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US. Le droit terrien empêche de voir ce qu'on envoie aux extra-terrestres. Lancée en 1977 par la NASA, la sonde Voyager 1 est en passe de devenir le premier objet humain à entrer dans l'espace interstellaire, à la frontière du système solaire. Elle se situe désormais à 17,8 milliards de km de la Terre, et a déjà survolé Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus, Neptune...

De quoi faire déjà rêver plusieurs générations. Mais pour ajouter au rêve et à la fantaisie, la NASA avait embarqué sur Voyager 1 un disque d'or (littéralement), sur lequel a été enregistré une série d'images de lieux emblématiques de la planète Terre, des phrases ("Bonjour tout le monde" en français, par exemple), des musiques, des photographies... Tous pour dire que l'Homme sera pacifique avec les extra-terrestres (parce que bon, juré craché, l'homme sera plus sympa avec les petites hommes verts qu'avec les petits hommes noirs ou les petits hommes rouges). Alien Pirates, Copyrights to Reach Deep Space. Posted on 2012.07.03 by BSOD Sometime within the next 5 years, the Voyager 1 space craft is expected to reach interstellar space. It will be the first man made object to cross the heliosphere , which is the final stop in our solar system.

After being launched in 1977, Voyager 1 was the first probe to visit many of the outer planets. It has sent back countless original images from space, almost all of which have been released to the public . Although NASA does sell images, and many appear in copyrighted works (such as books); NASA is very good about releasing information into the public domain , almost all scientifically significant information from space is given to the public. Voyager 1, famously contained a gold phonographic record. The disc was comprised by a man named Carl Sagan, and it contained many pieces of art, songs, and images, that are all copyrighted. Some documentaries contain small snippets from the disc. According to NASA : «« Comments+ »» Villages Furious about Copyright Fees for Folk Songs | The Daily Slovakia.

The recent case of the local village of Pohorela being charged EUR 62.40 by copyright association SOZA because children sang copyrighted songs on Mothers’ Day has to be one of the most absurd cases of copyright being enforced in Slovakia. TheDaily first drew attention to the Pohorela case by sharing it on Facebook at the end of May, but the case is not unique. Other villages and towns may also receive the same kinds of bills, like the one sent to the village of Helpa, which is being charged possibly for singing the well-known folk song celebrating the village called “To ta Helpa!” , for instance. SOZA, which oversees the protection of music copyrights, is defending its position also because municipalities are supposed to conclude the necessary collective licence agreement before events take place. SOZA may be in the wrong, because it seems the law only affords protection to songs where the authors are known and not to folk songs that have been around for centuries.

Quels droits d'auteur lorsqu'un robot compose une musique ? Faut-il accorder un droit d'auteur aux robots qui composent eux-mêmes leur propre musique ? Une question pas si idiote que cela... Pourra-t-on encore dire que la création artistique est ce qui sépare l’humain de l’animal, et ce qui séparera l’humain du robot ? La société allemande Festo a fait la démonstration d’un ensemble symphonique entièrement robotisé, qui joue une mélodie (ou plutôt un thème dérivé) composée par ordinateur. « L’ensemble du système est capable d’écrire une mélodie après avoir écouté un musicien jouer un air sur un xylophone ou un clavier MIDI, pour ensuite appliquer des règles dérivées du jeu Game of Life (Le Jeu de la Vie), un automate cellulaire imaginé en 1970 par le mathématicien Britannique John Horton Conway.

L’équipe de Festo explique que les différents interprètes robotisés sont reliés entre eux pour s’écouter jouer les uns les autres, et adapter leur propre interprétation à celle des voisins. Music Pirates Will Be Unmasked, Despite Band’s Protests. Despite protests from the band All Shall Perish, the identities of 80 alleged file-sharers of their music are set to be handed over to a Panama-based copyright troll. The manager of the band says he is shocked and angry that the troll had obtained the rights to All Shall Perish's music and has ordered the band's German-based label to call off the dogs. "The band, their attorney and myself have and will continue to take any steps to protect fans, yes, even those who file trade," he told us. As reported last month, a lawsuit filed April 20th in the US District Court For The Middle District of Florida is targeting fans of American metal band All Shall Perish (ASP). Two issues made this case stand out. One, this is the first time sharers of music have been sued since the RIAA ended its infamous campaign.

Two, the suing of All Shall Perish’s fans is being done without the band’s permission. We informed Downey of the development and he and the band’s lawyer went away to see what could be done. Un des Men At Work retrouvé mort : le droit d'auteur mis en cause. Le musicien Greg Ham, membre du groupe Men At Work, a été retrouvé mort chez lui à 58 ans. La cause du décès n'est pas encore déterminée, mais les médias australiens citent déjà de multiples témoignages qui mettent en cause une affaire de droit d'auteur qui aurait littéralement détruit l'artiste. Le groupe avait été accusé d'avoir violé dans son titre au succès planétaire Down Under les droits d'une chanson folklorique australienne de 1932, Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree, dont l'auteur Marion Sinclair est morte en 1988. Quelques notes seulement étaient reprises. En 2000, l'éditeur Larrikin Music qui détient les droits sur la partition de Kookabura avait poursuivi en justice les Men At Work pour obtenir réparation, et surtout toucher une part substantielle des revenus générés par le hit.

Après un très long procès, la justice a tranché lors d'un appel en février 2010 en faveur de Larrikin. "Je suis terriblement déçu de savoir que comme ça dont on se souviendra de moi. Can you copyright music of pi? Judge says no. Pi Day this year was special for Michael John Blake. On that day, March 14 (3/14, like the number 3.14), a judge dismissed a copyright infringement lawsuit against his song, which is based on the number pi. Let's back up: Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. Its digits go on infinitely in an apparently random fashion: 3.1415926535897932 ... And while this sounds preposterously geeky, multiple musicians have seen this as an opportunity to create songs based on these numbers. Blake launched a musical video called "What Pi Sounds Like" based on this idea last year, quickly becoming a YouTube sensation. Erickson also used the digits of pi (as well as the constant e) as the basis for the melody of his "Pi Symphony," which was performed by the Omaha Symphony Orchestra Chamber group and by Ruse Philharmonic of Bulgaria in 2010.

Judge Michael H. Still, Simon continued, "the transcription of pi to music is a non-copyrightable idea. Hotels are public; dentist waiting rooms are not. Robbie Williams to pay damages over stolen lyric - News - Music. Robbie Williams copied substantially from a Woody Guthrie lyric for a song on his best-selling album I've Been Expecting You, a judge at the High Court ruled yesterday. Williams and his record and publishing companies now face a trial to determine the amount of royalties or damages they must pay to the owners of the original copyright.

It is expected to be a considerable sum. The court found that the song, "Jesus in a Camper Van," which Williams co-wrote with Guy Chambers, was a breach of copyright of the late Guthrie's song "I Am The Way" and also of an adaptation of the same song which was created by Loudon Wainwright III. Ludlow Music, based in New York, owns the copyright to the original song, written in 1961, and also of what the judge described as a parody of the track, written by Wainwright in 1973. Deputy Judge Nicholas Strauss said that in late 1997 or early 1998, Williams and Chambers wrote their song and EMI Music Publishing and BMG Music Publishing acquired the copyright. Gospel singer arrested for selling his own music. Jan 17, 2012 News, Showbiz 1 Comment By Ruth Butaumocho HARARE- Gospel musician Kudzi Nyakudya was last Friday arrested after he was found selling 200 pirated CDs of his own music. Gospel musician Kudzi Nyakudya The diminutive Kuwadzana-based gospel artiste spent the weekend in police cells and was only released yesterday after his recording company, Diamond Recording Studios, withdrew the charges.

Selling pirated CDs is illegal as it contravenes the Copyright Act, which makes it a criminal offence to duplicate or photocopy CDs, books and any form of intellectual property without permission. In an interview yesterday, Kudzi confirmed the arrest, but said his actions were largely influenced by the recording company’s weak distribution strategies. He added that he also had an arrangement with the company whereby it is supposed to supply him with sleeveless CDs at a cost of 50c, but it had been failing to meet the demand. The youthful singer is not new to controversy. Un Belge condamné à 65 651 euros de dommages-intérêts pour piratage.

La condamnation est sévère. Le tribunal correctionnel belge de Courtrai, situé en région flamande, a condamné mercredi un homme de 48 ans à verser 65 651 euros de dommages et intérêts aux parties civiles pour avoir piraté des œuvres culturelles (albums de musique et films) sur Internet. Il devra en outre payer une amende de 5500 euros, en partie avec sursis, précise 7sur7. D'après les éléments du site d'information, l'homme a été poursuivi par la Société Belge des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs (SABAM), l'équivalent belge de la SACEM, pour avoir mis à disposition sur Internet des pistes du prochain album du groupe de rock britannique Kaiser Chiefs, baptisé "Start the Revolution Without Me" et devant sortir dans les bacs le 6 mars prochain aux États-Unis. Cette affaire n'est pas sans rappeler une précédente sanction survenue en 2004. Contrairement à la France, la Belgique ne possède pas de mécanisme proche de la riposte graduée.

Les maisons de disques se servent des oeuvres des artistes comme des brevets. Tout le monde sait bien que la législation sur la propriété intellectuelle n’est pas adaptée aux usages de tous, sauf des grosses maisons de disques, de production ou d’édition. Ces lois qui ont été mises en place tout d’abord pour protéger les artistes ont complètement perdu l’esprit dans lequel elles ont été créées. Dune est un jeu d’aventure / stratégie sorti en 1992, inspiré de l’univers créé par Frank Herbert, développé par les français du studio Cryo et qui a reçu d’excellents critiques lors de sa sortie. Un des points qui a été acclamé est la grande qualité de la musique du jeu composée spécialement par Stéphane Picq, qui est sorti sur un CD audio séparé intitulé Dune Spice Opera. Elle fût tellement populaire qu’il y a même eu plusieurs concerts organisés, ce qui était très surprenant à cette époque où le jeu vidéo connaissait encore un succès modeste et confidentiel.

Ce CD a été édité par Virgin Records en 1992. Je vous laisse lire la réponse de monsieur Picq : Source. Copyright Gone Insane: CRIMINALIZING LIP-SYNCHING. As reported in the FoxNews story Lawmakers Pushing Bill That Could Land YouTube Lip-Synch Artists Behind Bars, Senate Bill 978 seeks to “modernize” copyright law–by making lip-synching of copyright-protected songs punishable by five years in prison (h/t Moin Yahya). Yeah. You got that right. The proposed law “provides for steep penalties — up to five years in prison — for ‘publicly performing’ copyrighted material and embedding the video to sites like YouTube.” Here is Sen. Cornyn’s sickening rationale for this insanity: “As technology rapidly evolves, our laws must be updated to protect creativity and innovation.”

Some people seem to be realizing what a horror copyright is becoming: My friend Rob Wicks who, if it’s possible, hates IP even more than me, said: “Tolja. In response, my other buddy Manuel Lora instantly formulated this great observation: The first civil war: slavery of the body The second civil war: slavery of the mind Update: Senate Panel OKs Felony Streaming Act. Allongement des droits voisins : 20 ans de perdus pour le domaine public. Universal fait censurer la chanson de MegaUpload. 'Death Of ACTA' Song Taken Down In Copyright Claim. Reesmarc: Selon les ayants droit, 3%...

Le site fermé par la justice. Clap de fin pour Après une longue procédure pénale qui s'est étalée sur plusieurs années, le TGI de Paris a finalement ordonné la fermeture du site de paroles de chansons. Poursuivi par la Chambre syndicale de l'édition musicale (CSDEM), l'animateur du site a finalement conclu un protocole d'accord avec les ayants droit, peut-on lire dans l'encadré en lieu et place du site. " " est-il expliqué. Les démêlés de avec la justice ont débuté en 2005, lorsque le CSDEM a mis en demeure sept des plus gros sites français de l'époque diffusant gratuitement des paroles de chansons.

La Chambre expliquait alors que ces actions étaient notamment destinées à sensibiliser les internautes au respect des droits de propriété intellectuelle. Trois ans plus tard, le CSDEM a accentué ses pressions contre le site en obtenant une ordonnance judiciaire lui intimant de ne plus reproduire les paroles des chansons. Taiwan Dead Serious About Copyright On Funeral Music. Ralph Jennings reported for the Voice of America about two lawsuits of Taiwanese studios against funeral houses in Taichung. Mr Jennings writes: "Taiwanese funeral homes play pre-recorded music at traditional ceremonies, some of which also involve live bands and street parades to honor the dead.

" Read more here. Lin Shu-hui previously wrote for the Taipei Times: "Music and Buddhist chants during funerals are usually provided by the funeral homes, mostly using a gadget called the Electric Buddhism Sutra Player or music CDs. " Read more here. A life band playing during a traditional ceremony can be seen as a public performance.Article 7bis Taiwan's Copyright Law 2008: A performance by a performer of a pre-existing work or folklore shall be protected as an independent work.

Protection of a performance shall not affect the copyright in the pre-existing work. Copyrighting Pi: Composer Pretends Only He Can Write A Song Based On Pi. Copyright madness continues. March 14th is often referred to as "Pi day," because when the date is written out numerically (at least in the nonsensical way we Americans write out dates), it's written as 3/14, which is the beginning of pi. It's a fun bit of meaningless, and someone in Portland, named Michael Blake, decided to have some fun with it and and wrote a song based on pi: His approach? He decided the song would be in C, then assigned each note a number: C=1, D=2 and so on up through 9.

Using those assignments, he played the sequence of pi: 3.14159 through 31 decimal places. Nice enough idea. Who? "I am not interested in suppressing the melody of Pi, or copyrighting the number, Pi. There are all sorts of problems with this reasoning. ... if by some magic a man who had never known it were to compose anew Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn, he would be an "author," and, if he copyrighted it, others might not copy that poem, though they might of course copy Keats's.

Copyright law in Britain is 'crazy' La Sacem belge fait payer les chauffeurs routiers. Droit d'auteur : votre dentiste peut diffuser gratuitement de la musique. Upload 18 Songs In Russia... Face Six Years In Prison. If a burglar steals a CD from my home, but I still have MP3s that I encoded from the CD, can I still legally listen to the songs I bought?

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