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High-Speed "Trackless Train Technology" by Tubular Rail. Lockheed-Martin / Boeing F-22 Raptor; Assessing the F-22A Raptor. By any measure, the development of the F-22A was revolutionary - in the technology employed and from a stealth design point standpoint - and this produced a combat aircraft that has no equal. Being able to carry weapons internally was essential to its stealth capability, and efficient supercruise. Given the role away from dedicated air superiority, rather than incur the costs of resizing the compact main internal bays of the F-22A, sized initially around four early AIM-120A AMRAAMs, the US Air Force embarked on the 'Small Smart Bomb' program centred on the idea of carrying a payload of multiple 250 lb class bombs. Today's 385 lb GBU-39/B and GBU-40/B Small Diameter Bombs (SDB) were sized around the F-22A weapon bay.

For the intended role of busting an opponent's airfields, mobile missile batteries, and command posts, the mix of either two GBU-32 1,000 lb JDAMs or eight GBU-39/40 SDBs is an excellent fit. The raw aerodynamic performance of the F-22A was without precedent.


DANIELSIMON ™ Automobile. Making of Mercedes S-Class W222, 2014. "RIDON" Hoverbike 3D Animation. ヤマハハイブリッド自転車概念モデル 東京モーターショー 2009. Spoofing on the High Seas.