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The Adventures of Gap and Walmart. Handicap International : 30 ans de combat contre les mines antipersonnel - France. >> Retrouvez en bas de page le diaporama "30 ans d'Handicap International en 30 photos" Dans quel contexte avez-vous fondé Handicap International* ?

Handicap International : 30 ans de combat contre les mines antipersonnel - France

Elle a été créée dans un constat de carence et dans un sentiment de révolte. J'étais jeune médecin obstétricien. International Alert - HomePage. Global civil society alliance campaigning for a bulletproof Arms Trade Treaty. Worldwatch Institute. MTV EXIT: Join the Fight to End Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery. IKV Pax Christi - About us. PAX means peace.

IKV Pax Christi - About us

PAX brings together people who have the courage to stand for peace. Together with people in conflict areas and concerned civilians worldwide, PAX works to build dignified, democratic, and peaceful societies across the globe. Everyone in the world can contribute to peace, but it takes courage. The courage to believe that peace is possible, to swim against the tide, to speak out and to carry on no matter what.