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Playing god. Agenda 21. Vaccines. Genetic. Eugenics. Galton and the Definition of Eugenics. In February 2014, we launched a redesigned version of our website to better meet the needs of the Facing History and Ourselves community. As part of the transition to the new site, we have also taken the opportunity to review thousands of existing pages and do some house-cleaning. Some older pages were phased out, particularly pages and media that had become out of date editorially, or that no longer worked because of changes in technology. In some cases, we have newer and more up-to-date materials available. If you're visiting this page, you may have used a link to one of these retired pages.

We hope you will visit these pages to find our latest resources: For Educators and Educator Resources provide an in-depth starting place for exploring all our resources for educators. Other great tools to find what you need: Featured Projects Readings Resource Collections Publications Library We also have lots of features for our larger community, or those new to us. Modern Eugenics - Dickinson College Wiki. From Dickinson College Wiki By: Nishil Patel & Diane Goldstein Introduction There are three major types of eugenics which have existed throughout history: natural, conventional, and modern. The first and original type of eugenics is known as evolution or natural selection.

The inferior members of a species do not procreate due to the fact of survival of the fittest, only the strong survive. It has been proven that the substandard species die out as a result of overpopulation of stronger species and extinction of their own kind. Also, because most animals naturally prefer to mate with the most successful members of their respective species, the inferior of a given species are not nearly as likely to procreate even if they survive. The second major type of eugenics is defined as conventional eugenics. Currently, a third type of eugenics is rising, which is known as modern eugenics or genetic engineering. Francis Fukuyama: Our Posthuman Future Designer Babies Chromosomes Genetic Engineering.

33 Disturbing But True Facts About Eugenics. THEY WANT US DEAD !! Eugenics Outlined !! While we are all focusing on the coming financial collapse, as bad as that is something much more sinister is in the works. It’s very subtle if you are not paying attention. But, to the aware, it’s blatant, insidious, and just as horrific as Hitler’s Germany. There is a small group of the world’s banking elite who have worked for a few hundred years with ingenious precision and unlimited money, to corral, coerce, and conquer every country of value on earth. For people who are normal and not rabidly greedy, it’s hard to fathom the idea of anyone trying to get control of the whole world, and taking a chunk of every measure of value traded between its people. What’s even harder to grasp is that they will stop at nothing to do it. And I mean nothing! They would love nothing better than to use our own military against us by goading us into revolting.

If after pondering and researching these facts and events, you come to any other conclusion; you are in need of a serious wake up call. 1. 2. Michael Taylor - Monsanto. Eugenics. Forced Sterilization Victims Granted 50k Over Admitted US ‘Eugenics’ Program. ‘This is no conspiracy theory — North Carolina officials are proposing that victims of forced sterilization programs be given $50,000 each in compensation, with the Associated Press admitting that the sterilization campaign was part of a “once-common public health practice called eugenics.” Victims include thousands of individuals, such as criminals, mentally disabled, and women who were sterilized after giving birth to children as a product of rape.

The forced sterilizations occurred from 1929 to 1974 under admitted eugenics programs that officials claimed were ‘creating a better society’ by removing the reproductive abilities of criminals and those suffering from mental disorders. During this time periods, more than 7,600 individuals in North Carolina were sterilized. On a national scale, around 60,000 were forcibly sterilized under the same eugenics program.’ Infobomber | information explosions. US Nazi Eugenics Program: N. Carolina to Compensate Sterilized Victims | Scandals. (Before It's News) North Carolina has become the first state to offer monetary compensation to victims of government-sponsored sterilization, a huge win for human rights in the United States.. The North Carolina Eugenics Board program authorized sterilization of an estimated 7,600 people by choice, force or coercion, according to Russia Today (RT) on Saturday.

Verified victims will be issued a share of $10 million by 2015. State Governor Pat McCrory has signed this into law. In the past, “Under North Carolina’s law, ultimately anyone could request that someone be sterilized, though a diagnosis of either “feebleminded, epilepsy, or mentally diseased” had to be verified by “a psychologist, a physician who has made a specific examination to determine epilepsy, or a psychiatrist,” source documents state of the petition procedure,” RT reports. “Petitions would then be assessed by the state’s eugenics board.” Its text began by stating: American eugenics inspired Nazi Germany eugenics “When Mr. RF Annual Report - 1963 - 4cb12532-7530-4567-9663-afb0e3581db6-1963.pdf. Why is the Gates foundation investing in GM giant Monsanto? | John Vidal | Global development. A Romanian farmer shows genetically modified soybeans in the village of Varasti. Photograph: Reuters The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is sponsoring the Guardian's Global development site is being heavily criticised in Africa and the US for getting into bed not just with notorious GM company Monsanto, but also with agribusiness commodity giant Cargill.

Trouble began when a US financial website published the foundation's annual investment portfolio, which showed it had bought 500,000 Monsanto shares worth around $23m. This was a substantial increase in the last six months and while it is just small change for Bill and Melinda, it has been enough to let loose their fiercest critics. Seattle-based Agra Watch - a project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice - was outraged. But it got worse. The two incidents raise a host of questions for the foundation. In the meantime, it could tell us how many of its senior agricultural staff used to work for Monsanto or Cargill? Microsoft buys eugenics technology from Merck, becomes drug development partner with top global vaccine manufacturer. (NaturalNews) When you buy Microsoft products, you are now promoting the pharmaceutical industry and its global vaccine agenda.

That's the new reality in which we live, where the world's largest software company is "in bed" with the world's largest vaccine pusher. How so? In 2009, Microsoft purchased a key piece of technology from the drug company Merck, the world's largest maker of vaccines (which Bill Gates says can help "reduce the global population" by 10 to 15 percent). That technology, as you'll see below, can conceivably be used to develop eugenics vaccines that target specific races and nationalities with infertility-inducing pharmaceuticals -- something that is entirely consistent with Bill Gates' openly-admitted goal of reducing world population through the use of vaccines (see link to video below).

This gene-targeting vaccine research technology purchased by Microsoft was developed by the company known as Rosetta Biosciences, formerly owned by Merck. Bill Gates, Monsanto, Chemtrails & Vaccines – The Critical Tie Points. Published July 2, 2013, filed under ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, WORLD By: TLB TLB Note: The video contained in this article has many eye opening points and facts concerning Monsanto, GMO’s, Vaccines, Chemtrails, Bill Gates and their connections.

Many of us who are aware know or suspect there is a connection (the big picture) but lack the tie points. This video provides some vital tie points and the possible motive! This video is not extremely detailed but does give references you can research (so be prepared to hit the ‘pause’ button). We have and it scares the hell out of us, but you judge for yourself … The activity of aluminum appears to play a vital role in disrupting the maturation of the immune system in infants and children. Chemtrails saturate the ground with aluminum, fact. Fluoride facilitates the movement of soft metals across the blood/brain barrier to infiltrate our brain tissue. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was a known associate and attorney for Monsanto. Microsoft Buys Eugenics Technology From Merck. When you buy Microsoft products, you are now promoting the pharmaceutical industry and its global vaccine agenda.

That’s the new reality in which we live, where the world’s largest software company is “in bed” with the world’s largest vaccine pusher. How so? In 2009, Microsoft purchased a key piece of technology from the drug company Merck, the world’s largest maker of vaccines (which Bill Gates says can help “reduce the global population” by 10 to 15 percent).

That technology, as you’ll see below, can conceivably be used to develop eugenics vaccines that target specific races and nationalities with infertility-inducing pharmaceuticals — something that is entirely consistent with Bill Gates’ openly-admitted goal of reducing world population through the use of vaccines (see link to video below). This gene-targeting vaccine research technology purchased by Microsoft was developed by the company known as Rosetta Biosciences, formerly owned by Merck. Source Natural News Eddie (2156 Posts) Eugenics. Archive of "The Eugenics Review". Eugenics T-shirts, Shirts and Custom Eugenics Clothing. Ordenar: ¡Gracias! No vamos a mostrar este producto otra vez!

Deshacer. GMO's.