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Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education. Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education.

Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education

Howard Gardner’s work around multiple intelligences has had a profound impact on thinking and practice in education – especially in the United States. Independent Study into School Leadership. In November 2005, the School Teachers' Review Body (STRB) published its Fifteenth Report in which it recommended an independent study to examine the roles, responsibilities, structures and reward systems for school leaders in England and Wales. Following the report, the DfES commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in April 2006 to undertake an independent research study on school leadership. The main aims of the study were to provide a comprehensive and independent account of existing, emerging and potential models of school headship and the wider leadership team that are effective in raising standards for all pupils.

Consciousness. Choice Point: Align Your Purpose - A Documentary Film by Harry Massey. Choice Point was born of a passion and a vision of a better world through a collective humanity.

Choice Point: Align Your Purpose - A Documentary Film by Harry Massey

Motivating the unmotivated. Njmetasem.pdf (application/pdf Object) Deep and Surface learning. It is important to clarify what they are not.

Deep and Surface learning

Although learners may be classified as “deep” or “surface”, they are not attributes of individuals: one person may use both approaches at different times, although she or he may have a preference for one or the other. They correlate fairly closely with motivation: “deep” with intrinsic motivation and “surface” with extrinsic, but they are not necessarily the same thing. Either approach can be adopted by a person with either motivation. Framework for action on interprofessional education and collaborative practice. 121147e.pdf (application/pdf Object) Education. Emotional Intelligence. In 1990, in my role as a science reporter at The New York Times, I chanced upon an article in a small academic journal by two psychologists, John Mayer, now at the University of New Hampshire, and Yale’s Peter Salovey.

Emotional Intelligence

Mayer and Salovey offered the first formulation of a concept they called “emotional intelligence.” Those were days when the preeminence of IQ as the standard of excellence in life was unquestioned; a debate raged over whether it was set in our genes or due to experience. But here, suddenly, was a new way of thinking about the ingredients of life success. I was electrified by the notion, which I made the title of this book in 1995. I remember having the thought, just before this book was published ten years ago, that if one day I overheard a conversation in which two strangers used the phrase emotional intelligence and both understood what it meant, I would have succeeded in spreading the concept more widely into the culture.

Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best. "Art does not solve problems, but makes us aware of their existence," sculptor Magdalena Abakanowicz has said.

Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best

Arts education, on the other hand, does solve problems. Years of research show that it's closely linked to almost everything that we as a nation say we want for our children and demand from our schools: academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity. Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill.

» 9 Essential Skills Kids Should Learn. Post written by Leo Babauta.

» 9 Essential Skills Kids Should Learn

Kids in today’s school system are not being prepared well for tomorrow’s world. As someone who went from the corporate world and then the government world to the ever-changing online world, I know how the world of yesterday is rapidly becoming irrelevant. Successful Learning: Peer Learning. Many institutions of learning now promote instructional methods involving ‘active’ learning that present opportunities for students to formulate their own questions, discuss issues, explain their viewpoints, and engage in cooperative learning by working in teams on problems and projects.

Successful Learning: Peer Learning

‘Peer learning’ is a form of cooperative learning that enhances the value of student-student interaction and results in various advantageous learning outcomes. To realise the benefits of peer learning, teachers must provide ‘intellectual scaffolding’. Thus, teachers prime students by selecting discussion topics that all students are likely to have some relevant knowledge of; they also raise questions/issues that prompt students towards more sophisticated levels of thinking. Richard Felder: Resources in Science and Engineering Education. Richard Felder's Home Page Richard M.

Richard Felder: Resources in Science and Engineering Education

Felder Dr. Richard M. Felder is the Hoechst Celanese Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University. Richard Felder's Education-Related Publications. CLChapter.pdf (Обект application/pdf) Фондация на бизнеса за образованието. Какви да станем?

Фондация на бизнеса за образованието

– сайт за избора на кариера Портал на университетските кариерни центрове Сайтът за търсене и предлагане на студентски стажове в България Търсене и предлагане на работа Специализирани услуги за задържане и мотивиране на персонала www.Т Деца учат в класна стая – земно кълбо.

Петокласници от ОУ"Васил Левски"-Разград учиха география и екология в класна стая с формата на земно кълбо с диаметър 7 метра.

Деца учат в класна стая – земно кълбо

Уроци в надуваемата класна стая ще имат всичките 640 ученика от школото. Choice Point: Align Your Purpose - A Documentary Film by Harry Massey. Study Guides and Strategies. Research Upends Traditional Thinking on Study Habits. Interns - Tutor/Mentor Connection. Интервю с Марина Стефанова, изпълнителен директор на Българската мрежа на Глобалния договор на ООН.