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How to get a Tax ID Number in Germany? The German Tax ID & German Tax Number Explained Last update: February 2016 Note: This is not for businesses or freelancers!

How to get a Tax ID Number in Germany?

Vocational training in Germany – how does it work? A dual vocational degree (ausbildungsintegriertes duales Studium) is a special form of degree programme.

Vocational training in Germany – how does it work?

It integrates studies at a higher education institution such as a university or Berufsakademie and on-the-job training at a company. This means that you will obtain both a degree and a recognised professional qualification. This kind of integrated dual degree course is particularly common in the areas of business and engineering (e.g. business studies, mechanical engineering or IT). In contrast to regular university degree programmes, dual vocational degrees do not primarily focus on academic studies. In addition to the theory that is taught at a higher education institution or Berufsakademie, students also undergo on-the-job training at a company.

Dual vocational degree programmes usually last between three and five years. A list of dual vocational degree courses including companies that offer traineeships is available on the “Ausbildung Plus” portal. Design salaries in Germany - Design Salary Guide at Coroflot. Come calcolare voto maturità in germania. Due sono le principali motivazioni che spingono un italiano a frequentare un’università tedesca: la qualità degli studi (ben tre università tedesche sono posizionate tra le prime 100 nel mondo ) e il prezzo.

come calcolare voto maturità in germania

L’università è infatti in molti Länder gratuita e, quando non lo è, il prezzo rimane comunque ridotto. Molti studenti vengono frenati dalla lingua, uno scoglio che sembra insormontabile; in realtà sono presenti molti corsi di studio in lingua inglese (prevalentemente materie scientifico-tecniche). I requisiti per poter accedere ad un’università sono generalmente un diploma di studi superiori (Abitur, in tedesco) e una certificazione della lingua di studio. Alcune università richiedono un determinato voto di maturità per poter far domanda, le cosiddette NC (“numerus clausus”, numero chiuso). I voti vanno dall’1, il migliore conseguibile, al 6, insufficiente. Anabin - Informationssystem zur Anerkennung ausländischer Bildungsabschlüsse: Hochschulabschlüsse.

Mit Hilfe der Informationen im Bereich "Hochschulabschlüsse" kann die Wertigkeit einer ausländischen Hochschulqualifikation festgestellt werden.

Anabin - Informationssystem zur Anerkennung ausländischer Bildungsabschlüsse: Hochschulabschlüsse

Darüber hinaus können weiterführende Informationen recherchiert werden. Die Auflistung der erfassten Abschlüsse erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Die Dokumentation bietet eine formale Beschreibung des Abschlusses sowie Informationen zu seiner Bewertung. Zu den formalen Angaben gehören die genaue Abschlussbezeichnung, die Übersetzung ins Deutsche oder Englische, die Abkürzung, die Studiendauer, eine allgemeine Beschreibung des Studiums sowie die Voraussetzungen, die im Heimatland zur Aufnahme des Studiums gelten. Die Informationen unter "Bewertung" geben Auskunft darüber, wie der betreffende Studienabschluss in das deutsche Bildungssystem eingeordnet werden kann. "Bedingt vergleichbar" verweist darauf, dass bereits auf formaler Ebene Unterschiede zu dem entsprechenden deutschen Bildungsabschluss bestehen. Untitled. Anyone with an international university degree/higher education qualification is generally permitted to study in Germany.


However, the recognition of the qualification is linked to certain requirements. Anyone wanting to study at a university in Germany needs a so-called "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung" (HZB), or higher education entrance qualification. This lets applicants show that their educational background or professional qualification allows them to study in Germany, i.e. they have the necessary higher education entrance qualification to register for a course. Mietschuldenfreiheitsbescheinigung PDF. Schufa. Schufa Holding AG (German: Schutzgemeinschaft für allgemeine Kreditsicherung; English: Protection company for general creditworthiness) is a German private credit bureau supported by creditors.


It has its headquarters in Wiesbaden, the capital of Hesse, Germany. Schufa's purpose is to protect its clients from credit risks. It also offers protection from insolvency to borrowers. [clarification needed] Schufa has 479 million records on 66.2 million natural persons,[1] amounting to about three-quarters of the German population. Former finance senator Michael Freytag has been board chairman of Schufa Holding AG since 1 November 2010.[2] The chairman of the supervisory board is Alexander Boldyreff.[3] History[edit] At the beginning of the 20th century, the Berlin city electric company (BEWAG) offered household appliances for sale on installment plans. Offica for Migration. Entitlement to attend a course As an EU citizen you do not have a statutory entitlement to attend an integration course.

Offica for Migration

However, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees can allow you to attend an integration course if you do not yet speak adequate German, if you have particular integration needs and if there are places available on the course. You should complete an application for admission to an integration course. Please also read the "Notes about the integration course".

Send the completed and signed application form to the regional office of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees responsible for you. Registration - Work in Whether you're a native German, member of a EU state or a non-EU citizen, you have to register your new address within two weeks after moving to Berlin (§11 MeldeGesetz).

Registration - Work in

Some Germans still refer to it as "registering with the police" (bei der Polizei anmelden) though it's technically with the registration authorities (Meldebehörde). Every district has at least one registration office where you can register your new address, apply for an international driving licence, obtain an identity card and make use of other services. Click here to find the registration office closest to you. (Note: the website, like most bureaucratic information, is only in German. The English version of the site just gives you tourist information.) Registration in Berlin. Bürgeramt Wedding - Bürgerämter - Standorte - Service Berlin - Cosa é una Ausbildung? L’alternativa all’università in Germania. Per tutte le età! Foto da Buongiorno!

Cosa é una Ausbildung? L’alternativa all’università in Germania. Per tutte le età!

Oggi riflettevo sui mesi dell’anno, cosa che faccio spesso perché mi piace osservare le mie reazioni alle variazioni del tempo e della luce. Stipendio in germania Archives - Joblers. Netto Brutto Rechner 2015. Haftpflichtversicherung.