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Constrained Ball: Easy to Draw Straight Lines - The Resident Architect. Top 5 Coolest Geek Tents. Summer is great for camping, trekking, outdoor activities, but definitely not setting up tents.

Top 5 Coolest Geek Tents

Breaking away from the standard designs are these five cool yet geeky tents. Continue reading to see them all. 1. Tree Tents Love camping, but hate the creepy crawlies that manage to sneak in while you set up your tent? 2. Called the car tent, this thing looks just like a real vehicle and occupies a full-sized parking spot. 10 Funniest (and Gross) Bathroom Gadgets. A good sense of humor is always good.

10 Funniest (and Gross) Bathroom Gadgets

It gives you a reason to relax and even fuels your creativity and productivity. Therefore it’s cool if you have plenty of funny gadgets around your home interior: they may keep your family members and friends in a good mood throughout the day. But sometimes you just want to say “Enough is enough”. This post is all about that “extreme humor” that can be used to turn your daily bathroom procedures into real fun: 10 funniest and gross bathroom gadgets: 1. Please don’t use this one; only store to amuse your guests: 2. If you are a fan of those scary movies where all most terrible things happen in the shower, this “psycho” shower curtain should appeal to you: 3. A cool companion to the aforementioned shower curtain to create a most complete interior design: 4. Push on the nose, and you will get an opportunity to wash your hands with the green stuff that gets out of the nostrils:

Air Umbrella by Je Sung Park. Try Air To Stay Dry Back in May last year I did a roundup of the Most Unconventional Umbrellas seen here on YD.

Air Umbrella by Je Sung Park

I wish I had stumbled across the Air Umbrella then, because it’s the mother of unconventional designs! Imagine an umbrella with no canopy! The barrier between you and the raindrops is a sheet of steady air that is blown out by this hollow pipe. Physics and a lot of engineering stuff is clogging my brains to accept this design, but if I put these dark clouds of doubt out of the way, we may have something in this concept. You can control the length of the stick and the size of the air canopy. Mark - Night light bookmark. Project info Type:Personal, conceptField:Product designDate:June, 2008Phase:concept, visual prototypeShare: twitter facebook delicious digg stumbleupon friendfeed tumblr Awards / Publications:/Info / Description:Lampmark is a LED powered lamp for night reading.

Mark - Night light bookmark.

It automatically shuts off when covered with a book while at the same time it serves as a very intuitive bookmark. Other projects. Linos Portable LP Player by Charles Pyott. Turntable Gets A Makeover The majority may be hooked to their digital players but there plenty of old-schoolers who hang on to their vinyl for dear life.

Linos Portable LP Player by Charles Pyott

Trying to appease this segment is “Linos”, a portable record player. Ditching the traditional full platter configuration for modern sensibilities, this player takes into consideration the space demands and limited mobility of regular turntables. Simply load the record to the lower spindle element and lock it into place from above. Pushing down on the power icon then releases the tonearm and spins up the record. 20 Gadgets That Innovate Ordinary Things. Do you love gadgets?

20 Gadgets That Innovate Ordinary Things

Well, if you are going to answer “No”, you probably just don’t know what I mean. Gadgets are little (and huge) devices that are meant to make our lives easier. They do not necessarily mean any technological innovations, sometimes these are ordinary things with enhanced functionality. So today I am going to show you how daily-routine things may be optimized so that you could never imagine. You have dreamed about them without even knowing this is possible! Love singing when taking shower? » Concept – cooking pot Future technology. Little burners are formidable for camping, but they do org their minor-league points like refilling gas and flames extinguishing during talkative times.

» Concept – cooking pot Future technology

A fit discovery is using induction cooking stoves that are condensed. The WrapStove here follows that mean and comes tailor-made with little magnets in the sleeve, to stick onto the ark. It’s a tractable thang that is fashioned like a rolled up towel and wraps approximately the cooking pot. It switches-on not when the end tab is folded and the temperature is set via a touchscreen. Since camping also means cramping, the WrapStove scores splendidly in the portability sector and takes up absolutely slight latitude in your bag.

SENSE – Touch of RealityLighting Solution FLEXIFuture gadgetsFuture computer technology. Fridge concept on Industrial Design Served. Fridge concept Outside surface of the fridge looks like compositionwith right and clear geometry.

Fridge concept on Industrial Design Served

There is light on the doors, that also showswhen the fridge is on. When the door is open light is switching on and off.In this project all elements have new places. Thefirst new thing is an inclined triangle shelf for comfortable keeping the bottlesthere. In this way cellar can be created, or it can be just a place for juice.The next new thing is a movable shelf. Such systemhelps to solve some problems and use the fridge in a more comfortable manner.You can move the shelf and take what you want ( for comfort there are specialholes for fingers)One more interesting thing is a shelf with changingheight. What Every Man Wants in Bed.