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WORK BY GAN GOLAN Artist. Author. Agitator. Tax Dodgers aug2012. The Yes Men @theyesmen. Theyesmen : In honor of tax (evasion) day. Taxjustice Redirect. Nicole Tichon (SassyDemocrat) sur Twitter. Tax Justice Network (TaxJusticeNet) US Uncut | No Cuts Until Corporate Tax Cheats Pay Up! US Uncut (USUncut) sur Twitter. The Other 98% @other98 sur Twitter. OverpassLightBrigade @OLBLightBrigade sur Twitter. Tax Evaders: Game Over! Youtube: Tax Evaders - Luminous Intervention. The Illuminator (illuminator99) sur Twitter. OWS People's Puppets @Power2thePuppet sur Twitter. OWS Light Brigade @NYCLightBrigade sur Twitter. Tax Evaders | Luminous Intervention. Notes on Tax Evaders. I’ve been asked to design and develop a small game for a Space Invaders-themed campaign against corporate tax evasion.

The result is Tax Evaders, an iteration of the original arcade classic with excellent Amiga-era pixel art by James Biddulph and sound design by Ashton Morris. The week before Tax Day (April 15) the game has been projected guerrilla-style against corporate offices and banks in various cities around the States, together with other light interventions by groups in the post-Occupy Wall Street galaxy. The campaign, coordinated with a Twitter bombing against the main evaders’ accounts, was quite successful. I’d love to see more games (digital or not) in public spaces as enablers of playful protest. However, the game itself leaves a lot to be desired. Changing the narrative surface of classic arcade games has been the default strategy for “games with an agenda” since they existed.

John Kerry: Tax invaders an official game by the GOP from 2004.