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An Inconvenient Truth

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An inconvenient truth. Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" Movie: Fact or Hype? Updated May 25, 2006 The message in An Inconvenient Truth, the new movie starring former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, is clear: Humans are causing global warming, and the effects are devastating. Most scientists agree that the Earth is heating up, due primarily to an atmospheric increase in carbon dioxide caused mainly by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. But how accurate are some of the scientific claims made in the documentary? In an attemp to clear the air, National Geographic News checked in with Eric Steig, an earth scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle, who saw An Inconvenient Truth at a preview screening.

He says the documentary handles the science well. "I was looking for errors," he said. "But nothing much struck me as overblown or wrong. " Claim: According to the film, the number of Category 4 and Category 5 hurricanes has almost doubled in the last year. "This is true," Steig said. (Read "Is Global Warming Making Hurricanes Worse?

") An Inconvenient Truth. All Critics (167) | Top Critics (38) | Fresh (147) | Rotten (11) | DVD (28) It grabs you like a thriller with an ending that will haunt your dreams. November 24, 2006 Just because truths are inconvenient is no reason to suppose they are not real. It is utterly convincing, it's emotionally powerful and it makes Gore look more charming than he ever did as a presidential candidate. The film succeeds powerfully, even though it's short on practical solutions, makes some questionable statements of fact and, given Gore's current ambiguous position in public life, requires a tighter focus on the message than on the messenger. Frightening and timely, the smartly organized documentary is an urgent plea for responsibility and action as well as an impassioned call to heed the ominous warnings of science. A film that invests hard science with impassioned moral drive.

Those attacking Al Gore as a misinformed prophet or political crybaby likely never watched the film. December 31, 2006. An Inconvenient Truth Trailer. 35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in Al Gore’s movie | Monckton. Al Gore’s spokesman and “environment advisor,” Ms. Kalee Kreider, begins by saying that the film presented “thousands and thousands of facts.”

It did not: just 2,000 “facts” in 93 minutes would have been one fact every three seconds. The film contained only a few dozen points, most of which will be seen to have been substantially inaccurate. The judge concentrated only on nine points which even the UK Government, to which Gore is a climate-change advisor, had to admit did not represent mainstream scientific opinion. Ms. Kreider then states, incorrectly, that the judge himself had never used the term “errors.” Next, Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. We now itemize 35 of the scientific errors and exaggerations in Al Gore’s movie. Gore says that a sea-level rise of up to 6 m (20 ft) will be caused by melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland. Ms. Ms. Finally, the IPCC’s 2007 report estimates that the likelihood that humankind is having any influence on sea level at all is little better than 50:50.

Ms. An Inconvenient Truth (2006. An Inconvenient Truth. An Inconvenient Truth is a 2006 Academy Award winning documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about former United States Vice President Al Gore's campaign to educate citizens about global warming via a comprehensive slide show that, by his own estimate made in the film, he has given more than a thousand times. The idea to document his efforts came from producer Laurie David who saw his presentation at a town-hall meeting on global warming which coincided with the opening of The Day After Tomorrow. Laurie David was so inspired by Gore's slide show that she, with producer Lawrence Bender, met with Guggenheim to adapt the presentation into a film.

Since the film's release, An Inconvenient Truth has been credited for raising international public awareness of climate change and reenergizing the environmental movement. The documentary has also been included in science curricula in schools around the world, which has spurred some controversy. Synopsis [edit] Background[edit] Origins[edit]