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Start. Sweden's policy for global development. The entire government shares the responsibility to contribute to the objective of achieving an equitable and sustainable global development.

Sweden's policy for global development

The policy for global development requires all policy areas to formulate and implement policies in a way that takes the effects on developing countries into account and makes use of every opportunity to help achieve the objective. Lack of coherence across policy areas poses a risk that measures or decisions in a given sphere will counteract or nullify the government's attempts and progressin promoting global development and poverty reduction.A lack of coherence also has consequences for poor countries and people, and can also weaken Sweden's and the EU's credibility as global actors. Two perspectives. Iinek-law’s blog. Raoul Wallenberg Institute. Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute - SIPRI. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - SIDA. The Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala, Sweden.

The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute. The Swedish Law & Informatics Research Institute (IRI) examines the relationship and interaction between law and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).

The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute

IRI is an independent institute within the Faculty of Law at Stockholm University. IRI's areas of interest include the interpretation and application of rules and regulations in the digital environment, and the development of methods for legally customized system design and management.