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Inspire925 | Inspiration as a business strategy. Webinar | Starting up your own Incubation and Acceleration Program? What you need to know for your I. Startup learn | NZZ Campus - studies, career, colleges, universities. Arbeit mit Sinn zu verknüpfen, wird für Studierende immer wichtiger. Reizvoll sind deswegen auch Startups mit sozialer Ausrichtung. Eine Sommerschule bietet Gelegenheit zum Schnuppern. Man fühlt sich an einen Universitätscampus erinnert. An den idealtypischen, wo die Studierenden sich spontan mit ihren Laptops zusammensetzen. Wo auch einmal ein älteres Semester mit freundlicher Zuneigung den Jüngeren die Welt erklärt, wo man nicht nur an Tischen, sondern auch in bequemen Sesseln oder auf den Stufen des Auditoriums sitzt, entspannt, offen, improvisiert.

Nur: Die Rede ist nicht von einer Universität, sondern von einem sogenannten Inkubator, einem Brutkasten für Unternehmensgründer, vom Impact Hub Zürich. Gruppendynamisch Jede Generation hat Orte, die ihre Wünsche und Erwartungen spiegeln. Im Gegensatz zur Hochschule aber arbeitet man hier nicht an einer gestellten Aufgabe, sondern an der eigenen Startup-Idee. «Sexy Salads» Praktikum bei einem Startup Als Praktikantin Businessplan überarbeitet. Poster-Infographic-v3-update-2014.png (4320×4320) Image Result for. Impact Hub | Home. The HUB | NationalField. A global network that inspires, connects, and enables people to realize enterprising ideas and sustainable impact.

The HUB is a global network of spaces that inspire, connect and enable people to realize enterprising ideas for sustainable impact. The HUB is represented on every continent in 30 cities. Members of the HUB are using the inspiring infrastructure to work on their ideas, the local community to meet and learn from like-minded individuals and the content provided in workshop, presentations and business clinics to put their ideas into reality. A Global Community The first HUB was founded in London, UK and with every year that the HUB network developed, the opportunity to link the global potential became more apparent. But how do you help an entrepreneur from Johannesburg get in touch with an investor from the Bay Area in an easy manner? Enter NationalField NationalField provided the HUB with an Enterprise Social Network that united the entire global organization. About The HUB. HUBnet l Purpose and Policy. Hubud [Hub-in-Ubud] HUBzine - Are you Building a Product//or a Social Business?

Renato Kiyama Are you Building a Product or a Social Business? Renato Kiyama is a director at Artemisia who is focused on supporting impact acceleration for startups in Brazil. He tells us about the challenges of starting up a Social Enterprise and the common mistakes he sees Entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them. 1. What's your role with Artemesia and what does Artemesia do? Renato: I’m 1 of 2 directors of Artemisia in Brazil and I’ve been with them for 6 years. 2. Renato: One example would be Sautil. 75% of the population in Brazil doesn’t have access to health insurance so they commonly use the public policy “SUS”. Imagine you’re someone who earns income through cleaning houses. When we found Sautil, they were just this platform of information without a real business model so we worked on it with them and found we had a huge market of Healthcare providers who were willing to pay for things inside the platform. 3. Renato: (Laughs) There are a lot of challenges. 4. 5. 6. 7.

HUBzine. The HUB Singapore | HUB Mentors. HUB: Impact Assessment. HUB Associates Network Intro by Gabriela Albescu on Prezi.