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Content Curation

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Lubalicious. Pixlr Express és un editor d’imatges online gratuït que us permet fer canvis en les imatges per preparar-les per a la web.


Anem a veure una mica com funciona. Anem a i triem la opció Browse. Automàticament ens obre el buscador de carpetes de la nostra màquina. Ara li hem de dir on és la imatge amb què volem treballar: la busquem allà on l’haguem guardat i li diem que l’obri. Això és el que veiem, on us destaco les funcions més importants: Anem a veure algunes d’aquestes possibilitats. Ajustar imatge Si fem clic a Adjustment veiem que ens mostra un munt de possibilitats. Mida / forma de la imatge Crop (retallar) Aquí podeu veure quines mides té la vostra imatge i la podeu retallar: vol dir que en canviareu les mides perquè prescindireu d’una part de la imatge, en retallareu un trosset. El millor, sempre, és optimitzar la mida de la imatge que treballem. Evidentment, també podeu voler que sigui més petita, i només ocupi un tros de l’espai. Resize (canviar les mides) Rotate (girar) Efectes. Lubalee. How Pinterest Will Transform the Web in 2012: Social Content Curation As The Next Big Thing. The most interesting wave hitting the social web in 2012 is social curation.

How Pinterest Will Transform the Web in 2012: Social Content Curation As The Next Big Thing

This was kicked off in 2011 as Pinterest's growth was noticed by Silicon Valley and a number of companies quickly followed suit - Snip.It launched as a social information curation platform, Quora adopted boards for a similar purpose, and launched a structured social commerce feed. In this blog post I will discuss the evolution of social media from long-form to push-button, the emergence of social curation on sites such as Twitter and Tumblr, and the move to structured sets of curated content on Pinterest and its brethren. But first, the meta-trend.... ...Social Media: Evolving From Long Form To Push Button In the evolution of social media over the last decade, the trend has been a move from long form content, which has high friction of participation (both on the production and consumption side) to ever lower requirements placed on a user to participate in a conversation.

2012 is the year of social curation. What is a Digital Curator? Allow me to introduce myself — my name is Doug Reside, and in February I became the first Digital Curator for the Performing Arts at The New York Public Library.

What is a Digital Curator?

The position of Digital Curator is a fairly new one (not just at NYPL, but in the world in general), and those of us who hold the title do different kinds of things depending on the particular needs of our institutions. I thought it might be useful, then, for me to explain what it means for NYPL to have created this position, and how it will benefit you as a user of our collections.

Traditionally, curators are responsible for acquiring material for a collection, preserving these materials for future generations, helping users locate items from the collection and providing contextual information so they can better understand them, and designing exhibits for the benefit and enjoyment of the public. As digital curator, I will do most of these things as well, but I have specifically made it my mission to:

Learn about web video and curation. While content aggregation has been around for a while with sites using algorithms to find and link to content, the relatively new practice of editorial curation - human filtering and organizing - has created a new workflow and new engagement, and revenue options for publishers, brands, and communities.

Learn about web video and curation.

"Curation comes up when search stops working," says author and NYU Professor Clay Shirky. But it's more than a human-powered filter. "Curation solves the problem of filter failure. " Who are curators? What can they gather and re-publish? For creators - people who've spent their careers making content and trying to sort out an economic model - curation can seem like an end-run around hard work.

"A lot of it is economic -- doing more with less -- and it has crossed every media industry," explains Allen Weiner of Gartner Group. Today there's an economic imperative to add curation to the content mix. Curation is now part of the content equation. 10 Blogs You Should Be Reading If You Manage A Company’s Content Strategy. There are a lot of content strategy blogs floating around in cyberspace.

10 Blogs You Should Be Reading If You Manage A Company’s Content Strategy

Probably hundreds. Possibly thousands. Either way, it’s a lot to keep up with. Sifting through the morass that is Alltop’s page on content marketing or trying to keep tabs on Junta42′s list of 42 content marketing blogs is enough to give even professional content strategists an overload. Here, we narrow it down to 10 blogs that will give you the ideas, advice, and inspiration you need to keep producing content that will grow your company’s bottom line. Hubspot Blog — Not only are the folks at Hubspot experts on helping their customers drive leads to their businesses through content, they are expert practitioners too.

Curation Sites.