MantylaBaeza Outi. Supervision of alcoholic beverages - valvira englanti - Valvira. Le marché des vins et spiritueux en Finlande - Academia ... Finland. General market information Finnland is a severeign state in Northern Europe.
Finland's population is 5.5 million (2016), and the majority of the population is concentrated in the southern region. Capital- Helsinki GDP - $251.481 billion Currency- Euro (€) In Finland, there is an alcohol monopoly. What is an Alcohol monopoly: An alcohol monopoly is a government monopoly on manufacturing and/or retailing of some or all alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine and spirits. How does the monopoly work in Finland? In Finland, the state owned monopoly is called ALKO, which was founded in 1932.
The only exception is local produced beverages that can be sold, by the farmer, but only with alcohol content maximum 13% alc. vol. Finnish market, alko, domestic alcohol policy information, Alko is an independent company owned by the Finnish state and administered and controlled by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
Its business operations are based on the Alcohol Act (1143/1994), the Decree on the Operation of the Alcohol Company (243/2000), the Companies Act and Articles of Association. Exporting wine to the Nordic market. As a result of the monopolies on the sales of alcohol, the Nordic wine market is rather unique compared to other European wine markets.
They strongly regulate the quantity and quality of wine available in the Nordic countries through strict tender procedures. These tender procedures offer opportunities for developing country wine producers, if the specific tender requirements are met. As the monopolies promote consumption of organic and ethical wines, the Nordic wine market provides good opportunities for exporters in these niche markets. 1. Product description. Présentation du marché du vin - Finlande.
La Finlande ne produit pas de vin.
C'est un pays essentiellement consommateur. Il s'agit d'un marché à monopole, toutes les boissons alcoolisées dont le degré d’alcool dépasse 4,7° sont vendues par les magasins Alko, détenus par l’État. La consommation de vin par habitant est assez modeste dans ce pays. Elle a été de 13,4 litres en 2019 (contre 5,6 litres en 1995). Avec une population de 5,54 millions d'habitants en 2020, la Finlande représente un marché de taille réduite mais doté d'une consommation de vins tranquilles non négligeable. La distribution des vins comme des spiritueux dans ce pays est un marché à monopole d’Etat détenu par la société Alko. N'étant pas productrice, la Finlande importe la totalité des vins de raisin qu'elle consomme (vin tranquille de raisin, vin mousseux, vin fortifié et vermouth). Caractéristiques du marché local mhl : milliers d'hectolitresl/hab : litres par habitants.
Présentation du marché du vin - Finlande. La Finlande ne produit pas de vin.
C'est un pays essentiellement consommateur. Il s'agit d'un marché à monopole, toutes les boissons alcoolisées dont le degré d’alcool dépasse 4,7° sont vendues par les magasins Alko, détenus par l’État. Meiningers Wine Business International. This is a big year for Finland.
The Finns are carefully choosing their party hats as they get ready to celebrate the centenary of Finland’s independence. But do they celebrate with a glass of sparkling wine, or perhaps with a pint of beer? Traditionally the Finns have been an enthusiastic bunch when it comes to beer and neutral, vodka-like spirits. And Finland has a bit of a reputation when it comes to alcoholic beverages. Whether it’s because of the cold climate or the long, dark winter, there has always been a thirst for a soul-warming tipple or two. At a glance In 1919, just a little more than a year after Finland gained its independence, a Prohibition started which lasted until 1932.
She says that the average Finn – assuming there is such a thing – drinks a bit more red wine than white, and the wine is most likely from Chile. The first Chilean wine came to Alko in 1990, and these soft and fruity wines seem to fit the Finnish palate. Alko, finnish monopoly, alcohol beverage distributor. Alko is an independent company owned by the Finnish state and administered and controlled by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
Therefore here you can find information about ALKO and its tender process which is important for understanding the market structure. The following information can be found on this page : General information about AlkoTender processTime line of the process In Finland, the state owned monopoly is called ALKO, which was founded in 1932. Alko is tasked with the retail sale of beverages containing more than 4.7 % alcohol by volume.
As the monopoly tendering system is quite complicated and difficult to understand we have tried to summarize the process. Many producers today misunderstand the procedure due to unclear information from Scandinavian partners and we really want to avoid this. » To read about the domestic policy in Finland Market, click here Step 1. The Purchase plan is announced every 6 months, usually in May and November. Finland Wine Imports: Future perspectives for a complicated market – BestWineImporters. NordicAlcoholMarket2018. All products. Tridge - Find The World’s Most Competitive Suppliers.