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Copy Me: a new critical animation series about copying, culture and copyright. Copy Me is a new webseries (here's its Indiegogo fundraiser) constituting a series of short animations presenting accessible, informative, concise information about copyright, copying and culture.

Copy Me: a new critical animation series about copying, culture and copyright

It's marvellously promising, and, as Mike Masnick points out, it's a much-needed addition to a canon that includes such brilliant material as Nina Paley's Copying is Not Theft and Kirby Ferguson's Everything is a Remix. I donated. The British Library's Photostream. Unsplash. Getty Search - Open Content Images. Free photos for education. The Noun Project. - your netaudio source since 2005.

Search High Quality Flickr Images. Country Maps · Public Domain · PAT, the free, open source, portable atlas.