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RH, Compétences humaines et innovation

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Intelligence collectif. Essential Skills for 21st Century Survival (Part 1) By Venessa Miemis Over the past few months, we’ve been discussing the various skills needed for effectively operating in a world characterized by information and accelerating change, and I’ve been assembling these ideas into a framework for a new thought architecture.

Essential Skills for 21st Century Survival (Part 1)

This post will be the first in a 12 part series, and draws its influences from the fields of Futures Studies, Complexity Science, Systems Theory, Cybernetics, Social Network Analysis, Knowledge Management, common sense, and exploration into my own thinking. All of the skills I’ll be covering are already in practice in our brains – it’s just a matter of becoming more aware of them so we can sharpen them. I imagine them all happening concurrently and all reinforcing each other, creating constant feedback loops that raise consciousness and build intelligence. Though I’ll be identifying 12 areas, they’re mostly components of each other, so we’ll see how we might expand or refine these as the series rolls out. K5 - A Mastermind Interview with Clayton Christensen, Kim B. Clark Professor Of Business Administration, Harvard University (Shortcut)

Essential Skills for 21st Century Survival (Part 6) This is part 6 in a 12 part series.

Essential Skills for 21st Century Survival (Part 6)

The first five skills were Pattern Recognition, Environmental Scanning, Network Weaving, Foresight, and Conscious Awareness Storytelling.