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Raheel Lakhani

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Nature vs Man by Raheel Lakhani on Prezi. A Postcard To Dad - the project. Museum Diaries - the project. Youth Homeless (Photo Essay) by matthew webbe on Prezi. Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. The Photo Essay. How Children Learn: Portraits of Classrooms Around the World. By Maria Popova A revealing lens on a system-phenomenon both global in reach and strikingly local in degree of diversity.

How Children Learn: Portraits of Classrooms Around the World

Since 2004, Julian Germain has been capturing the inner lives of schools around the world, from England to Nigeria to Qatar, in his large-scale photographs of schoolchildren in class. Classroom Portraits (public library) is part Where Children Sleep, part Bureaucratics, part What I Eat: Around the World in 80 Diets, part something else entirely — a poignant lens on a system-phenomenon that is both global in reach and strikingly local in degree of peculiarity, revealed through more than 450 portraits of schoolchildren from 20 countries. Jessore, Bangladesh. Year 10, English. Who am i?: The new me? I'll admit it-I'm having a photographers block.Sort of.I mean I don't know what to call it.What do you say when you don't feel like photographing?

who am i?: The new me?

I just feel like reading Santayana and Gilson (Gilson not so much) pondering about Beauty and the sense of it ( no pun intended)- bicker with fellow philosophy classmates about whether there is such a thing as expressive beauty or whether the quality lies in the object and other such matters that will never affect us in directly or kill us if we don't find the correct answer, but nevertheless MEAN something to us eventhough we cannot explain right at this moment why. I'm going through a phase perhaps where experiencing is mattering more than documenting.Documenting.That is a wholllee other issue.Apparently documentary photogaphy is a no go in a Fine Art grad school program.Sigh.Where to go what to do?

I am seriously considering going to Nepal for one month as a volunteer and teach English to under 18 kids. cheers. :) Create a PicLit. SlideSpeech. Raheel Lakhani -