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Facebook Twitter Teoría y práctica de la educación a distancia (ED-5060) •García Aretio, L. (2006).

Teoría y práctica de la educación a distancia (ED-5060)

Michael Simonson Ph.D. EL MODELO DE DISEÑO INSTRUCCIONAL ASSURE  APLICADO A LA EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA. María Gregoria Benítez Lima Profesor Investigador de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (México) Resumen Este trabajo presenta un análisis del modelo de diseño instruccional conocido por sus siglas en inglés ASSURE, el cual integra seis pasos que consiste en: analizar las características del estudiante; establecer estándares y objetivos de aprendizaje; la selección de medios y materiales; utilización de los medios y materiales; la participación de los estudiantes y evaluación y revisión de la implementación y resultados del aprendizaje, aplicado a la educación a distancia.


Primeramente se presentan los fundamentos teóricos del diseño instruccional, la clasificación de los modelos de diseño instruccional así como las teorías educativas que han contribuido a su desarrollo; posteriormente se presenta el análisis de cada una de las etapas del modelo ASSURE y su aplicación a la educación a distancia. Conclusiones. PLN para docentes. All sizes. E-learning. Dossier_rev (1).docx. Blended Learning in Higher Education ... - D. Randy Garrison, Norman D. Vaughan. This groundbreaking book offers a down-to-earth resource for the practical application of blended learning in higher education as well as a comprehensive examination of the topic.

Blended Learning in Higher Education ... - D. Randy Garrison, Norman D. Vaughan

Well-grounded in research, Blended Learning in Higher Education clearly demonstrates how the blended learning approach embraces the traditional values of face-to-face teaching and integrates the best practices of online learning. This approach has proven to both enhance and expand the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning in higher education across disciplines. In this much-needed book, authors D. Randy Garrison and Norman D. Vaughan present the foundational research, theoretical framework, scenarios, principles, and practical guidelines for the redesign and transformation of the higher education curriculum.

Blended Learning Models - 2002. GRUPO1_portfolio digital_act2_Diseño programas y cursos_sem1_11. Chapter 7. Chapter 7 The Development of Online Courses Dean Caplan Bow Valley College In the ideal world, instructional media developers—those who will actually create the planned instructional materials with which the student will interact—are included in the course development process from the beginning, to consult with and advise course team members on development-related topics as they arise.

Chapter 7

Then, on receiving a detailed design document from the subject matter expert or instructor, developers will set to work, assured that • the instructional designs of the learning materials are stable because they have been based firmly on sound, proven learning theories; • these instructional designs will meet the institution's identified and articulated internal and external standards for quality, usability, and interoperability; • appropriate media have been selected to meet these standards; • the designs are practical and can be developed in a cost-effective and timely way. top Definition of an Online Course. IDKB - Models/Theories. Learning happens when a correct response is demonstrated following the presentation of a specific environmental stimulus Learning can be detected by observing an organism over a period of time Emphasis is on observable and measurable behaviors Uses a "black box" metaphor - the learner is a black box, what happens inside is unknown Emphasis is on relationships between environmental variables and behavior Instruction utilizes consequences and reinforcement of learned behaviors.

IDKB - Models/Theories

Theory of Technology. Instructional Design Models. Instructional Design Models Models, like myths and metaphors, help us to make sense of our world.

Instructional Design Models

Whether derived from whim or from serious research, a model offers its user a means of comprehending an otherwise incomprehensible problem. An instructional design model gives structure and meaning to an I.D. problem, enabling the would-be designer to negotiate her design task with a semblance of conscious understanding. Models help us to visualize the problem, to break it down into discrete, manageable units.

The value of a specific model is determined within the context of use. Chapter 1. Chapter 1 Foundations of Educational Theory for Online Learning Mohamed Ally Athabasca University There is ongoing debate about whether it is the use of a particular delivery technology or the design of the instruction that improves learning (Clark, 2001; Kozma, 2001). It has long been recognized that specialized delivery technologies can provide efficient and timely access to learning materials; however, Clark (1983) has claimed that technologies are merely vehicles that deliver instruction, but do not themselves influence student achievement.

As Clark notes, meta-analysis studies on media research have shown that students gain significant learning benefits when learning from audio-visual or computer media, as opposed to conventional instruction; however, the same studies suggest that the reason for those benefits is not the medium of instruction, but the instructional strategies built into the learning materials. Top For the instructor, tutoring can be done at anytime and from anywhere. 16 - Septiembre 2006. Developing A Blended Learning Strategy: Instructional Media & Pedag... Teach Elements: Project-Based Approaches. La Educacion a Distancia en America Latina. Engler.pdf. ADDIE Instructional Design Model. The ADDIE instructional design model forms a roadmap for the entire training project.

ADDIE Instructional Design Model

Intulogy uses this popular instructional design model to help our clients analyze their training needs, design and develop training materials, implement training, and evaluate its effectiveness. Sometimes, Intulogy works directly with a client’s training specialists, who have studied the ADDIE model in graduate school. However, we’re often contacted by directors and executives who know their company has a training need, but they don’t know much about the instructional design process. Intulogy’s training specialists share a flowchart of the ADDIE instructional design model with our clients. It helps our clients locate where they are in the training project lifecycle, and it provides a common language for us to discuss the project. Going through the ADDIE steps can answer many common questions about a training project: Why should you use the ADDIE methodology for your company’s training?

Blended Learning Design.pdf (application/pdf Object) Repurposing with a purpose: A story with a happy ending. AprendizajeMixto - 1.0 Principal. Actividades - La vida en la Edad Media: Los Monasterios. Media Smart - Resources. Resources for The Media Smart Body Image lesson was launched in September 2011 and was developed to align with the Government's Body Confidence campaign.

Media Smart - Resources

The aim of the one hour lesson is to provide an introduction to the role of the media and advertising in influencing young people's perceptions of body image. Developed for 10-11 year olds, the Media Smart Body Image lesson highlights techniques used in post-production and examples of positive body image campaigns to help children think critically about the images they are seeing.

Notes and Lesson Plan The Body Image lesson is a one hour lesson that includes teaching materials and 2 worksheets. Body Image Parent Pack The Media Smart Body Image parent pack was launched in June 2012 following the success of our Body Image Lesson. Body Image Parent Pack "My own research has shown that 92% of girls worldwide want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance, with 12% resorting to extreme measures to lose weight. More about the. Taxonomía de Bloom para la Era Digital. Andrew Churches Descargue este documento en formato PDF.

Taxonomía de Bloom para la Era Digital