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EP - Jeux et Activités

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15 Activités manuelles pour tous les âges. Généralement, les enfants aiment faire des choses avec leur mains. Et si le résultat est joli et utile, tant mieux ! a rassemblé 15 idées très faciles à réaliser, et aussi très instructives. Ton enfant peut s’amuser à les faire pendant toute la journée, et il regardera moins la télé. C’est une bonne alternative, n’est-ce pas ? Tablier coloré Tu as juste besoin d’un tablier d’une seule couleur et de peintures spéciales pour dessiner sur tissu ou acrylique à base d’eau. Tapis coloré Avec un cerceau et des pelotes de grosse laine en couleurs, ton enfant pourra faire un tapis comme celui-ci. Les porte-clés avec des empreintes digitales Découpe des cœurs en terre, laisse tes empreintes digitales, fais un petit trou pour un anneau et mets-les au four. Même les plus petits pourront faire ça Accroche un bout du fil à un anneau, et laisse ton fils enfiler des perles. Support pour bagues Tasse personnalisée Sous-verres Coussins Des pots peints Porte-bougies colorés Bougie originale.

Play Outside All Year Round - Don’t Make Excuses! This post is sponsored by GSK Australia as part of the Hay Fever Help education campaign. Playing outside improves behaviour, reduces stress and anxiety, offers lots of opportunities for learning and development in all areas, and lots of opportunity for healthy physical activity. We all know that playing outside is good for kids, and it’s good for us adults too, but sometimes it feels almost impossible to go outside. Lately it has been the freezing cold weather and pouring rain that is making us want to stay inside, but come summer it will be the crazy heat, and in between it’s hay fever season which will keep my allergic kids from going outside to play.

As annoying as these things are, they are really just excuses. Let’s ditch the excuses and find ways to get outside. When the weather is bad. “There is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.”- Ranulph Fiennes I heard this saying a lot as a child, and I am pretty sure I rolled my eyes a lot in response, but it’s true. When it’s too hot. 31 Things Your Kids Should Be Doing Instead of Homework. There are many aspects of my more than decade-long career as a teacher that I’m proud of. My reputation for giving lots and lots of homework is not one of them. For most of my teaching career, I taught fifth or sixth grade. Sometimes I gave more than two hours of homework. Kids complained a lot, though parents rarely did, at least not to my face. I think parents mostly felt the same way I did: that homework was the best way to practice new skills, that it teaches responsibility and helps to develop a strong work ethic, and that it’s an opportunity to reflect on new learning.

But most of all, my students’ parents and I were more than a little afraid that our kids would fall behind – behind their classmates in the next classroom, behind the kids in a neighboring school, behind the kids in other countries. Homework was considered one of many ways to prevent that from happening. I wasn’t entirely wrong about all of that, and I still believe a lot of those things. 1 | Jump rope. 3 | Sleep.