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Citizen United

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Samuel Alito, Supreme Court Justice, Takes On Citizens United Critics. HUFFPOST FUNDRACE -- Justice Stevens on Citizens United. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. How citizens can unite to undo Citizens United. By Laurence H. Tribe - How Can We Fix the Constitution? By Laurence H. Tribe|Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2012, at 01:55:06 PM ET Casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson and family contributed $20 million to Newt Gingrich's super PAC, Winning Our Future.

Photograph by Roslan Rahman/AFP/Getty Images. This month, some of Slate’s favorite legal eagles are proposing their favorite Constitutional amendments, in the service of our effort, with Me the People author Kevin Bleyer, to rewrite the founding document. Campaign Finance (New Amendment) When Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, joined by Justice Stephen Breyer, recently called attention to “the huge sums currently deployed to buy candidates’ allegiance” as cause to revisit Citizens United, it was easy to see why. In the two years since the Supreme Court struck down key federal campaign finance restrictions, super PACs have reshaped American democracy. Yet the chorus of commentators deriding this phenomenon has overstated the responsibility of Citizens United itself. We want your ideas for fixing the Constitution. Elections: décision de la Cour suprême - Etats-Unis - Actualités.

States back Montana in Citizens United campaign finance fight | Law. Nearly half of US states have thrown their weight behind a legal defence of local laws restricting corporate money in politics by asking the supreme court to revisit its widely-criticised ban on similar national legislation. The states filed a brief with the supreme court on Monday in support of a century-old law in Montana – the Corrupt Practices Act – against companies pumping money into elections. The law was struck down by a Montana court following the US supreme court ruling two years ago in the Citizens United case, which lifted most restrictions on corporations spending money on political advertising.

However, the Montana supreme court has since upheld the state law, putting it in conflict with the Citizens United ruling. If the supreme court agrees to take up the case, it is not likely to overturn Citizens United, but it could hand down a decision that would give state legislatures greater leeway in limiting corporate money in politics. "A problem does exist.