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Comment rendre l'apprentissage plus divertissant ? En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez nos CGU et l'utilisation de cookies afin de réaliser des statistiques d'audiences et vous proposer une navigation optimale, la possibilité de partager des contenus sur des réseaux sociaux ainsi que des services et offres adaptés à vos centres d'intérêts. Pour en savoir plus et paramétrer les cookies... bien ensoleillé Vent : 5km/h - UV : 1 Clôture veille : 5368.29 Ouverture : - Se connecter S'inscrire Replay Emissions Inscrivez-vous gratuitement à laNewsletter BFM Business Aujourd’hui, l’avènement du numérique et des nouvelles technologies a révolutionné notre quotidien mais également notre travail. Ainsi, les responsables de formation peuvent développer des parcours s’inscrivant dans la transformation digitale de leur entreprise, tout en ayant comme objectif premier l’expérience des collaborateurs.

Un apprentissage en ligne est personnalisé, il repose sur la pédagogie de la classe inversée. Focus sur YES ‘N’ YOU Tweeter Partager. Sketchnoting.

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Communauté formation 2.0. Jeux de plateaux pédagogiques. Méthodes pédagogiques. Financements de la formation continue. E-learning. Andragogie. Supports de présentation. Certification C2I2E. Pédagogie collaborative. Pédagogie inversée. Nuages de mots. MOODLE. Lean management. Serious games. Designing For Bite-sized Learning | Idea Learning Group. After identifying a training need, learning designers often think of the solution as a “program”—the classroom experience, the online courses, and the Learning Management System to organize it all. While robust programs might be best for certain projects, leaving out the in-between “snack times” could mean missed opportunities to engage and reinforce learning. Microlearning, also called “bite-sized learning,” is great strategy for helping learners solve real problems or keeping the them connected to the topic long-term.

Bite-sized learning was the topic at our February 2015 Collaborative Learning Network session. As always, the versatile professionals from a mix of industries—healthcare, creative agencies, government programs, and education—helped the topic come alive. We spent 90 minutes defining microlearning, looking at examples, and sharing our own experiences with it as learners and designers. The sessions aren’t meant to be presentations. What is “bite-sized learning”? Manifesto for learning & development professionals. La construction des collectifs dans l’apprentissage collaboratif à distance : l’affordance socioculturelle des objets numériques.

5 of The Best iPad Apps for Teaching Kids Coding Through Games. Coding is believed to be the 21st century literacy par excellence. Codes make up the totality of our digital world. They are a universal language that every computer speak. Teaching kids coding will not only enable them to better understand the digital world surrounding them but, more importantly, will equip them with skills integral to their overall learning.

Coding is all about creativity, imagination, problem solving and strategic thinking. There is a wide variety of ways to make learning programming and coding a fun an enjoyable task for kids. One of them is through the use of engaging and interactive games. Below is a collection of some of the most popular iPad apps for helping kids learn coding through games. 1- Tynker Tynker is an excellent website for teaching students coding. 2- Robozzle ‘Robozzle is a social puzzle game which teaches programming. 3- Lightbot 4- Kodable 5- Cargo-Bot Over one million people have enjoyed Cargo-Bot!


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