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Booking System

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MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) MERCI can extend any content type into a list of unique reservable items (like studios) or buckets of interchangeable items (like DV cameras).

MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory)

We followed the approach used by Organic Groups, Feed API, and Scheduler and added MERCI's configuration to the Edit tab of those content types. Documentation on Other then a few difficult/impossible to reproduce minor bugs, MERCI is stable for Drupal 7. If not, please post an issue. If upgrading from Drupal 6 you will need to roll back field_merci_date and remigrate it. Current development is focused on a complete rewrite of the base module with special attention paid to the "Feature request" queue. The merci_template module has been removed in the D7 release. The Drupal 6 version is stable. The wickedly complicated queries in the initial version of MERCI were developed by Chad Phillips (hunmonk) for the Knight funded Open Media Project.

Hotel Booking System for Ubercart. About The uc_hotel module is a hotel booking system for Drupal and Ubercart.

Hotel Booking System for Ubercart

It does not manage individual rooms, but rather lets you create room types, and set how many of each type are available for specific dates on the calendar. Each room type can be assigned a different rate, or be based off a single master rate and have a modifier applied to adjust that rate by a certain amount.

You can vary the rate based on the number of adult and child occupants. The module also features an add-ons and upgrades sub module that allows you to bundle other date-based upgrades with the booking such as tennis lessons or spa treatments. Installation Extract the module into sites/all/modules/ or sites/xxx/modules depending on whether you're using a multisite configuration. Configuration Please refer to the documentation for information on configuration.

Requirements This module uses the php DateTime classes which were not available prior to PHP 5.2 (see the php manual for more information - it is possible). Booking Time Slots. Module provides Time Slots Booking functionality.

Booking Time Slots

In example: Users can go to Calendar and book specified time slots. You can configure how many time slots are available and how long are the events, so after that time slot will be released. Agreservations. Resource Conflict. This module allows for users to book resources for use during events.

Resource Conflict

For example, a student can book a microscope for use within their lab. The D7 version detects overlapping dates and conflicts between nodes, and lets you respond using Rules. Drupal 7 Resource Conflict has been rebuilt around Rules and Entities for Drupal 7. The D7 version of the module simply detects conflicts/overlaps between two date-enabled nodes, and lets you respond with Rules. Usage Create a content type with a date field that has a required end date. Rules Components EVENT: A Resource Conflict Node Form is Validated: This event fires during node form validation on Resource Conflict enabled content types. Check the README.txt file for more information Additional Resources & Documentation Drupal 6 Handbook pages have been added to describe how to set up this module.

Event Bookings. Event Bookings integrates the Bookings API functionality with a date enabled node - aka "Event".

Event Bookings

Specifically, this module provides the following functionality: Book resources directly from an Event - aka date enabled Nodes.Allow either multiple or exclusive booking of resources.Extends Views to allow joins of an "Event" with a booked resourceProvide "out of the box" calendar views of bookable resourcesProvide ajax functionality that refreshes available resources when date values change on an Event edit pageProvide links to conflicting events.Provide security permissions to allow/restrict users from booking resources.Define Event Content Type to be an availability or booking.Specifiy whether pending bookings show as conflictsIf you have rights, you can set the status of a booking from a Node edit screenNew views to show availabilities and booked resources for an event.All day support Installation & Setup How does bookingsapi & eventbookings differ from Resource Conflict?

Public Bookings. Public Bookings allows registered and unregistered users to book predefined resources.

Public Bookings

These booking requests can then be approved, rejected, or modified by an admin, with notifications to the user. Available and unavailable dates and times can be specified for each resource. Requires the Bookings API module, the Date API (and its submodule Date Repeat API) and Views. Use the corresponding Bookings API release! Never ever mix DEV and STABLE between those two modules (e.g. dev from API, alpha from Public or vice vesa). This module will undergo a major rewrite (using node-based resources instead of the currently used custom ones) - please feel free to state whatever wishes, ideas or needs you have!

The new release 6.x-3.x is unstable.. If you like testing new software - feel free to test the dev-release. Bookings API. Availability Calendars. The Availability Calendar module allows you to add an availability calendar to entities.

Availability Calendars

Example use cases are tourist accommodation, e.g. bed and breakfast, holiday homes or self catered apartments, and car or motor bike rental. An availability calendar shows your customers at what dates your accommodation is still available and at what dates it is already booked. Features.