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GAM OAuth2 API Scopes. CreatingClientSecretsFile · jay0lee/GAM Wiki. Creating the client_secrets.json and oauth2service.json files for GAM To use GAM, you need to create your own client_secrets.json and oauth2service.json files.

CreatingClientSecretsFile · jay0lee/GAM Wiki

These give you your own personal quota of API requests. Steps Enable API access for G Suite and Login. This step requires a domain super-admin account or an account with delegated Security rights In the domain's Admin Console, go to the Security section, then click on API reference. Configuring GAM Credentials. Great Google Drive Add-ons & Chrome Extensions for Teachers - Best of 2015-16 School Year. How to Create a Jeopardy Game in Google Sheets - Best of 2015-16 School Year. When a Spreadsheet is Better Than a Form.

Earlier this week a participant in one of my online courses asked a good question about using Google Forms as an assessment tool.

When a Spreadsheet is Better Than a Form

Here's the paraphrased question: I have created a great rubric for some year end projects. Rather than going straight to the spreadsheet, I complete the form as students present. However, i cannot for the life of me figure out the easiest way for me to take the responses and return them to students. It seems that when I open Flubaroo- things get super confusing. How to a Create Google Spaces Community. On Monday morning Google introduced their latest attempt at building a social network.

How to a Create Google Spaces Community

The new product is called Spaces. Google Spaces is a platform on which you can create small communities of friends and colleagues in which you share links, notes, and pictures. A Google Spaces Chrome extension makes it easy to share links with people in your Space. I created a couple of communities this morning. How to Use JoeZoo Express - A Google Docs Add-on for Grading Writing. JoeZoo Express is a powerful Google Docs Add-on that can help you more efficiently comment on your students' writing in Google Documents.

How to Use JoeZoo Express - A Google Docs Add-on for Grading Writing

JoeZoo enables you to give feedback on students' Google Documents by simply highlighting text then selecting feedback statements from a huge menu of feedback statements. You can use standard feedback statements provided by JoeZoo or set your own statements to re-use throughout your documents. It can take some time to understand all of the nuances of JoeZoo Express. The following playlist of videos will walk you through the set-up and use of JoeZoo Express. GitHub - jay0lee/GAM: command line management for Google Apps. Metodický portál RVP - modul AudioVideo: Tablety do škol - Učitelské doplňky do GoogleApps. Save Time Grading with Doctopus & Goobric. I’m always on the look out to spend LESS time grading or, at the very least, to feel like the time I do spend grading is productive and efficient. Google EDU Group ČR: GEG Učte s námi: Scripty pro učitele na Google Disku - video.

Moodle and Google Apps for education. Hi Paul > You sound as though this is new to you?

Moodle and Google Apps for education

Where have you been ? [surprise] I just looked away. Google Apps Integration. Moodlerooms and Google have worked together to build a state of the art integration.

Google Apps Integration

The 1.0 version of the integration provides: Automatic creation of users in Google Apps (Google Docs™, Google Calendar™, and Gmail™) when they are created in Moodle Automatic log in to Google Apps when a user logs in to Moodle A Gmail block in Moodle that displays latest Gmail messages on the Moodle Front Page A Google Apps block on the Moodle Front Page displays links to Google Start Page, Google Docs, Google Calendar and Gmail A Moodle app on the Google Apps Start PageGoogle Apps can integrates with Moodle v1.9 and above. There is a contributed code block that can be added to Moodle and a widget which can be added to Google. It will allow for a single sign-on for users from Moodle to Google. Moodle 2.0 support now available There are a few steps involved with setting up the Google Apps Education Edition Integration. Requirements. Google: Tvorba formuláře pomocí tabulky. 5 Tips on Using Google Apps for Meetings. As technology continues to change how we work, one of the main holdovers refuses to go away.

5 Tips on Using Google Apps for Meetings

While meetings undoubtably serve a very important purpose, many people find themselves wasting time and desperately searching for alternatives. Fortunately for you, Google Apps provides a ton of options for improving the meeting experience from the planning / scheduling faze to the follow-up. Check out 5 of our favorite tips designed to save you time and let us know in the comments what you do to save time in meetings! 1. 3 Useful Google Docs Add-Ons - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - #GAFE #GoogleDocs #Add-Ons #edtech. Google Docs Add-Ons are new tools created by 3rd party developers that add functionality to Google Docs.

3 Useful Google Docs Add-Ons - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - #GAFE #GoogleDocs #Add-Ons #edtech

Users can access and search for Add-Ons through the menu bar in any Google Doc or Spreadsheet. Create Reminders in Google Search. You don't have to use the mobile Google Search app to add reminders.

Create Reminders in Google Search

Just search Google for add reminder or create reminder, enter a name, a date or a place. You can also enter specific queries like: add reminder to buy milk tomorrow or create reminder to buy sandwich when I am in Chicago. Just click "remind me on Google Now". You can create reminders for tasks, places to visit, events and more. The easiest way to take notes synchronized with videos!

Using Google Forms to enter checklists (attendance, homework, participation, etc.) into your gradebook. The solution: entering checklists with the help of a Google Form.

Using Google Forms to enter checklists (attendance, homework, participation, etc.) into your gradebook

What you have to do is create a sheet with a list of your students, then create a form (menu “tools”/”create form”)For most purposes you will probably need only one question type which I call “students): choose "checkboxes" and copy the list of your students In case you want to re-edit a checklist make sure to check ☑ Allow responders to edit responses after submitting at the bottom of the form. You can use checklists for: attendance, homework, in-class participation, return slips, paid money and much more. Hangout Toolbox - Number one Hangout App. GEG Učte s námi: Scripty pro učitele na Google Disku. Google Docs + Flubaroo podrobněji - Wiki. Zde bude společnými silami vznikat text s popisem využití online nástrojů Google Docs a Flubaroo.

Přidejte se. Insert images into Google Spreadsheet cells. Using Formulas with Google Form Responses. Blog: Top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education. Get Google Apps News & Tips Today’s guest blog post is contributed by Andrew Stillman, he is a 15-year veteran STEM and outdoor educator and Senior Systems Developer at New Visions for Public Schools, where he supports 76 NYC secondary schools in the use of Google Apps for Education and other sustainable technologies. His goal is to foster efficient, high-capacity urban schools through the development of automation and system-building tools that allow educators to solve their own systems and workflow challenges.

Andrew is also the author and collaborator of numerous popular Google Apps Scripts for educators that are featured in this post. 5 Important Gmail Tips for Teachers. February 9, 2014 Google has recently rolled out a slew of new features for Gmail. You can now send direct emails to your Google Plus contacts right from your Gmail and even without knowing their email addresses.

Another new feature you might have noticed in your Gmail is the tabbed interface which breaks the Gmail inbox into sections like "Primary","Social", and "Promotions". Google Docs: Which Workflow Works for You? On Twitter this week I was asked how I manage Google docs with so many students. I realized there are several different answers to this question. I wanted to share a few different workflow options for managing Google documents when you go paperless with your students. #1 Students Create & Share Docs The first option is having your students create a document for each assignment and share that document with you. 1. Myslíte si, že jste mistr v hledání na Google, ale tyto finty neznáte. Hledání informací na webu je jedna z nejčastějších on-line činností Čechů. Přesto většina lidí vyhledává metodou pokus-omyl. A obvykle ani nevědí, že by to šlo jinak. Nefunguji hromadné (skupinové) e-maily - Chromebook a Chrome OS na vlastní kůži.

Google si vážně myslí, že s Chrome OS může útočit na MS Windows. Zařízení Chromebook s Chrome OS slaví první prodejní úspěchy. Jaká je uživatelská zkušenost s jedním z dostupných modelů po měsíci takřka výhradního používání v reálných podmínkách každodenní rutiny? Co Chromebook umí a co naopak nikoliv? Youpd. Part 8. As teachers we could use a little help to make our jobs more efficient. Chrome extensions are one way to do that. Here are five more extensions that you might helpful. I use this extension daily. For any webpage I am on I simply click on the dot dot dot and it automatically creates a short URL and a QR code. Click Here for my post on the directions for using this app. Click Here to install the ShortenMe extension. Set Pre-filled Responses in Google Forms. 10 Great Tools to Integrate with your Google Docs. Google EDU Group ČR. Lánky na téma Google aplikací: Transsibiřská magistrála na Mapách Google.

Google Docs Community. Lánky na téma Google aplikací: Jak vložit do Google Sites javascript. Vladimír Bílek nám napsal návod: Nic v životě není dokonalé a jedním z nepříjemných omezení Google Sites je zabránění vložení vlastního „embed“ kódu. Naštěstí existuje elegantní řešení přes gadget. Takový případ nastane například při vkládání JAVA SDK z Facebooku, který vyvolá hlášku „Kód HTML obsahuje nebezpečné značky (prvek iframe, vložený prvek, styly, skript) nebo další atributy. Při zobrazení stránky budou tyto položky odebrány“, neztrácejte ještě naději. Narazil jsem na šikovný návod, který pomůže také při vkládání prvků z jako je návštěvní kniha, nebo anketa. Vložíme tedy gadged Code Wrapper pomocí známého „Vložit – Další miniaplikace“, do „hledat“ zadám název „Code Wrapper“ vyberu a potvrdím OK.

Praktickou ukázku můžete najít například na mé testovací stránce OpenClass: LMS založený na Google Apps. How to sort a spreadsheet and take an average in Google Docs. Dusan Vrban - Google+ - Google documents templates OK, many of us wanted it.… FAQ - často kladené otázky - Google Apps doporučení a postupy.

Obsah Jaké parametry mají Google Apps na Přírodovědecké fakultě UK ? Kapacita 30 GB pro každého uživatele společně pro poštu i Disk Googlemax. velikost emailu s přílohou do 25 MBgarantovaná dostupnost 99.9% linkpodporovány jsou de facto všechny mobilními platformy linkžádné reklamyúčty mají stejné přihlašovací údaje jako pro CAS UK, není třeba žádné další heslovaše heslo si můžete změnit v systému CAS UK - odtud se automaticky propaguje do Google Appse-mailový alias ve tvaru jméno.příjmení je automaticky generován pro každý účet (pokud již takový alias neexistuje pro jiného uživatele) Migrace, implementace, bezpečnost.