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Nepenthes hurrelliana photos. Green Air installation at CAM Saint Louis by Nomad Studio, Saint Louis – Missouri. This is the second installation of a play in two acts by Nomad Studio at the Contemporary Art Museum of Saint Louis.

Green Air installation at CAM Saint Louis by Nomad Studio, Saint Louis – Missouri

Green Air creates a dialogue with Green Varnish in form, material, time and space. Green Varnish was carefully de-constructed and re-purposed to create Green Air. Life works as an everlasting closed cycle of re-purposing materials. Green Air is calling attention towards all the open cycles within our life-style. Green Varnish was the first act, a green fabric made up of thousands of plants symbolically covering the inconvenient facts of society. Green Air once again occupies the 200 square meters of the courtyard. 50 creative ideas to display your air plants in a most spectacular way. We shall show you 50 creative ideas to display your air plants in a most spectacular way.

50 creative ideas to display your air plants in a most spectacular way

Do you know that there are over 400 species of air plants? They can be used and displayed in so many ways – a single plant, in a group, in a miniature glass ball or in a spectacular terrarium. Air plant containers can be hanging, wall mounted, placed elegantly on a side table or arranged in an eye catching design with other natural elements to form a fascinating home dеcor. There are, of course, some basic rules for caring and we will give you useful and practical tips for the good health of your air plants.

Design Har 1: Community artwork installations with crops by Alexis Tricoire. Alexis Tricoire explores the relationship between design and plants, plants and architecture, objects and plants since 2006.

Design Har 1: Community artwork installations with crops by Alexis Tricoire

The Artist designed public art installations with plants that are bringing the audience to think and their environmental awareness awakensHere are some of his most impressive projects Advertising Green Mobile are designed for a new shopping center in Prague. The Hanging Gardens are in a series of containers planted, the of the shopping bags Inspired were. The forms were 3form Varia with 40% recycled content, what the "green" value The project adds .

The Living, Breathing World of Borneo’s Carnivorous Pitcher Plants – PROOF. Tropical biologist turned photojournalist Christian Ziegler spends a lot of his time documenting the world’s rain forests and has a particular place in his heart for the leafy inhabitants of these beautiful and complex environments.

The Living, Breathing World of Borneo’s Carnivorous Pitcher Plants – PROOF

Here, he shares photographs from a trip to Borneo, where he witnessed surprisingly enterprising relationships between pitcher plants and the creatures living around them. We often don’t give plants enough credit. When observing nature, a lot of our attention is devoted to animals. Yet there is a lot to discover in the plant kingdom; in fact, they exhibit much more “behavior” then one might expect. ESEDRA DESIGN - DOMINO - Libreria design struttura in lamiera piegata - STUDIO BATONI. Truss Planter by Nobuhiro Sato. Pipe Planter by Nobuhiro Sato. This flower chandelier is made from test tubes. © Barbara Kaja Kaniewska Talk about multi-usage: this delightful chandelier can be filled with whatever you fancy.

This flower chandelier is made from test tubes

Created by a Polish designer, Pani Jurek, it's a one or two-tiered row of test tubes and what you do with it is up to your imagination. The designer was inspired by chemist Marie Curie, a fellow Pole. It's a new way to use test tubes which are the perfect shape for long stemmed flowers. We love it filled with ivy from the garden. Jurek is influenced by art deco in her shaping of the light. First seen at Inhabitat, it's clear that different coloured liquids also make a striking fixture and let you experiment visually. PULL+PUSH PRODUCTS.|PULL+PUSH PRODUCTS. : Line up.

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Real Shit - Organic Manure For Urban Farmers. Shop - Producten. Pantone creates Greenery-themed home that can be booked on Airbnb. Colour company Pantone has collaborated with Airbnb to fill a London home with planting and projects that match its verdant 2017 colour of the year.

Pantone creates Greenery-themed home that can be booked on Airbnb

A dining room greenhouse, a bedroom with mown lawn flooring and a bathroom filled with tropical plants all contribute to realising the theme of Greenery. Pantone had announced the tone, which it describes as a "tangy yellow-green", as its pick for colour of the year in Decembe 2016. The annual selection is a predictor of which colour will be most visible in the year to come. For the Airbnb project, titled Outside In, Pantone took over a ground-level space in a building in London's Clerkenwell. The company filled it with Greenery-tinged products, pale wood furniture and clusters of real plants. Studio Ayaskan's Growth plant pot expands with its occupant. Graduate shows 2015: Royal College of Art graduates Begum and Bike Ayaskan have designed a plant pot with a complex origami form, which enables it to unfold and accommodate more space for roots over time.

Studio Ayaskan's Growth plant pot expands with its occupant

Growth is a collection of flowerpots made of polypropylene, machined with a computer numerically controlled (CNC) router into a cylinder made up of tessellating triangles. Each vessel can expand to over five times its original volume, either naturally as the roots push outwards or as a result of human intervention, making the process of re-potting unnecessary. Ienami: House-Shaped Planters For Desktop Gardening - IPPINKA. Looking for a different way to decorate your desktop?

Ienami: House-Shaped Planters For Desktop Gardening - IPPINKA

Japan-based design studio, Metaphys, has created a series of unique small indoor planters called Ienami. Ienami are planters styled like residential buildings with delicate greeneries like soft mosses and small succulents at the rooftop. Its design concept was inspired by bonkei, the ancient Japanese art of creating micro landscapes of foliage. The planters are made from stone powder, and finished with a white coating. Its cubed shape measures 3.9 inches in all sides, and comes in four designs: hiroba, zigzag, roji, and tunnel. All four designs can be put together to create your own green village or green town. 15 Creative Planter Designs That Would Make Any Flower Pot Jealous. Planters are oft overlooked in both flower planting and interior design.

15 Creative Planter Designs That Would Make Any Flower Pot Jealous

As long as it’s an overgrown bowl shaped vessel that doesn’t disintegrate at the first drop of water, it’s OK. These planters, however, take it one step further, making the style as important as the plant. G'erme - Catherine Bourdon Graphic Design + Art Direction. Creative Landscaping With Broken Pots – Fresh Design Pedia. Are interested in a craft idea with you beautifully could spice up your front yard for example. This is really easy to achieve and makes a special impression. “Old is new” or in this case – from some broken what original. Look at the following picture gallery itself, which represents the latest trend in garden design. Native Seeds/SEARCH - Home. Glass Gem Corn, Glass Gem, Carl's Glass Gem, Carl's Glass Gem Corn. Next Product Previous Product ts363 Gorgeous translucent, jewel-colored ears, each one unique. A stunning variety selected over many years by Carl Barnes, a part-Cherokee farmer and breeder from Oklahoma.

Selected from crossing several traditional corn varieties and saving seed from the vivid, translucent kernels. Approx. 9g packet/50 seeds. Astonishing Corn. Amazing Plants (@AmazingPlants) ANNO par Fréderic Malphettes. “kokedama” string garden. The days are getting longer, and the sun is shining more; I can’t think of a better time to get my hands into soil and play around with some fun plant experiments for spring! I’ve seen kokedama — Japanese moss balls — looking great hanging in homes, but I never realized how easy they are to create. Netherlands-based designer and all-around super-creative Aura Scaringi made this simple tutorial for crafting your own hanging kokedama garden using a combination of peat soil and akedama, or bonsai soil.

Like all of Aura’s work, the results are lovely — I can’t wait to try it out for myself. Thanks for sharing, Aura! Gardening trends: The rise of 'kokedama' Hangman: Fedor Van der Valk in his studio Actually, Van der Valk just stumbled upon the idea while in the process of working on stop-motion videos for IJM Studio in Amsterdam. “Stop-motion videos inspired me to make my own world and characters,” Van der Valk says.

“String gardens are what came out of it. Fedor van der Valk ( : string_gardens. KOKEDAMA: A Unique Way to Grow a Plant. Pot de fleurs 2.0 : mousse suspendue pour l'habitant urbain. Le pot de fleurs traditionnel redéfini, c’est Cella, petit objet poreux en plastic léger. Conçu pour contenir des mousses et plantes de petite taille, ce polyèdre biscornu aux airs futuristes peut être suspendu depuis un mur, depuis le plafond, ou être simplement laissé sur une surface plane seul ou assemblé avec d’autres modules. Un terrarium de plantes magnifique pour votre maison ! Vous souhaiteriez bien installer un jardin de plantes dans votre logement mais il n’y est pas approprié ?

Nous avons une bonne surprise pour vous : le terrarium de plantes convient à n’importe quel intérieur. Cet objet inhabituel vous permettra de cultiver des plantes vertes dans votre chambre, cuisine ou salle de séjour sans vous soucier de l’espace. En ce qui concerne le choix du terrarium – vous pouvez l’acheter dans le magasin (ils sont facilement trouvables dans les magasins à fleurs et même dans les magasins de décoration maison) ou bien le fabriquer vous-même. Art-Monie: Fedor van der Valk "String Gardens" En avant-première le printemps s'invite chez vous... Presque par magie, des créations de jardin, et de fleurs flottent dans les airs pour nous faire rêver...

Art floral japonais Kokedama : idées de pots de plante naturels - Dans un article récent sur la déco avec mousse, nous avons parlé de l’art floral japonais Kokedama qui consiste à faire des pots de plante en forme de boule. Pluie de Fleurs pour une Suspension d’Art signée Rebecca Louise Law. Après les oiseaux de l’artiste espagnole Sara Landeta, ce sont les fleurs qui de nouveau occupent le devant de la scène mais cette fois-ci de spectaculaires installations florales qui vont littéralement transformer l’espace du tout au tout. Et Rebecca Louise Law est une spécialiste en la matière puisque celle-ci s’est distinguée entre autres avec ses installations à grande échelle de fleurs en suspension dans des lieux bien particuliers.

Ainsi cette artiste qui réalise des oeuvres éphémères depuis plusieurs années expose dans des espaces publics, des galeries et des musées mais habille aussi entre autres les vitrines des grands noms de la mode à l’instar d’Hermes, de Salvatore Ferragamo, de Jimmy Choo.