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Facebook Twitter 10 ed tech edupreneurs who made waves in education in 2012. Traditional education providers at both the K-12 and university levels felt pressure this year as budgets and policy collided time and again to reshape day-to-day operations.

10 ed tech edupreneurs who made waves in education in 2012

Edupreneurs from around the world are finding new ways to accomplish old goals, however, and the education technology space is ripe with new approaches. 2012 saw MOOCs expand and Pinterest-esque solutions for sharing insights proliferate as new and established companies alike deployed innovative solutions. Eric Mazur on new interactive teaching techniques. In 1990, after seven years of teaching at Harvard, Eric Mazur, now Balkanski professor of physics and applied physics, was delivering clear, polished lectures and demonstrations and getting high student evaluations for his introductory Physics 11 course, populated mainly by premed and engineering students who were successfully solving complicated problems.

Eric Mazur on new interactive teaching techniques

Then he discovered that his success as a teacher “was a complete illusion, a house of cards.” The epiphany came via an article in the American Journal of Physics by Arizona State professor David Hestenes. He had devised a very simple test, couched in everyday language, to check students’ understanding of one of the most fundamental concepts of physics—force—and had administered it to thousands of undergraduates in the southwestern United States. Mazur tried the test on his own students. Some soul-searching followed.