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Logiciels de SVT traduit en arabe, français et anglais. A la une. JP Gallerand - E Jourdan Enseigner les SVT dans une langue étrangère.

A la une

L'enseignement des SVT dans une langue étrangère doit se pratiquer un peu par tous les professeurs de SVT mais plus particulièrement par ceux enseignant dans une section européenne. Utilisation d'outils de travail en langue étrangère en collège On peut lire dans la partie VI de l'introduction commune des programmes de l'enseignement de sciences de la vie et de la terre du collège : "Travailler avec des documents en langue étrangère est à la fois un moyen d’augmenter le temps d’exposition à la langue et une ouverture à une autre approche des sciences. Les outils (textes, modes d’emploi, images légendées, cartes, sites…) doivent être adaptés au niveau des élèves. The Blood Typing Game - about blood groups, blood typing and blood transfusions. What happens if you get a blood transfusion with the wrong blood type?

The Blood Typing Game - about blood groups, blood typing and blood transfusions

Even though a patient's own blood type is the first choice for blood transfusions, it's not always available at the blood bank. The Control of the Cell Cycle. Lists of Nobel Prizes and Laureates Control of the Cell Cycle Play the Control of the Cell Cycle Game About the game The game is about the different phases in ordinary cell division, mitosis.

The Control of the Cell Cycle

DNL SVT anglais ressources. Circulatory system and the heart. Circulatory System and the Heart. The Life Wire. BBC Radio 4 Programmes - Food and Farming Awards, Food and Farming Awards 2009. Search Results: carbon NEAR cycle, page 1 - Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal. Oxford University Language Centre. Geologic Time: Introduction. Last Neanderthals of southern Iberia may not have coexisted with modern humans, new data suggest. The theory that the last Neanderthals -- Homo neanderthalensis -- persisted in southern Iberia at the same time that modern humans -Homo sapiens- advanced in the northern part of the peninsula, has been widely accepted by the scientific community during the last twenty years.

Last Neanderthals of southern Iberia may not have coexisted with modern humans, new data suggest

An international study, in which researchers of the Spanish National Distance Education University (UNED) participate, questions this hypothesis. "It is improbable that the last Neanderthals of central and southern Iberia would have persisted until such a late date, approximately 30,000 years ago, as we thought before the new dates appeared," assures Jesús F. Jordá, researcher of the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the UNED and co-author of the study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Understanding Global Dimming. Haiyan’s Displaced—What Now?

Understanding Global Dimming

Thousands of Filipinos made homeless by Typhoon Haiyan are ordered to relocate. Mexico Considers Gum Tax Mexico may make gum chewers pay to clean up litter. Sites généralistes en SVT. Cette sitographie est un ensemble de sites généralistes à vocation scientifique permettant de trouver des ressources sur différents supports : vidéo et audio.

Sites généralistes en SVT

Des transcriptions sont souvent disponibles ainsi que des articles permettant d'approfondir les différents thèmes développés. Nova science now. Rapport_SVT_169861.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Le site d'accompagnement pour les sections européennes ou de langues orientales. Sciences de la vie et de la terre - discipline non linguistique (DNL) Enseigner en section européenne. <encadre |texte=Les enseignants de SVT sont nombreux à utiliser et maitriser une langue étrangère, surtout l'anglais qui leur est indispensable dans leurs études scientifiques.

Enseigner en section européenne

De plus en plus d’élèves reçoivent un Enseignement de Matière Intégrant une Langue Etrangère (EMILE). Les professeurs de sciences sont invités à se lancer dans cette aventure et à collaborer avec leur collègues de langue vivante ... Un président anglophone peut apporter matière à échanger .. The Menstrual Cycle and Period Problems. What can cause irregular, painful or absent menstrual periods?

The Menstrual Cycle and Period Problems

Sarah Urquhart A period, or menstruation, marks the beginning of the process by which the uterus, or womb, prepares itself for pregnancy. Each month the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, is shed from the body, producing a period, and a new lining is grown to replace it. Whilst it's convenient to think of the menstrual cycle as a monthly event, indeed we get the word menstruation from the 28 day cycle of the moon, only about 12% of women actually have a period every 28 days. Most women with regular periods have a cycle lasting 21 to 35 days, with 'day 1' traditionally used to denote the first day on which bleeding begins. The process of menstruation is controlled by 4 key hormones including oestrogen and progesterone, which come from the ovaries, and FSH and LH, which are released by the pituitary gland in the brain. DNA Structure - Contents page. An Interactive Animated Nonlinear Tutorial by Eric MartzAdapted for using Jmol instead of Chime, by Angel Herráez Part of Biomodel website by Angel Herráez, Univ. de Alcalá (Spain) Disponible también en español.

DNA Structure - Contents page

Também disponível em português. Auch verfügbar auf Deutsch. Disponible aussi en français. This version 4.3 works in any Java-compatible browser. If you prefer using Chime for molecular models, the page using it is still available, with equivalent content and functionality. This tutorial is designed to complement Biology or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology books, so it is not by itself a complete introduction to DNA structure.

Before proceeding, check that your browser has Java installed and can use the Jmol software: This tutorial is designed to complement an introduction to DNA, by providing tools for a self-directed exploration. Blue Carbon - The Role of Healthy Oceans in Binding Carbon - Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal. Global Ocean Acidification As carbon concentrations in the atmosphere increase, so do concentrations in the ocean, with resultant acidification as a natural chemical process. 06 Oct 2009 - by Riccardo Pravettoni, UNEP/GRID-Arendal Larimichthys polyactis Catch in early 2000s and predicted Catch Shift (a) Current (early 2000s) and (b) climate-shifted distributions of the small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis (Sciaenidae).

Blue Carbon - The Role of Healthy Oceans in Binding Carbon - Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal

The climate-shifted distribution was predicted by a dynamic bioclimate envelope model described by Cheung et al. (2008), under a hypothetical increase in average global ocean temperature of 2.5°C. Seagrass. Enseigner en DNL (discipline non linguistique) - Sciences de la vie et de la Terre - Éduscol. Science in School.