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Accueil - - interactive and multimedia learning blocks. English Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese. Text to Voice, also known as Text-to-Speech (TTS), is a method of speech synthesis that converts a written text to an audio from the text it reads.

The Text-to-Speech engine has been implemented into various online translation and text-to-speech services such as ImTranslator extensions for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge. ImTranslator Translation ImTranslator Dictionary ImTranslator Compare Online Translators ImTranslator Translate and Speak service This TTS reader service sounds like you are listening to a real person. The service gives you the opportunity to practice your listening and speaking skills or master a foreign language. If the voice is too fast for you, you can adjust the voice rate by using the Speed menu.

The text can be replayed as many times as you wish. Use ImTranslator speech-enable service, and get your computer talking to you! Thèmes abordés en primaire (niveau A1) Numbers - Ten fat sausages - Counting up to 10,… - Numbers:… - Numbers: songs - Five little monkeys. Voici le lien vers un site qui propose la suite numérique jusqu'à 100 écrite et prononcée (installer real player) Song : Counting up to 10 and then counting back down to 1 Par iDeasandActions -Communauté : La communauté pédagogique 0 Cycle 2Numbers from 5 to 1 (finger play song: five little monkeys) Numbers from 1 to 10 (finger play song: counting up and down) Cycle 2 ou 3 Numbers from 10 to 1 (finger play song : Ten little indians) Even numbers from 10 to 0 (rhyme - Ten fat sausages) Cycle 3 Numbers from 1 to 12 (song : pinball sesame street) Numbers from 1 to 20 (song : one, two buckle my shoe) Par iDeasandActions -Communauté : Enseignement anglais 0.

Learn Languages Online For Free Through Music Videos and Song Lyrics: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Songs. Langues en Seine et Marne - Ressources Anglais - Progressions.

Travaux en autonomie (coloriages magiques...) Snakes and Ladders. Documento sin título. Langlais_a_lecole_primaire_janv_2013.pdf. Activités en classe. Baladodiffusion (Podcast) - Site Langues 94. Family Worksheets, Crosswords, Writing Exercises, and more. Vocabulary: a family, mom, dad, parents, sister, brother, brother and sister, sisters, brothers, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, mother and son, father and son, father and daughter, mother and daughter spaghetti string worksheets : there are pictures on the left and the words on the right.

Students connect the pictures to the words and then trace the words. There are 2 versions; one with the words written out in dot form to be traced and a second with some of the letters missing for the students to think about and fill in. spelling worksheets : there are pictures on the left and three spaces on the right for students to write the words. Word searches : there are 3 versions with 2 different puzzles for each version. Space Evaders board game : There are two versions of this game; one has just the pictures and a second has just the words.

Free writing : there are two pages with pictures and two blank lines for students to write anything they can about each picture. Drawing from MES-English. Animation LV.