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Business Design Tools › Tools and processes to design better businesses. Customer journey mapping game (transport) by christophe Tallec on Prezi.


The Tarot Card Reader. We were invited by the Design Interactions Department at the Royal College of Art to take part in the on-going EU funded Studiolab project which is exploring the impact of Synthetic Biology on society and culture through practice-based research projects by using design as a way to imagine, test and discuss.

The Tarot Card Reader

Within this broad remit, our early interests in the project were to explore the possibilities for new products and services at the intersection of synthetic biology and deviant globalisation – a murky world of illegal, informal and pirate economies, new patent laws, and cross-border flows of technology and expertise. We were interested in exploring the gradients of the informal economy; the grey spaces between the black market and mainstream commerce. What kinds of products and services might synthetic biology produce? How could patent law and regulatory regimes be shaped to meet the challenges of 'synbio'? How to Teach Visual Thinking and Storytelling. Invent your own Tangram- in-class exercise « Parsons Design 3 studio- Fall 2010.

Invent your own Tangram- in-class exercise Posted by Liz Burow on October 4, 2010 · 1 Comment Students practiced their ‘rough prototyping’ skills in class with a ‘down and dirty’ version of Tangram.

Invent your own Tangram- in-class exercise « Parsons Design 3 studio- Fall 2010

Each group of 3 students came up with 8 shapes (based on the human form) to work with as their ‘visual alphabet’, using white paper with a black background. The shapes then got passed to the right, so that you were now working with someone else’s shapes. A series of words were thrown out (nouns, verbs and concepts like, fish, sailing, energy) and the groups had a matter of seconds to assemble am image that could best represent the word. This in-class exercise was the ‘warm-up/ for the 1 week assignment of inventing a Tangram system- based on 9 shapes, for a specific set of words. 8 shapes= human form sketching out shape ideas 'fish market' 'health care' 'transportation' group work making the shapes. In-class PICTIONARY! (learning about signs, symbols, icons) « Parsons Design 3 studio- Fall 2010. In-class PICTIONARY!

in-class PICTIONARY! (learning about signs, symbols, icons) « Parsons Design 3 studio- Fall 2010

(learning about signs, symbols, icons) Posted by Liz Burow on September 28, 2010 · 2 Comments Pictionary really seems the best way to get into the semiotic groove. Rapid drawing without being able to use words in a competitive atmosphere gets the mind thinking about what makes a good visual sign. We also learn what does not make for a good visual sign. SPACE FOR SERVICES-PRESENTATION TO ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS. Drawing-for-thinkers-handout.pdf (Objet application/pdf) La 27e Région. Méthodes ingénieuses pour Régions heureuses, #2 : le prototypage Billet publié par Stéphane Vincent Tag : Territoires en résidences English presentation to be downloaded here.

La 27e Région

Our documentary is subtitled in English. Après un premier épisode consacré à l’immersion, voici le second consacré cette fois-ci au prototypage rapide, à partir des expériences réalisées à partir de 2009 dans le cadre du programme "Territoires en résidences". Comment transformer l’activité numérique d’un territoire en une expérience tangible pour les habitants de Rennes, en Région Bretagne ?

Project of How → An open interactive library of techniques and insights, that makes your creative output better. RAD-RESOURCE-PACKET.PDF. Design de Services, la ressource francophone et collaborative d'une discipline innovante. Panel d'utilisateurs Assurer la récolte d’enseignements en identifiant des comportements réels et inspirants.

Design de Services, la ressource francophone et collaborative d'une discipline innovante

Sélectionner et recruter des profils représentatifs et atypiques. Entretiens utilisateurs Échanger avec les utilisateurs, tout en les observant. Comprendre finement les usages réels des utilisateurs, leurs motivations et leur environnement. Communication methods supporting design processes. Human-Centered Design Toolkit.

For years, businesses have used human-centered design to develop innovative solutions.

Human-Centered Design Toolkit

Why not apply the same approach to overcome challenges in the nonprofit world? This project, funded by International Development Enterprise (IDE) as part of a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, sought to provide NGOs and social enterprises with the tools to do just that. IDEO, in collaboration with nonprofit groups ICRW and Heifer International, developed the HCD Toolkit to help international staff and volunteers understand a community’s needs in new ways, find innovative solutions to meet those needs, and deliver solutions with financial sustainability in mind.

The HCD Toolkit was designed specifically for NGOs and social enterprises that work with impoverished communities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The HCD toolkit has been used by organizations throughout the developing world, including Acumen Fund, AyurVAID, Heifer International, ICRW, IDE, Micro Drip, and VisionSpring.

Stimuler la créativité des personnels d'exécution. Aidée de ses investisseurs historiques, la jeune plateforme de baby-sitting en ligne Yoopies rachète l'un de ses concurrents français.

Stimuler la créativité des personnels d'exécution

Le mobile, bascule silencieuse du tourisme De plus en plus connectés sur mobile, les consommateurs préparent leurs voyages sur tablettes et smartphones. LEARN-i-VERSE// Service Design Jam Workshop 2011. This past weekend Burlix joined in the fun at the local NYC// GLOBAL SERVICE DESIGN JAM happening. | WHAT WE DID: The NYCer jammers were encouraged to spend 48 hours of one weekend (really only 8 hours when you added it all up) designing a new service system in groups of 4 to 8 people.

LEARN-i-VERSE// Service Design Jam Workshop 2011

The theme of the jam was: SUPERHEROESHow we decided to use this theme was up to each group. OUR FOCUS: Our group was interested in looking for new ways to learn. WHY WE DID IT: We were inspired by Steve, an attendee of the service design workshop, who came to learn more about service design as a way to evolve out of his current job title. HOW WE DID IT: Our deliverable was a story/story board.