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Lernforschung: Die besten Tipps fürs Lernen - Bildung. Anzeige Der Pisa-Schock lieferte den Startschuss - seitdem boomt die Lernforschung. Mancher Experte spricht schon von einer regelrechten Hysterie. Von der Eselsbrücke bis zu Lernen im Schlaf: die besten Strategien, um sich Dinge zu merken. Man kann mit diesem Thema vieles anstellen: Elternabende quälend in die Länge ziehen, regalweise Ratgeber verkaufen, Millionen Klicks im Netz erreichen oder eine akademische Karriere bestreiten. Ganze Forschungszweige beschäftigen sich mit der Frage, wie man am besten lernt. Seit der ersten Pisa-Studie im Jahr 2000 ist die Zahl der Drittmittelanträge in der Psychologie und den Erziehungswissenschaften extrem gestiegen, ebenso in den Neurowissenschaften. Dass die Lernforschung in den vergangenen 15 Jahren einen Boom erlebt hat, sieht Elsbeth Stern von der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule in Zürich aber nicht nur positiv.

Die Eselsbrücke Die Orte-Methode Learning by doing Das wussten auch die Neurologen der Klavierspielerstudie. Bewegt lernen. Britisches Weltreich. Sämtliche Gebiete, die jemals Teil des Britischen Weltreichs waren (heutige Territorien sind rot unterstrichen) Während des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert waren Spanien und Portugal die Pioniere der europäischen Erforschung der Welt und bildeten riesige Kolonialreiche.

Angespornt durch die Reichtümer, welche diese Reiche einbrachten, begannen auch England, Frankreich und die Niederlande eigene Kolonien und Handelsnetzwerke in Amerika und Asien aufzubauen.[3] Nach mehreren Kriegen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert gegen Frankreich und die Niederlande etablierte sich England (nach dem Act of Union 1707 mit Schottland das Königreich Großbritannien) als führende Kolonialmacht in Amerika und Indien. Um 1900 büßte - durch den wachsenden Einfluss des Deutschen Reiches und der Vereinigten Staaten - Großbritannien zunehmend seine wirtschaftliche Vormachtstellung ein. In der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Grundlagen (bis 1583)[Bearbeiten] Amerika, Afrika und der Sklavenhandel[Bearbeiten]

Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking. Tips for downloading: PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program. Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader. Click on any title link below to view or download that file. Resources On This Page: Lesson Plans & Rubrics KIPP King Curriculum Planning Guide <img height="12" width="11" class="media-image media-element file-content-image" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_image_breakpoints_theme_edutopia_desktop_1x/public/content/08/pdficon.gif? Itok=km1Httb_" alt="" /> A general guide to help teachers plan curriculum for the year and set clear expectations about course goals Leadership Student Individual Learning Plan <img height="12" width="11" class="media-image media-element file-content-image" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_image_breakpoints_theme_edutopia_desktop_1x/public/content/08/pdficon.gif?

Back to Top Tools for Critical Thinking. Learning Styles. Lernanleitung 5-Fächer Karteikasten für Lernkarteikarten. Nach dem Erstellen von neuen Karteikarten kann man mit einiger Übung diese sehr viel schneller und effizienter mit dem vielleicht schon in Vergessenheit geratenen Lernsystem mit einer Lernkartei, Lernkarteikasten und Legesystem dauerhaft lernen! 1. Lernanleitung für den 5-Fächer Lernkarteikasten Der Lernkartei-Kasten ist eine einfache "Lernmaschine". Mit ihm kann man fast alles lernen, was von der Grundschule bis zum Gymnasium, während der Berufsausbildung oder in der Universität gelernt werden muss. Denn alles, was man lernen möchte, schreibt man auf kleine Zettel: Auf die Vorderseite die Frage und auf die Rückseite die Antwort.

Gelernt wird dann täglich so: den Zettel nehmendie Frage lesendie Antwort überlegenZettel drehen und die gedachte Antwort überprüfenZettel ablegen Mit Hilfe der Lernkartei kann man sich also immer selbst abhören. Und so geht es los: alle neuen Kärtchen kommen in Fach 1. Das Geheimnis der 5 Fächer: Wichtige Regeln für das Beschriften der Karten: English Language Teaching Methodology - English Raven. Teaching approaches: what is suggestopedia? By Tim Bowen An article discussing the concept of suggestopedia. Often considered to be the strangest of the so-called "humanistic approaches", suggestopedia was originally developed in the 1970s by the Bulgarian educator Georgi Lozanov. Extravagant claims were initially made for the approach with Lozanov himself declaring that memorization in learning through suggestopedia would be accelerated by up to 25 times over that in conventional learning methods. The approach attracted both wild enthusiasm in some quarters and open scorn in others.

The approach was based on the power of suggestion in learning, the notion being that positive suggestion would make the learner more receptive and, in turn, stimulate learning. The original form of suggestopedia presented by Lozanov consisted of the use of extended dialogues, often several pages in length, accompanied by vocabulary lists and observations on grammatical points.

Accelerated Learning. What if you could learn a lot more, a lot faster, and have a lot more fun doing it? You can. Accelerated learning is one of the most exciting and effective applications of the new learning theories, and it’s revolutionizing learning in schools, corporations, and living rooms all over the world. Based on the work of Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov, who developed the theory of "suggest-opedia," and Dr. Evelyna Gateva, a language educator, accelerated learning also incorporates Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory (see Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, this issue) and the power of the arts (see The Case for the Arts, this issue). Libyan Labiosa Cassone is President of the Society for Accelerative Learning and Teaching (Box 1549, Welch Station, Ames, IA 50010). Alan: How does accelerated learning work? Libyan: Accelerated learning is a multi-modal, multi-sensory approach. Libyan: Right. Alan: Or memorizing the rules of grammar.

Alan: It also sounds like fun. Arbeitsblätter Englisch ausdrucken. Interesting Things for ESL/EFL Students (Fun English Study) How to Teach the Past Perfect Continuous. Teaching the past perfect continuous is sometimes a choice. On the one hand, to complete the overview of each tense the past perfect continuous needs to be included.

On the other hand, the past perfect continuous is rarely used by native speakers in their daily activities. The choice whether to teach this tense should therefore be made based on a student needs analysis: Do the students need to understand the past perfect continuous for use on exams such as the TOEFL or Cambridge exams, or is the focus of the class more on communication skills. If the class needs the tense for academic tests, a quick one-over of the past perfect continuous is probably worthwhile. Teaching this tense should be relatively easy as students will be familiar with the concepts from having learned the present perfect continuous and the future perfect continuous. Introducing the Past Perfect Continuous Introduce the present perfect continuous by speaking about a past event of some import. Activities. How to Teach the Past Perfect. The past perfect tense is used to express what had happened before something else occurred in the past. This tense, while important, should be reserved for more advanced students as it's possible to communicate in English without mastering this tense.

In fact, many native English speakers fail to use this tense on a regular basis. That being said, the past perfect is important to provide the reasons for decisions made in the past - We had invested heavily in research that's why we were able to succeed in the market ... - and imagining past situations with the past unreal conditional form - If he had known, he would have come ... Introducing the Past Perfect Start by Providing Reasons for Past Actions It's a good idea to introduce the past perfect by modeling the form by stating reasons why certain past actions were taken.

Let's talk a little bit about the last election. Imagine this: When you get home from work dinner is ready. Result of Activity His hands are dirty! How to Teach the Past Continuous. The main concept to introduce when teaching the past continuous is the idea that the past continuous expresses an interrupted action. In other words, the past continuous speaks about what was going on when something important happened. The past continuous can be used by itself to express what happened at a precise moment in the past.

However, the most common use is together with the past simple - ... when something happened. You might want to consider teaching the past simple together with the past continuous for intermediate level classes, as the past simple will be review for students. Introducing the Past Continuous Start by Speaking about What Was Interrupted Describe an important past event and then fill in the details as a painter would fill in background details by using the past continuous form. I'd like to tell you about the day I met my wife. This example is admittedly exaggerated. When did you leave home this morning - At nine o'clock. Practicing the Past Continuous.

How to Teach Past Simple. Teaching the past simple is rather straightforward after you've taught the present simple. Students will be familiar with the idea of auxiliary verbs in the question and negative, but not in the positive form. They'll also be happy to know that the verb conjugation always remains the same. Of course, there's the issue of irregular verbs that can be frustrating. The key to teaching the past simple effectively is making it clear from the beginning that the past simple is used when something begins and ends in the past.

The use of appropriate past time expressions will help make this clear. Introducing the Past Simple Start by Modeling the Past Simple Begin teaching the past simple by speaking about some of your past experiences. I visited my parents in Olympia last weekend. Continue modeling by asking yourself a question and providing the answer. Where did you go last week? Next ask students similar questions. Introduce Regular and Irregular Verbs When did you have dinner yesterday? Learning Styles. Learning Styles Inventory - Your Personal Intelligences. You have not one, but at least seven intelligences, and you can use most of them to enhance your learning. So says Ron Gross, a favorite contributing writer here at About Continuing Education. He's given permission to reprint this intelligence inventory from his book, Peak Learning: How to Create Your Own Lifelong Education Program for Personal Enlightenment and Professional Success: Most people still believe that their capacity to learn is determined by intelligence.

We all recall having our IQ taken at some point in our childhood, and most of us know the results. The IQ test was supposed to measure your capacity to learn, and therefore to predict your success in school. However, contemporary psychologists have debunked the whole idea of a single capacity called intelligence. Each intelligence in this sense is a particular kind of learning talent that seems to come easily. The best guide to your multiple intelligences is Frames of Mind by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner. Checklist for Supporting LD and ADHD Students.

Teaching students who are learning disabled (LD) and/or have attention deficit disorders can be challenging which is why you'll find this checklist valuable. This checklist will help you to support learning disabled and ADHD students in the regular classroom or the self-contained classroom. Do you: ___ Have very clear expecations for all tasks?

___ Find time to have fun with your students and use humor when it's appropriate? ___ Keep transitions flowing smoothly and provide assistance at transtional times? ___ Do you enable your student(s)to make choices from time to time? ___ Do your student(s) know how to get your attention appropriately? ___ Do you provide motivating learning opportunities to help the student to remain engaged? ___ Do you provide help with organization and review? ___ Are you providing appropriate cues and prompts that help focus your student(s)? ___ Are your classroom routines and expectations predictable? ___ Do you have a study carrel or time alone space? Accommodations, Interventions & Modifications. Modifications? Accommodations or Interventions? Here's a checklist of strategies to help you with the inclusional classroom which will assist in meeting the needs of all students. ___ Special needs students are within close proximity to the teacher or the teacher's assistant. ___ I have procedures that are well understood by students to keep noise levels at an acceptable level.

The Yacker Tracker is a worthwhile investment. ___ I have a special carrel or private location for test-taking and or seatwork for those requiring 'free of distractions' to enable success. ___ I have eliminated as much clutter as I can and keep distractions to a minimum. ___ I never present instructions/directions orally alone. ___ Clarifications and reminders are given regularly as needed. ___ Needy students have agendas which I regularly have them, and myself refer to. ___ Work is organized into workable 'chunks'. ___ My classroom expectations are clearly understood as are my consequences for inappropriate behaviors. Lesson: Vocabulary Charts. Vocabulary charts can be very useful in helping students widen their passive and active vocabulary based on related word group areas.

Typically, students will often learn new vocabulary by simply writing lists of new vocabulary words and then memorize these words by rote. Unfortunately, this technique often provides few contextual clues. Rote learning helps "short term" learning for exams etc. Unfortunately, it doesn't really provide a "hook" with which to remember new vocabulary. Vocabulary charts, on the other hand, provide this "hook" by placing vocabulary in connected categories thus helping "long term" memorization. Aim:Creation of vocabulary charts to be shared around the class Activity:Awareness raising of effective vocabulary learning techniques followed by vocabulary tree creation in groups Level: Any level Outline: Begin lesson by asking students to explain how they go about learning new vocabulary. Example Vocabulary Chart Vocabulary Chart Printing Page.

Drawing in the Classroom, suggestopedia and NLP - Simple techniques to add quick drawings to your classroom to help students imaginations. Sketching on the board in class is something that most teachers do. As the saying goes, "a picture paints a thousand words". This is especially true in a language learning situation - ESL EFL in this case - where a quick sketch can help students focus and generate language related to the sketches. Of course, many of us are not artists. I'm sure you will have noticed that I am no Gaugin ;-) - I'm not even as good as my daughter Katherine! The key to drawing quickly is the fact that humans usually fill in the missing information. Here are the other five: As you can see, these figures convey a wealth of information with very little effort. The key to sketching quickly is adding just a few strokes which deliver the needed information.

For some great examples of how simple sketches can be used, take a look at some of the example lessons from Mark Fletcher's books at English Experience. More "Whole Brain" Techniques and Activities. Free English Conversation Lesson Plans - Beginner Intermediate and Advanced. Global English Learner Resources at ESL ABOUT. Brain Gym® Exercises. Setting ESL Class Objectives - ESL Teaching Objectives Meeting Students Learning Needs. Linkliste Englischunterricht | Gesammelte Materialien. Use our material. JochenEnglish.


Die 5 besten Apps zum Englisch lernen | Lesson Share extras. Englisch | Materialien zum Herunterladen | Methodik/Didaktik. Online-Nachhilfe: Englisch lernen mit Sofatutor - Englisch Lernen Online. Englisch | Materialien zum Herunterladen | Methodik/Didaktik. Learning English - Home. Englisch - online lernen und üben. Englisch unterrichten: Grundlagen - Kompetenzen - Methoden: Buch mit Video-DVDs. Fachdidaktik mit 12 gefilmten Unterrichtsstunden: Prof. Dr. Engelbert Thaler. Basic English - Essential Lessons for Beginning English Learners. Top English Lesson Plans. Free English Courses - E-mail Courses for English as a Second Language ESL learners and Teachers. Essential Learning Resources for Beginning Level English Learners. Unterrichtsmaterial und Arbeitsblätter für Lehrer in Englisch. - Englisch Lern-Links. Essential Learning Resources for Intermediate Level English Learners. Essential Learning Resources for Advanced Level English Learners. Links für Englischlehrer. Onestopenglish: Number one for English language teachers. | Englisch-Portal für Englisch-Lerner und -Liebhaber. Learning English - Home. Learning English - Home. Skillswise - English.