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Comprobación de exploradores. Cross Browser Testing Tool - BrowserStack. How HTML5 Is Aiding in Cross-Platform Development. The Mobile App Trends Series is sponsored by Sourcebits, a leading product developer for mobile platforms.

How HTML5 Is Aiding in Cross-Platform Development

Sourcebits offers design and development services for iOS, Android, Mobile and Web platforms. Follow Sourcebits on Twitter for recent news and updates. Rangy - A cross-browser JavaScript range and selection library. A cross-browser JavaScript range and selection library.

rangy - A cross-browser JavaScript range and selection library

It provides a simple standards-based API for performing common DOM Range and Selection tasks in all major browsers, abstracting away the wildly different implementations of this functionality between Internet Explorer up to and including version 8 and DOM-compliant browsers. For manipulating selections in <textarea> and <input type="text"> elements, see Rangy's poorly-named and svelter twin project, Rangyinputs. Hosted files for the current stable release can always be found at while the latest development build can be found at These are intended for use in demos using tools such as jsFiddle. Download | Change log | Documentation | Demos | Discussion group Contents.


IE. Modernizr. HTML5 Please. See browser compatibility. CSS3 & HTML5 Browser Support.