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和散那. 我要向高山举目 Lift My Eyes to the Hills. Stream of praise SOP 赞美之泉 我要向高山擧目 (with lyrics) 小小的夢想. 愛我們的家. 起來榮耀. 一切歌頌讚美(兒童敬拜) 我們又在一起. Walking in the Light of God worship video. We're together again praising the LORD. Thank You For The Cross (Mark Altrogge) @ City Harvest Church. We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise. "In The Name Of Jesus"- with Lyrics- classic gospel song-Bluegrass version 津波. Jesus Loves Me. Jack & Scarlett: John 3:16. Hosanna - Vineyard [lyrics] Jesus we enthrone you. Jehovah Jireh (worship video w/ lyrics)

I Love To Be In Your Presence. 'Thank You Jesus For Your Love to Me' by Alison Huntley Revell (Cover) Our Daily Bread. Back in the 1930s, my childhood home was loving and happy, but my parents were often away. On those occasions, the center of warmth in our home was the kitchen and our tiny, joyous housekeeper named Annie. I spent many hours with Annie, sitting at our kitchen table reading books or playing with toys and listening to her sing and hum spirituals and hymns. From her heart sprang a continual flow of wisdom, cheerfulness, and song. One morning, with childish exuberance, I used a racial slur I had heard. “Oh my, no,” she said, and then proceeded to pour out her heart in a gentle lecture on the harm and hurt in that, accompanied by a terrible sadness in her eyes. I learned that we cause unfathomable sorrow when we dishonor and debase others through bigotry.

There is but one race: the human race. Of all creation’s treasures rare,Not one compares in worth with man,In God’s own image he was madeTo fill a place in His great plan. Of BGR... - Part I. The HOPE. Understanding Christianity.