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Josh Fox

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Josh Fox’s “Gasland II” to expose power politics of fracking. Pictures of flames shooting out of a tap in Josh Fox’s Oscar-nominated first film about the natural gas boom helped make fracking a household word in America. Gasland Part II, scheduled to air on HBO on July 8, aims to expose the money and political power driving the rush to gas — although it does also feature pictures of a homeowner in Texas lighting his garden hose on fire. “This isn’t just about fracking at all anymore. This is about our system of government, and this is about climate change,” Fox said in a telephone interview. “If what we are seeing all across America is people able to light their water on fire, why hasn’t our government done anything about it, why have our regulatory agencies failed to protect us?”

The answer, in brief, is the millions energy companies spent on political candidates and on lobbying Congress, Fox said. The oil and gas industry has spent $780 million on lobbying since 2008, according to Open Secrets. Fox blames the power of the oil and gas industry. Josh Fox en France pour présenter “Gasland 2” Le film "Gasland" a été pour les collectifs français un outil majeur d’information, de sensibilisation et de mobilisation contre les gaz et pétrole de schiste. Son réalisateur, Josh Fox, figure emblématique de la lutte contre la fracturation hydraulique (anti-fracking) aux USA, sera en France du 5 au 7 septembre pour présenter en exclusivité son nouveau documentaire "Gasland 2".

A chacune des étapes de ce rapide périple, il rencontrera les militants et citoyens et sera disponible pour un point presse. Au programme de ces 3 jours : - le 5 septembre à Jouarre, en Seine-et-Marne, où la société Hess Oil est en train de forer un puits litigieux ! Projection/débat au théâtre de la Ferté-sous-Jouarre, à partir de 18:30. - le 6 septembre à Villeneuve-de-Berg en Ardèche, qui est sur le permis du bassin d'Alès pour lequel un rassemblement aura lieu le 30 aôut à Nimes. . - le 7 septembre à Montpellier dans l'Hérault, situé sur le permis de Nant et dans les environs du permis des Plaines du Languedoc. In Gasland sequel, fracking saga’s pressure ratchets up. Josh Fox’s 2010 documentary Gasland alerted legions of people to the dangers of fracking and helped grow the movement against the drilling technique, which has created a natural-gas bonanza in many parts of the U.S.

Now Fox is back with a sequel, Gasland Part II, that premiered this week at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. The new film begins much like its predecessor: Shots of politicians alternate with shots of the forest, dripping wet with fresh rain. Fox introduces himself, his home, and his problem: A gas company wants to frack his land and the land around it. But the sequel tells a different kind of story from the first film, and Fox plays a different part. When Fox first started this project five years ago, he was an avant-garde theater writer and director. In the years between Fox’s two films, that fight has intensified. The most compelling images (and some of the most contested) from the first movie were shots of flaming taps. But Josh Fox isn’t just making movies. Gasland. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Gasland est un film documentaire américain sorti en 2010.

Écrit et réalisé par Josh Fox, il a pour objet l'impact environnemental et sanitaire de la méthode d'extraction du gaz de schiste par fracturation hydraulique. Résumé[modifier | modifier le code] Un matin, Josh Fox reçoit une lettre d'une compagnie d'extraction de gaz qui lui propose 100 000 dollars contre le droit d'installer des puits de forage sur les dix hectares du terrain familial, dans la zone non incorporée de Milanville (Pennsylvanie). Méfiant, Fox se renseigne alors sur l'exploitation de la formation rocheuse des schistes de Marcellus qui parcourt la Pennsylvanie, l'État de New York, l'Ohio et la Virginie-Occidentale. Josh Fox visite d'abord Dimock (Pennsylvanie), dans une zone d'exploitation du gaz de schiste. Il y rencontre plusieurs familles dont l'eau du robinet peut prendre feu si l'on en approche un briquet. Production[modifier | modifier le code] Josh Fox Speaks to Polish Anti-Fracking Movement. Energy and Environment Subcommittee - EPA Hydraulic Fracturing Research | Committee on Science - U.S. House of Representatives.

Josh Fox arrested at hearing - Talia Buford. Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Josh Fox was arrested Wednesday morning after attempting to film a House Science Committee hearing on hydraulic fracturing. Fox was led out in handcuffs by the Capitol police shortly after 10 a.m., before the hearing could be gaveled into order. The "Gasland" director was attempting to film the hearing looking into EPA's investigation of potential water contamination from natural gas drilling in Pavillion, Wyo.

Continue Reading "I'm within my First Amendment rights, and I'm being taken out," Fox shouted as he was led away. Fox has been charged with unlawful entry, according to Capitol police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider. Fox is working on a sequel to his Oscar-nominated "Gasland. " An ABC news crew was also turned away from the hearing. The committee recessed after Rep. "... it's clear we have space in this room to film this hearing," Miller said.

Before Miller's motion, subcommittee chairman Rep. Pétition LIBEREZ JOSH FOX ET LES PRODUITS CHIMIQUES. 02-03-12 Josh Fox on The Ed Show "Big news on fracking rules"