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Européennes : Didier Porte a regardé les clips de campagne. Si, comme beaucoup, vous ne faites plus que des cauchemars sans surprise, qui ne vous réveillent plus en hurlant, le dos glacé de peur, les dessins de Laurie Lipton vont repeupler vos nuits et vos jours.

Européennes : Didier Porte a regardé les clips de campagne

Je dis « repeupler » pour vous ménager, mais le vrai mot est « hanter ». Au bureau, en famille, en vacances, rien ne sera tout à fait comme avant, car Laurie Lipton a trouvé le moyen de fendre cette armure molle de banalité qui nous sert aujourd’hui d’uniforme. Il y a vingt ans, Cornelius Castoriadis parlait d’une « montée de l’insignifiance » pour qualifier l’effet du grand bond en arrière néolibéral. Le temps lui donne raison, mais cette médiocratie ne se limite pas au champ politique et intello-médiatique. What The Frack? UK May Water Down Seismic Activity Warnings. Reports say that the UK government may be considering changing the rating system that so far has been used to halt fracking activity if seismic disturbances are detected, effectively creating a higher threshold for what constitutes problematic ground movement — and environmental groups are not happy.

Currently, the UK operates a traffic light system that allows fracking operations to continue only if there is zero seismic activity detected. Between 0.0-0.5 seismic activity means fracking operations may continue only under close scrutiny. If at any point levels exceed 0.5, operations are immediately halted. Obviously, the fracking industry has not been happy about this, and now there are signs the Conservative government is considering making changes. Independent new outlets later confirmed the story. This new study explains why fracking won’t solve climate change.

For President Obama, fracking is a key weapon against global warming.

This new study explains why fracking won’t solve climate change

Abundant natural gas, he said in his State of the Union address this year, is a “bridge fuel” to ubiquitous renewable energy — the key to securing economic growth “with less of the carbon pollution that causes climate change.” Not everyone agrees. In fact, the debate over whether natural gas is the antidote to our deadly addiction to coal, or a faux climate change solution that will stall the clean energy revolution, is one of the most hotly contested environmental questions of the day. It has produced a host of recent studies examining complex questions about global energy markets and the specific chemistry of various greenhouse gases. Exxon CEO Comes Out Against Fracking Project Because It Will Affect His Property Values.

By Rebecca Leber "Exxon CEO Comes Out Against Fracking Project Because It Will Affect His Property Values" CREDIT: AP/LM Otero As ExxonMobil’s CEO, it’s Rex Tillerson’s job to promote the hydraulic fracturing enabling the recent oil and gas boom, and fight regulatory oversight.

Exxon CEO Comes Out Against Fracking Project Because It Will Affect His Property Values

The oil company is the biggest natural gas producer in the U.S., relying on the controversial drilling technology to extract it. Will Obama allow fracking to endanger his own water supply? Could we soon be seeing flammable water coming out of the White House taps?

Will Obama allow fracking to endanger his own water supply?

The federal government is considering allowing hydraulic fracturing near the Potomac River’s headwaters, which could make the dark side of fracking all too real for an administration and Congress that have been gung-ho for natural gas exploration. George Washington National Forest, straddling the border of Virginia and West Virginia, is home to the hills where the Potomac, Shenandoah, and James rivers start forming. This watershed is the source of drinking water for 4 million people in greater Washington, D.C. It also sits above part of the Marcellus Shale, a massive store of natural gas. In 2011, the U.S. Un champ devenu forage.

Tentative de régulation par la CE ?

Oil and gas drilling waste is being spread over New York roads as de-icer. As snow and ice encrust wintertime roads in New York state, local and state transportation officials are turning to a questionable new source of salt to help them melt away the hazards of slippery roads: waste produced by the oil and gas industry.

Oil and gas drilling waste is being spread over New York roads as de-icer

That’s a dirty habit that environmentalists and some lawmakers hope to break. New York-based environmental group Riverkeeper discovered that officials were receiving state approval to use salty waste from drilling wells and gas storage facilities as a de-icer. The discovery came after the nonprofit made a public-records request to the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation. Riverkeeper’s Kate Hudson said the documents handed over after that request revealed that the agency had approved 30 requests to use tainted brine from the oil and gas industry as a de-icer — and that was prior to the recent return of Old Man Winter. Botswana faces questions over licences for fracking companies in Kalahari. Botswana has been accused of sacrificing the Kalahari, one of the world's most precious wildlife reserves, to commercial fracking while ignoring the concerns of environmentalists and communities who could lose access to scarce water.

Botswana faces questions over licences for fracking companies in Kalahari

Hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, for the production of gas is the subject of fierce debate in America, Britain, South Africa and countries around the world, with green activists warning that it degrades land and pollutes air and water. Yet for more than a decade, Botswana, lauded as one of Africa's most stable democracies, has been quietly granting lucrative licences to international companies to carry out fracking in the fragile Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). Some observers believe this is the most likely reason for President Ian Khama's government fighting court battles to prevent the Kalahari Bushmen, also known as the San, from returning to their ancestral land. Gaz de schiste : Hollande cherche à démobiliser la population. Vote du rapport Zanoni pour la révision de la Directive sur l’évaluation de l’impact environnemental (EIE). Fracking: RSPB objects to Cuadrilla plans for two sites. 17 August 2013Last updated at 01:58 ET By Roger Harrabin Environment analyst Singleton is an important site for whooper swans The RSPB has lodged objections to proposals to drill for shale gas and oil in Lancashire and West Sussex.

Fracking: RSPB objects to Cuadrilla plans for two sites

The bird charity says regulations are inadequate to ensure water, landscapes and wildlife are protected. But Cuadrilla, which is exploring the sites, says its activities will not harm birds or other wildlife. On Monday, Prime Minister David Cameron urged the UK to back fracking, which involves shattering shales to release trapped gas.

How Fracking Affects Your Farmer's Market. As we become more careful about what we put into our bodies, options and opportunities to be more health conscious abound: organic, non-GMO, gluten free…the list goes on.

How Fracking Affects Your Farmer's Market

Will we soon be adding frack-free to this growing list? And even if we wanted to, would we have enough information to be able to? As a quick reminder, fracking is a drilling technique that involves the fracturing of rock through the use of high-pressure, chemical-laced water that is pumped deep underground, releasing natural gas and oil that has been trapped in the rock for millennia.

Some of the “treated” water stays underground, and some of it flows back and then needs to be “stored” or “cleaned.” Peru: Don't Expose Indigenous Tribes to Amazon Oil Drilling. Ms.

Peru: Don't Expose Indigenous Tribes to Amazon Oil Drilling

Ivanka Starostová, Czech Republic Apr 19, 07:30. Gaz de schiste : «On est loin de la manne annoncée» Chevron CEO admits fracking raises “legitimate” safety concerns. Fracking: How risky for us? Pump jacks dot oil fields between the California towns of Taft and Maricopa.… (Los Angeles Times ) California is believed to have more than 15 billion barrels of oil locked within the rocks under the Central Valley that might be used to feed the nation's energy hunger — if oil companies can free it with hydraulic fracturing.

Fracking: How risky for us?

Fracking, as the practice is popularly called, has been going on in the state for years, but mostly in a remote oil field in Kern County. The prospect of extensive new fracking efforts in the 1,750-square-mile geological formation known as the Monterey Shale, which extends roughly from Modesto to Bakersfield, calls for long-overdue study and regulation of how this production method might affect air and water quality, as well as seismic safety.

The process involves injecting fluids, usually large amounts of water mixed with sand and/or chemicals, at high pressure to fracture the rock and release the fuel. Gaz de schiste : le débat fait rage aux USA. "La malédiction du gaz de schiste", nouveau documentaire choc sur ARTE > Gaz. Une récente étude sur la fracturation hydraulique était fausse. GAZ DE SCHISTE, LA GRANDE ESCROQUERIE : Le MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE, mars 2013. Gaz de schiste, Histoire d'une imposture. Bonjour à toutes et à tous, La découverte de minerais ou de gisements d'hydrocarbures dans une région du monde n'est jamais une bonne nouvelle pour les populations qui y habitent et la découverte de richesses dans le sous-sol sonne souvent le glas des populations qui y résident parfois depuis des siècles.

Les catastrophes de l'ère pétrolière ont ponctué une aventure globalement perçue comme humaine et universelle comportant forcément des risques. Mais aujourd'hui le désastre est global, humain, sanitaire, environnemental. Why these local communities are worried about fracking (and you should be too) By Frances Beinecke, President, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) Yesterday I returned from several days in western Pennsylvania seeing and hearing about the impacts of fracking firsthand from local activists, homeowners and scientists. People in the region fear their water is contaminated with toxic substances from fracking operations. They worry the air pollution coming from compressor stations or well pads is harming their families. And they believe their property values are forever compromised.

Gaz de schiste: mensonge de laisser croire qu'on peut prospecter sans fracturation hydraulique. La fracturation hydraulique poserait un risque pour les sources d'eau. Une nouvelle arme contre le gaz de schiste dans le Var. West Virginia caught unprepared for contamination of water supply, despite warnings. West Virginia officials knew that a supplier to the coal industry was storing a toxic chemical near the Elk River that had the potential, if it leaked, to poison the water supplies of hundreds of thousands of people. Last week, it did just that. The chemical leaked from one of Freedom Industries’ tanks into the river, triggering an emergency and urgent warnings that residents and businesses should avoid using tap water. So why are state officials now scratching their heads and sounding surprised about the disaster? Here’s some excellent reporting from the Charleston Saturday Gazette-Mail, asking why there was no plan in place for dealing with such an emergency: Last February, Freedom Industries sent state officials a form telling them the company stored thousands of pounds of a coal-cleaning chemical called 4-methylcyclohexanemethanol in the storage tanks at its Etowah River Terminal.

Demand Justice For West Virginians whose water was poisoned. Les risques de la fracturation hydraulique se précisent. Le gaz de schiste et les incendies du Colorado - carnet du désert. - autre photo grimée - Quelques 350 maisons évacuées, des gens retrouvés carbonisés dans leur maison, des milliers d'hectares ravagés par une quarantaine de foyers d'incendies sur trois Etats au minimum, exploitant eux aussi le gaz de schistes.

Et officiellement, aucune cause connue à ces gigantesques incendies. Le gaz de schistes flambard, il en existe des précédents dans l'Etat voisin du Texas. Dr. Ingraffea Facts on Fracking. Fracking: Coming to a City or Suburb Near You. By Jason Mark The controversial practice of fracking is just something that happens in the woods of Pennsylvania or the empty stretches of the Mountain West, right? … Right? Think again. Fracking, once a purely rural phenomenon, may be coming to a city or suburb near you. The practice of using thousand of gallons of water mixed with sand and caustic chemicals to shatter underground shale formations (the technical term is hydraulic fracturing) first gained notoriety in the dairy country of Pennsylvania and upstate New York.

Now imagine those concerns translated to suburban or urban areas with much higher population densities. See, for example, the turmoil in Los Angeles County, where a company called PXP is hoping to expand its fracking operations at the Inglewood oil field. Jason: Que va-t-il arriver si les bouchons de ciment se mettent à craquer? Pierre-Philippe: Quels sont les plans B en cas de problème avec mon eau potable? Cécile : Pourquoi l'industrie s'entête à développer des énergies sales? Denis: Qui va profiter du gaz pas cher? Gaz de schiste : Un carburant très controversé.