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Logical Fallacies. Lexical FreeNet. Letter-Pairs Analysis. Link Grammar. News July, 2018: link-grammar 5.5.1 released! See below for a description of recent changes. What is Link Grammar? The Link Grammar Parser is a syntactic parser of English, Russian, Arabic and Persian (and other languages as well), based on Link Grammar, an original theory of syntax and morphology. Given a sentence, the system assigns to it a syntactic structure, which consists of a set of labelled links connecting pairs of words. The theory of Link Grammar parsing, and the original version of the parser was created in 1991 by Davy Temperley, John Lafferty and Daniel Sleator, at the time professors of linguistics and computer science at the Carnegie Mellon University. Although based on the original Carnegie-Mellon code base, the current Link Grammar package has dramatically evolved and is profoundly different from earlier versions.

Quick Overview The parser includes API's in various different programming languages, as well as a handy command-line tool for playing with it. Theory Daniel D. **Lexical Analysis of 08 US Pres. Debates** Lexical Analysis of 2008 US Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debateshome | Martin Krzywinski : projects contact 1 minute summary Metrics of speech structure of candidates fall within narrow tolerances, suggesting high degree of wordsmithing and rehearsal. For example, noun/verb/adjective/adverb ratio spread is very small with candidates' values within 2%.

Relatively small differences seen in unique word count and noun phrase profile. The Obama/McCain debates began with balanced performance from both candidates but end with Obama verbally overpowering McCain and delivering speech with more concepts and higher complexity. Analysis of the Biden/Palin debate suggests that speech of Vice-Presidential candidates is less complex and more repetitive than that of their Presidential counterparts, with Biden being the most repetitive speaker and Palin having the longest sentences, of all four debates.

Introduction Specifically, I examine the debate for the following Methods Results and Analysis noun. An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Omniglot - the guide to languages, alphabets.

Computational Linguistics