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The CTO Corner. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C# Contributions to Entity framework community - Zeeshan Hirani. If you had been reading my blog, you must be wondering where did he go after publishing such awesome blog entries(jk). I had gotten lot of good feed back on the examples I had done on linq to SQL but like all good things must come to an end so did linq to SQL for me. My company was committed in moving forward with EF so I decided to move forward with Entity framework as well. During the process I learned so much stuff and felt the pain most developers went through with this technology. No doubt EF has a learning curve like any other technology but mapping scenarios offered by EF are simply great.

May be the reader base can get the same perception about EF and the mapping scenarios it offers even in version 1 as I did, after reading the PDF that contains 500 pages of content about entity framework. Below is a link to the PDF document that contains examples of various mapping scenarios and concepts that I have learned about entity framework Entity Framework learning guide Update 6/14/2010. CSharpBook.