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» The first lime «: Homemade pore strips! Steps 1-2: First take one spoon of milk and one of Unflavored Gelatin (it works with flavored too!).

» The first lime «: Homemade pore strips!

Mix it very well, and then microwave for about 15 seconds. Step 3: Place the mixture over your nose and wait for about 30 minutes, peel it of and you are done! DIY Citrus Salt Scrub. It’s that time of year.

DIY Citrus Salt Scrub

Where you need all the exfoliation you can get! Everyone wants fabulous beach-ready skin! And lets be real, if you’re anything like me… exfoliating just didn’t seam important when you’re all covered up in winter clothing. Well, now it’s time to peel of those layers of clothing AND skin! How to Make Bath Bombs: DIY Wedding Favors. Posted on January 3, 2012 by Christina Want to learn how to make bath bombs?

How to Make Bath Bombs: DIY Wedding Favors

Not only are bath bombs a great way to enhance an already pleasurable activity (who doesn’t love a warm soak in the tub!) , they also make for fantastic shower or wedding favors.