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LOOK AT YOURSELF AFTER WATCHING THIS.mp4. Видеото което изуми цялата интернет аудитория. Alma Salsera - Amazing! - ORIGINAL. Untitled. Bulgaria The Beautiful: Inspiring a Nation to Dream Again. Love the 1% - Actual Transformation in Human Consciousness - Occupy Wall Street.

Тракийски гробници, долмени и светилища. В Родопите се намират останките на стотици, а може би и хиляди тракийски светилища.

Тракийски гробници, долмени и светилища

Дълги години провеждам проучване в няколко области на Родопите. Това са места, посещавани само от местни хора, защото са непознати и са далече от туристически пътеки. Там установих, че на площ от 20 кв. км. могат да се видят останки на поне 10 светилища. Всяка скала или непристъпен връх тук са ползвани с култови цели през различни епохи от древността. Разбира се повечето от тях са съвсем малки и са заемали няколко кв. м. Are You Willing to Forgive? - The Louise Hay Blog. АЗБУКА. БЪЛГАРСКИ СИМВОЛИ,ЗНАЦИ,АЗБУКА и ЕЛЕМЕНТИ. Страница за автентична българска народна музика. Mode of Life and Culture. As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued.

Mode of Life and Culture

We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge. We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation.

Живков попита за Ванга и почнах да я изследвам. Декември 2011 г.

Живков попита за Ванга и почнах да я изследвам

Проф. д-р Георги Лозанов говори пред "24 часа". Caffè culture. » Life as a Conscious Practice. ‘Everything is practice.’

» Life as a Conscious Practice

~Pele Post written by Leo Babauta. When we learn a martial art, or ballet, or gymnastics, or soccer … we consciously practice movements in a deliberate way, repeatedly. By conscious, repeated practice, we become good at those movements. Our entire lives are like this, but we’re often less conscious of the practice. Each day, we repeat movements, thought patterns, ways of interacting with others … and in this repeated practice, we are becoming (or have already become) good at these things. When you smoke, or eat junk food, or speak rudely to others, or put yourself down internally, this is something you are practicing to be good at. What if, instead, we practiced consciously, deliberately, and became good at the things we really want to be good at? What if you first, above all skills, learned to be more aware of what you are practicing? Do You Give Your Power Away? - Louise L. Hay. When we blame another, we give our power away because we’re placing the responsibility for our feelings on someone else.

Do You Give Your Power Away? - Louise L. Hay

People in our lives may behave in ways that trigger uncomfortable responses in us. However, they didn’t get into our minds and create the buttons that have been pushed. Taking responsibility for our own feelings and reactions is mastering our “ability to respond.” In other words, we learn to consciously choose rather than simply react. Facebook. Протестът. Cultural studies. Cultural studies combines feminist theory, social theory, political theory, history, philosophy, literary theory, media theory, film/video studies, communication studies, political economy, translation studies, museum studies and art history/criticism to study cultural phenomena in various societies.

Cultural studies

Thus, cultural studies seeks to understand how meaning is generated, disseminated, and produced from the social, political and economic spheres within a given culture. The influential theories of cultural hegemony and agency have emerged from the cultural studies movement as well as the most recent communications theory, which attempts to explain the cultural forces behind globalization. Unique academic approaches to cultural studies have also emerged in the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Italy. History[edit] Early years[edit] Theory of hegemony[edit] Scott Lash writes: In the work of Hall, Hebdige and McRobbie, popular culture came to the fore...

Edgar and Sedgwick write: