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World Values Survey. From this section you can download the different respondent level data files, in format compatible with some popular statistical programs (SPSS, Stata or SAS)..

World Values Survey

Click over the different links to begin downloading the files. If you encounter any problems please contact us at The WVS 5 wave aggregated file includes the surveys conducted by the WVS from 1981 to 2008 in 87 societes, totalling more than 256.000 interviews. The files are offered in three different formats: SPSS, STATA and SAS formats. Please use the following citation when referring to this file: Bibliographic Citation : WORLD VALUES SURVEY 1981-2008 OFFICIAL AGGREGATE v.20090901, 2009.

Version history: v20090901 : First official release WVS 2005 WAVE DATA FILES (New release: v20090901) The current release of the WVS 2005 includes data corresponding to 57 countries. WVS2005-List A includes countries having carried the complete questionnaire. Files are offered in three formats. History of changes: Accueil - Le Forum de la Performance. Rechercher - Jeux de données. Public Data Explorer. Décisions du Conseil Constitutionnel - Jeux de données.

Les grands thèmes couverts par le site. DataMarket - Find and Understand Data — DataMarket. See Who's Giving & Who's Getting. Sandbox » - Public Dataset Catalogs Faceted Browser. PostRank. Compete. Alexa the Web Information Company. Quantcast.

Open Data Sites. Pour un opendata des usagers » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Aujourd'hui, les administrations mènent la danse de l'ouverture des données.

Pour un opendata des usagers » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism

Cette politique de l'offre doit être remplacée par une démarche où les usagers demandent directement des comptes à leurs administrations - et où elles leur répondent. Depuis mai 2009 et la mise en ligne de, l’ouverture des données publiques a avancé à pas de géants. Les catalogues de données publiques se sont multipliés. Le Royaume-Uni a sorti, la Suède édite et même les gouvernements les moins transparents s’y mettent, avec, par exemple, en Russie. On compte près de 60 initiatives de ce type à travers le monde, comme le montre la carte collaborative ci-dessous : Voir World Map of Open Government Data Initiatives sur une plus grande carte.

Ces catalogues ne sont pas que des concessions faites à quelques activistes. Les perspectives ouvertes par les données publiques sont vertigineuses, comme l’a rappelé Xavier Crouan lors du CapCom de Rennes. Data journalism: Wikileaks and beyond. Carte opendata-france. All of our data journalism in one spreadsheet. Data journalism and visualisation from the Guardian Illustration: Lisa Villani for the Guardian Today we have a list of all the data journalism produced here on the Guardian datablog.

All of our data journalism in one spreadsheet

You can see what's been popular and get easy access to the data we have curated as this list shows each datablog post's associated spreadsheets, authors, the number of comments and retweets. By sorting the blog posts by the number of retweets, we can see that Iraq War Logs formed the base of our most retweeted post, followed by a recent post from David McCandless on fish stocks.

Sorting by comments shows that the Fukushima nuclear power plant updates were the subject of the greatest discussion, closely followed by Every Doctor Who villain since 1963. The list shows that in two years we have covered a huge range of data sets. The British government have been publishing more detailed spending data than any of their predecessors, and this has not escaped our attention.

Here's all the data. The World Bank. The Palestine Papers. The 70 Online Databases that Define Our Planet. Back in April, we looked at an ambitious European plan to simulate the entire planet.

The 70 Online Databases that Define Our Planet

The idea is to exploit the huge amounts of data generated by financial markets, health records, social media and climate monitoring to model the planet’s climate, societies and economy. The vision is that a system like this can help to understand and predict crises before they occur so that governments can take appropriate measures in advance. There are numerous challenges here. Nobody yet has the computing power necessary for such a task, neither are there models that will can accurately model even much smaller systems. But before any of that is possible, researchers must gather the economic, social and technological data needed to feed this machine.

Today, we get a grand tour of this challenge from Dirk Helbing and Stefano Balietti at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. These and other pursuits are now producing massive amounts of data, many of which are freely available on the web. Get the Data: Open Data Q&A Forum. Data.