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Culture Japonaise

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Musées. Bouddhisme. Arts traditionnels. 100-Year Old Japan, as Seen Through The Lens of Arnold Genthe. Photos of the shopping streets offer the most details to observe and marvel over Arnold Genthe (1869 – 1942) was a German-born photographer who emigrated to San Francisco at the age of 26 and made a name for himself photographing Chinatown, but also the city’s wealthy socialites. In 1908 Genthe followed his passion and interest in ukiyo-e prints, sparked by a chance meeting with Japanese art scholar Ernest Fenellosa, and traveled to Japan where he spent 6 months touring and photographing the country. The images, part of a larger collection, were later acquired by the Library of Congress, where they remain preserved, offering a rare and authentic view of what Japan looked like almost 100 years ago. However, photographing Japan the way Genthe did was not easy. As author Terry Bennett describes in his book Photography in Japan 1853-1912, Genthe was “a natural linguist” and “he had mastered a reasonable amount of colloquial Japanese.

He studied, and learned, 300 kanji.” Pin It! Heian Period Japan: waraji and zori sandals. - BACK to the Daruma Museum - . Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: waraji - zoori 草鞋- 履 と伝説 Legends about straw sandals one of the many necessities for a traveler in the Edo period.waraji 草鞋 / わらじ straw sandals (for travellers)warazoori 藁草履 straw sandalstake no kawa zoori 竹の皮草履 sandals from bamboo skingonzoo ごんぞう / 権蔵 gonzo straw sandalszunbe ずんべ straw sandals . zoori, zôri 草履 straw sandals . - Introduction - . waraji no omamori わらじお守り straw sandal amulets . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures : .......................................................................... .

Source : . . 江戸東京博物館:収蔵品検索. 収蔵品検索 全242件中 1~20件を表示しています< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 > WKD (03) ..... SAIJIKI of all categories: WORK in all seasons. [ . BACK to WORLDKIGO TOP . ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: New Year begins (nenshi)***** Location: Japan ***** Season: New Year, others see below ***** Category: Humanity *****************************Explanation WORK and Business in all seasons - - - Let us first look at the New Year. Nenshi 年始 (ねんし) new year begins nenga 年賀(ねんが)greeting at the New Year ..... nenrei 年礼(ねんれい)、toshi no rei 年の礼(としのれい)、hatsu rei, hatsurei 初礼(はつれい), kairei 回礼(かいれい) gyokei 御慶(ぎょけい)celebrating the New Year reisha 礼者(れいじゃ)person who celebrates the New Year gakyaku 賀客(がきゃく)visitor for the New Year nenga kyaku 、年賀客(ねんがきゃく) kadorei 門礼(かどれい)New Year visitor ("at the gate" ) He gives his greetings at the entrance (kado) and does not come into the house. .....

Reiuke, rei-uke 礼受(れいうけ)receiver of new year wishesreija uke 礼者受(れいじゃうけ) . nengajoo 年賀状(ねんがじょう) New Year Greeting Card ..... Kadobiraki 門開き(かどびらき) "opening the gates again" ..... kadoake 門明け(かどあけ) Witchcraft in Japan: The Roots of Magical Girls | Japanistas. When most people think of witches, they think of women in black cloaks with pointy hats, maybe a broomstick. And of course, no witch is complete without her familiar – an animal guide which assists them while they practice magic or witchcraft.

In western mythology, witches are thought to gain their power through worshipping malevolent spirits like the Devil. But in Japan, the concept of familiars defines witchcraft, because they the source of the witches’ power. Just like in the West, people in pre-modern Japan often explained phenomena like illness, floods and other misfortunes with evil spirits. Witch and tsukimono on an old card game. Alternatively, some people weren’t possessed by tsukimono but kept them as pets or familiars. People were hesitant to do business with such a family, and they had trouble selling property.

Tsukimono and their masters. Often these tsukimono-suji were simply wealthier than their neighbors. Perhaps predictably, cats also feature in Japanese witch stories. L'art japonais du bain à Kinosaki Onsen. Sur la côte de la mer du Japon, à deux heures de Kyôto, l'ancien refuge des cigognes peut s'enorgueillir d'être devenu une des plus belles villes d'onsen du Japon. Des rues bordées d’échoppes où se promènent des couples habillés en yukata, une rivière bordée d’arbres et de fontaines d’eau de source, la tranquillité, partout. Kinosaki est l’image même de la ville de onsen japonaise.

Située sur la mer du Japon elle constitue depuis de siècles un lieu de détente en venant de Kyôto. On y trouve même le temple des onsen, l’onsen-ji, que l’on devait aller prier avant d’aller prendre les eaux. Les sept onsen de Kinosaki Tout bon visiteur à Kinosaki se doit de faire le parcours des sept onsen de Kinosaki, le soto-yu. Le chemin des sept onsen de Kinosaki peut démarrer dès la sortie de la gare par Sato-no-yu jusqu’à Kono-yu en remontant les rues élégantes longeant la rivière Otani. Un jour, une nuit à Kinosaki Kinosaki peut aussi convenir pour une excursion à la journée depuis Kyôto. Hand-colored photos capture Japanese life in the 1890s. Saison 2 épisode 32 : "La culture pop japonaise à l'usage de ceux qui n'y connaissent pas grand chose"

Japon Pluriel 7 - Société française des études japonaises. Arnaud Brotons et Christian Galan (sous la dir. de) Japon pluriel 7. Actes du septième colloque de la Société française des études japonaises Arles, Éditions Philippe Picquier, 2007, 512 p. . © En couverture : Mick Tarel, Gettyimages Version en ligne : Sommaire : Avant-propos du président de la SFEJ, Josef Kyburz En guise d’introduction, par Arnaud Brotons et Christian Galan CONFÉRENCE D’OUVERTURE : La place du bouddhisme dans la modernisation du Japon, par Sueki Fumihiko « Kanô Jigorô et le corps-véhicule », par Yves Cadot « Danse et martialité sur l’île d’okinawa : utilisation du corps, vecteur d’identité », par Jean-Charles Juster « Les suicides : paroxysme de la violence chez Kitano Takeshi », par Gérald Mialou « Watanabe Ikarimaru, ou la quête de l’universalité », par François Macé « Quelles ruptures et quelles continuités ?

LE JAPON DU XXe SIÈCLE : UN MONDE QUI BOUGE : Japon Pluriel 10 - Société française des études japonaises. Yves Cadot, Dan Fujiwara, Tomomi Ôta, Rémi Scoccimarro (sous la dir. de) L’ère Taishô (1912-1926) : genèse du Japon contemporain ? Actes du dixième colloque de la Société française des études japonaises. Arles, Editions Philippe Picquier, 2015 Accès au texte en ligneLire en ligne le texte p. 1-154 Lire en ligne le texte p. 155-286 Lire en ligne le texte p. 287-446 Lire en ligne le texte p. 447-fin Sommaire L’ère Taishô (1912-1926) : genèse du Japon contemporain ? L’ère Taishô, premier âge d’or de l’« éducation rêvée » au Japon par Christian GALAN L’amour, la notion de personne, l’exclusion des femmes écrivains : autour de Tamura (Satô) Toshiko par ODAIRA Maiko Art & théâtre L’Attic museum : naissance d’un musée d’ethnologie par Alice BERTHON L’industrie du bois courbé : transfert de technologie et essor de l’industrie du mobilier utilitaire européen à partir des années 1910 par Anne GOSSOT Le nô d’apparityion (mugen-nô) : un exemple d’imprégnation de la modernité à l’ère Taishô par SEKOGUCHI Aya.

Culture japonaise

Porcelaine zhong - Culture thé. Tanuki - Japanese Trickster & Spook, Originally Evil, Now Icon of Generosity & Prosperity. TANUKI 狸・貍, MUJINA 狢・貉, MAMI 猯・貒Magical Fox-Like Dog with Shape-Shifting PowersTrickster & Spook, Originally Evil, Now BenevolentModern-Day Icon of Generosity, Cheer, and ProsperityFound Often Outside Japanese Bars & RestaurantsMost Images Can be Enlarged by ClickingORIGIN = Chinese Fox Lore + Japanese Accretions OverviewThe magical shape-shifting Tanuki is clearly a composite creature.

The original evil parts come from old China and its fox lore (introduced to Japan between the 4th-7th centuries CE). The newer tamer parts, such as the big belly, belly drumming, giant scrotum, and sake bottle can be traced to late Edo-era Japan (18th-19th centuries), while the commercialized benevolent parts (promissory note, straw hat) emerged in Japanese artwork around the beginning of the 20th century. In general, the goofy-looking Tanuki we are familiar with today is a recent creation, mostly Japanese. Real Life TanukiThe Tanuki is also a real animal. O-Tanuki Sama Jinja. Untitled Document. Geisha as docile bodies... traditional geisha playing shamisan traditional geisha dance traditional geisha hair early 20th century consisted of extreme changes for the culture of Japan. this was a time when it became extremely important to be up-to-date and desirable. the model for this.....

Western civilization "Western style" = modern "Japanese style" = old fashioned/traditional what did this mean for geisha? Previous to this time geisha were always know as fashion innovators, now they became more of curators of tradition. Geisha conforming to Western society with umbrella introduced by Westerners "geisha are not companions of the mind, they are companions of the body" ~poet Hagiwara Sakutaro's essay Shin geisha ron(A discourse on the new geisha) ~geisha are no longer viewed as companions to share in great conversation, but as a companion to share their body the future~ what will happen to these women that represent feminity in Japan? They can resist as long as their culture will allow them to. Qu'est-ce qu'une architecture communautaire ?

Amazon. Bibliographie Japon. Nikujyaga Recipe | Japanese Recipes | Japan Food Addict. Le Japon des années 1870-1880 - Japon, photographies anciennes [RMNGP] Après deux cent cinquante ans d’isolement volontaire initié par la politique de sakoku, le Japon rouvre ses frontières au monde en 1868. L’ascension sur le trône du jeune empereur Mutsuhito, suivie de rébellions et d’assassinats politiques, marque le début d’une nouvelle ère, l’ère Meiji. L’empereur dirige lui-même le nouveau gouvernement et décide tout d’abord le transfert officiel de la capitale impériale Kyōto à Edo, ancienne résidence des shōguns, renommée Tōkyō, la « Capitale de l’Est ». Soumis à des traités inégaux avec les puissances étrangères, le nouveau gouvernement se voit dans l’obligation de se moderniser et de s’industrialiser au plus vite, afin de ne pas tomber sous la domination des pays occidentaux comme ce fut le cas pour la Chine.

L’une des réformes administratives les plus importantes du gouvernement Meiji est l’abolition des privilèges de la classe guerrière. Les chemins de fer se développent dès 1870. Haut de page La mission Kokka Yohō Michiko Ishiguro. Japanese Illustrated Books | MetCollects. Keisai Eisen – 69 Stations of the Kisokaido – Plate 8. | Rekishi Nippon. Title: Konosu Station, View of Mt Fuji from Fukiage.

This scene is dominated by Mt Fuji in the distance and the sharp curves of the Kisokaido (walking path). On the left of the print is a Komuso monk wearing a basket shaped straw hat and white attire of a holy man. He is carrying a flute and all his belongings on his back wrapped with a cloth. Komuso are Japanese mendicant monks of the Fuke school of Zen Buddhism, during the Edo period of 1600-1868. Komusō were characterised by the straw basket worn on the head, manifesting the absence of specific ego.

They are also known for playing solo pieces on the shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute). The traveller in the center of the print looks to be carrying goods on his shoulder with a bamboo pole, preparing to have a smoke from his pipe. The focal point of this print is between Konosu and Kumagaya, which are still towns today, with Mt Haruna and Mt Akagi in the distance. This is an early edition of this print, but not the earliest. Like this: Komusō. A Buddhist monk begging as a komusō Sketch of a komusō (right) The komusō (虚無僧, komusō?

, hiragana: こむそう; also romanized komusou or komuso) were a group of Japanese mendicant monks of the Fuke school of Zen Buddhism who flourished during the Edo period of 1600-1868.[1] Komusō were characterized by a straw bascinet (a sedge or reed hood named a tengai or tengui) worn on the head, manifesting the absence of specific ego.[2] They were also known for playing solo pieces on the shakuhachi (a type of Japanese bamboo flute). These pieces, called honkyoku ("original pieces"), were played during a meditative practice called suizen, for alms, as a method of attaining enlightenment, and as a healing modality[citation needed]. The Japanese government introduced reforms after the Edo period, abolishing the Fuke sect. History[edit] Fuke Zen came to Japan in the 13th century. Etymology[edit] The priest were known first as komosō, which means "straw-mat monk".

Flute[edit] Disguise and outfit[edit] 36. 鷹繪圖 Takaezu | Take Note. Japan, 1328-1709 Falconry is first documented in the Nihon shoki (Japan’s official chronicle, compiled in 720), where it is said to have been introduced by a Korean courtier in 359 A.D. Falconry appears in many literary works, beginning with the Manyoshu poetry anthology of the 8th century, and was practiced by the ruling elites until the end of the 19th century. Emperors, nobles and members of the Samurai class retained falconers; ceremonial and technical aspects of falconry were developed. Several families established their own schools of falconry around the 14th century, and the teachings of those schools were transmitted through generations. Harvard-Yenching Library holds eleven Japanese books on Falconry produced before 1800. Black robe, white mist. France-Japon. Hari Kuyo - Japan's Unique Memorial Service for Broken Needles.

Hari Kuyo is a Japanese festival dedicated to old and broken needles. Celebrated every year on the 8th of February, this festival sees hundreds of women dressed in colorful kimonos, gathering at various Shinto shrines or Buddhist temples in and around Tokyo. This 400-year-old ritual involves sticking old and broken needles into soft chunks of tofu or jelly as a way of showing thanks for their hard work.

I suppose this tradition springs from the Eastern system of displaying gratitude towards objects that are a source of livelihood. It also reflects on the animist belief that all beings and objects have a soul. It’s not just about needles, several Japanese women consider Hari Kuyo as a time to value the small, everyday objects of daily life that are otherwise forgotten. Photo: N.S. Many Japanese women come to the festival not only to thank their needles, but also to pray for better kimono-making skills.

Photo: Wafu Works Reddit Stumble. Meeting the wagashi masters of Sakai City | Lifestyle. Préface à "Pour un vocabulaire de la spatialité japonaise" / A. Berque. Jikken Kobo - Bétonsalon. 新宿区:新宿ゆかりの人物. Yamato | le magasin d'antiquités japonaises du vieux lille. Big eyes. Le Japon IRL. Motif de tissu japonais : le tanuki | Couleurs Japon. Des animaux en liberté ! | Site Officiel de Miyajima - Japon. Danielle Elisseeff, Le monde flottant de l'ukiyô-e, la pérennité de l'éphémère. Mori Arimasa, Philosophie et littérature (1950) | Kaléidoscope Du Japon.

東京女子高等師範学校附属高等女学校生徒服装の変遷大正元年頃の通学服|お茶の水女子大学デジタルアーカイブズ. History « 京都大学人文科学研究所. Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchâtel. Nendo réinvente les baguettes japonaises. Antique Japanese Dolls - Art in Focus - Sosaku Ningyo. Maiko in Time/Life Magazine, Sept. 11 1964. Niwaki et Niwashi | Le blog de Hôjô Soun. Scrittorincorso - Fosco Maraini - GIAPPONET. Une lettre sans fin. Endless Letter ~Timecapsule of periods ~ Acheter un Grand Casse-tête Japonais "Lucky Bear" en Bois.

Nous découvrir à travers nos milieux : l’argument ontologique de Watsuji Tetsuro revu par Augustin Berque. 日本吉 - NIPPON-KICHI. Michi-no-Eki | Pop Culture. Japon 365 » Découvrez le Japon au quotidien en photos ! Le monde des cerisiers. Les japonais roi du kawaii - l'attitude cute. A single grain of rice. ~ Quiet escape ~ Japan 1960.