with sodium chloride (salt) solution combined with silver nitrate, is UV sensitive which means the print is made by exposing it to the sun. Beat the blues: Making cyanotypes « Cyanotypes. Writer and photography / “kdstevens” on Lomography Cyanotypes are fun and easy and are the perfect way to begin your exploration of alternative and historical photographic processes.

Beat the blues: Making cyanotypes « Cyanotypes

The chemicals involved are inexpensive and relatively safe and most of the preparation can be done under normal room lighting. So what’s not to like? Let’s beat those blues! Abstract and experimental photography. Abstract and experimental photography, a very diverse category of images made using an assortment of techniques, and with equally varied intentions, but which have in common the avoidance of symbolic representation.

abstract and experimental photography

Abstract photography rejects the idea that something identifiable must be depicted, preferring instead to take the image itself and the process of image making as its object. To achieve this, an abstract photograph may emphasize the internal structures of the image, visualize the invisible, or manifest pure visibility; contemporary photographers have also presented their work as wholly new objects that make no reference to anything outside their own existence, further emphasizing the self-referential nature of the image. The creation of abstract images has often been undertaken as a form of visual research in order to understand better the principles and significance of images. Sun Sensitive Paper at Steve Spangler Science.

Make amazing white on blue prints with your favorite objects!

Sun Sensitive Paper at Steve Spangler Science

Just place leaves, flowers, shells or whatever you choose on the photo-sensitive paper and place in the sun. Remove the objects after a couple of minutes and rinse the paper to "fix" it. Congratulations, you've made a permanent piece of sun art! Kit includes 15 or 30 sheets of 14 cm x 19 cm (5.5" X 7.5") sun-sensitive paper.

Sun Prints Intro. Sun Prints Clive R.

Sun Prints Intro

Haynes FRPS. ILFORD PHOTO - Getting Started - Pictures without Camera. [ Thinking in B&W ] - [ Getting Started ] - [ Taking Pictures in B&W ] - [ Developing B&W ] - [ Printing B&W ] - [ The Negative ] When photographic material is exposed to light it begins to darken.

ILFORD PHOTO - Getting Started - Pictures without Camera

The more light the material receives, the darker it becomes. In room lighting, this is not very noticeable at first but after a few minutes the darkening can be seen. The brighter the light and hence the name Sun picture, the quicker the darkening of the photographic material occurs. The more generic title given to Sun pictures is Photogram. Camera-less photography: techniques. 'Untitled, (Körperfotogramm), gelatin-silver print photogram by Floris Neusüss, Berlin, Germany, 1962.

Camera-less photography: techniques

Collection Chistian Diener, Berlin © Courtesy of Floris Neusüss Still from the film 'Shadow Catchers: Camera-less Photography' (Adam Fuss), 2010. © Courtesy of V&A The essence of photography lies in its seemingly magical ability to fix shadows on light-sensitive surfaces. Normally, this requires a camera, but not always. Several artists work without a camera, creating images on photographic paper by casting shadows and manipulating light, or by chemically treating the surface of the paper. Images made with a camera imply a documentary role. Photographer Makes “Chlorophyll Prints” Using Leaves and Sunlight. Photographer Binh Danh observed one summer that there was a difference in color between grass under a water hose and the grass directly exposed to sunlight.

Photographer Makes “Chlorophyll Prints” Using Leaves and Sunlight

He then began to experiment with combining photography with photosynthesis, and came up with what he calls “chlorophyll prints” — photographs printed onto leaves using the sun. Here’s Danh’s process according to NPR: Darkroom DIY: Making a contact print frame « Darkroom Photography. Writer and photography / Jim Read Jim scours the second hand shops finds a contact frame. He decides to build his own – and shows you how you can do it too.

I started off my contact printing using an old picture frame bought from a charity shop (yes I do go into them) it’s got sort of swiveling bits on it that lock the back in place and was ideal for the use I was going to put it to. Alas it was not very well made and has begun to come apart at the corners so I thought I must make another one. I’d got used to the size of the picture frame 14" x 10" and so decided to make the new one the same size. Jim: I’m no cabinetmaker let alone a joiner and I’ve only got the basic tools everyone else has got, a saw, a mitre block, a hand drill, and some sandpaper. B&W Film Photography, Part IV: Contact Printing. Great Tips for Shooting in the Rain. Tips by Christopher B. Derrick 46inShare Rain, I feel it on my finger tips, hear it on my window pane.

Your love’s coming down like rain…. Experimental Photography Processing: Video Series. Presented by Anthony Maddaloni Share Experimenting with film processing is a great way to turn pictures into creative projects. Learn different experimental photo processing techniques from a professional photographer in this free photography series. Series Summary. Photography Techniques. Infrared photography - popular myths. Getting Started with Infrared Photography. Infrared photography looks like nothing else. I’m sure you’ve seen some IR photos around the web, but maybe you don’t know how to achieve this special effect? Look no further, here’s a guide on what to think about when choosing your object, how to shoot and what to do in post-production. Photography is the art of capturing light, IR photography on the other hand is the art of capturing invisible light — but the challenge comes with its benefits, IR photographs can be really attention grabbing and otherworldly.

Infrared photography using a digital camera. Words and Pictures Barry Robinson Photographers have struggled to master the techniques of infrared photography for years and many have been put off even trying because of the mystique behind the subject. With traditional SLR cameras it is as much of an art as it is a technique with much of the settings being pure guesswork. The average light meter cannot read the level of infrared light and even the point of focus shifts due to the wavelength of this invisible light being much longer than visible light. Infrared Photography with a Digital Camera. Fogging Certain cameras or lenses may exhibit some fogging, or image areas with extra exposure (for example, a bright central spot seen with many Canon lenses).

Infrared basics for digital photographers. Digital cameras make it easy to explore a world of invisible light just beyond red. EDP – Experimental Digital Photography. Experimental Photography Techniques. Experimental photography & digital imaging. Experimental Photographers.