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Capitalism and the Future - Nassim Taleb / Niall Ferguson. What will the American economic system look like in the months and years ahead?

Capitalism and the Future - Nassim Taleb / Niall Ferguson

Who are the innovators currently shaping the future? And what will be the role of business in that future? President of the Aspen Institute, Walter Isaacson invites Niall Ferguson, MA, D.Phil., Laurence A. The emerging left has much to offer a world compromised by capitalism. Even as resistance to global capitalism builds, it tends to be accompanied by gloomy perceptions that grand socialist visions of the future are no longer possible.

The emerging left has much to offer a world compromised by capitalism

But there is much more dynamism within the global left than is often perceived, with variegated moves away from tired ideas of all kinds. Left movements in different parts of the world increasingly transcend the traditional socialist paradigm, with its emphasis on centralised government control over an undifferentiated mass of workers, to incorporate more explicit emphasis on the rights and concerns of women, ethnic minorities, tribal communities and other marginalised groups, as well as recognition of ecological constraints and the social necessity of respecting nature.

Seven common threads appear in the emerging left, in what are otherwise distinct political formations and dissimilar socio-economic contexts. Envisioning Real Utopias: alternatives within and beyond capitalism - 05 - 2012. Ralph Miliband Programme: the future of the left Date: Tuesday 22 May 2012 Time: 6.30-8pm Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building Speaker: Professor Erik Olin Wright Chair: Dr Robin Archer Wright argues that we can be simultaneously utopian and practical by pursuing projects for social transformation within capitalism that point us in an emancipatory direction beyond capitalism.

Envisioning Real Utopias: alternatives within and beyond capitalism - 05 - 2012

Erik Olin Wright is Vilas Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and president of the American Sociological Association. Suggested hashtag for this event for Twitter users: #lseutopias This event is free and open to all with no ticket required. Slides A copy of Professor Erik Olin Wright's powerpoint presentation is available to download. Podcast A podcast of this event is available to download from Envisioning Real Utopias: alternatives within and beyond capitalism|. Podcasts and videos of many LSE events can be found at the LSE Public Lectures and Events: podcasts and videos channel|. Erik Olin Wright. Following quick on the heels of publication of Russell Jacoby's review of Erik Olin Wright's Envisioning Real Utopias in Dissent, Michael Burawoy has written a detailed reply stressing the importance of Wright's project and rescuing it from the tangle of Jacoby's at times ad hominem attack, an excerpt of which reads: Wright seems to know nothing about the history of utopian thought, communities, or cooperatives.

Erik Olin Wright

He refers to exactly one book in the utopian tradition, Martin Buber's 1949 Paths in Utopia. Buber's book closed with a discussion of the kibbutz, a subject that would seem to call out to Wright. After all, the kibbutz is a "real utopia" with a socialist ethos and decades of practice. Are there lessons to be found here? Burawoy argues that, to the contrary, Erik Olin Wright is a model of meaningful empirical engagement, in a profession that is otherwise more remote than ever from the real world: Paul Mason - Why its kicking off everywhere. David Harvey - The End of Capitalism? A Capitalism for the People - 06 - 2012. LSE public lecture Date: Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 6.30-8pm Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building Speaker: Professor Luigi Zingales Chair: Professor David Webb When the Italian-born economist Luigi Zingales first arrived in the United States in the 1980s, he embraced the American dream: the belief that what brings you success is hard work, not luck or who you know.

A Capitalism for the People - 06 - 2012

But the economic events of the past decade, combined with the actions of politicians from both sides, have undermined capitalism’s reputation. In A Capitalism for the People|, which he will discuss in this lecture, Zingales warns that the US economy risks deteriorating into a Berlusconi-style crony-capitalist system – pro-business rather than pro-market, and run by corrupt politicians who are more concerned with lining the pockets of the connected elite than with improving opportunity for the people.

If it continues to lose popular support, can capitalism survive? This event is free and open to all with no ticket required. Pluto Press - Decent Capitalism. Product Description The recent crisis, created by finance capitalism, has brought us to the economic abyss.

Pluto Press - Decent Capitalism

The excessive freedom of international markets has rapidly transformed into international panic, with states struggling to rescue and bail out a globalised financial sector. Reform is promised by our leaders, but in governments dominated by financial interests there is little hope of meaningful change. Sign In. This item requires a subscription to Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research.

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*A Capitalism for the People* Zingales - Chicago Booth. UNCTAD - Trade and Development Report, 2011.