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Noam Chomsky (2014) "How to Ruin an Economy; Some Simple Ways" Pierre pica. Noam Chomsky Videos. Noam Chomsky: Power And Terror. Noam Chomsky and Robert Fisk: War, Geopolitics and History. Noam Chomsky: Philosophies of Language and Politics (2009) Noam Chomsky on The World. V.O : US role in Haiti destruction. Noam Chomsky: The US - Israel's Godfather 2009. Noam Chomsky: Rebel Without a Pause 2003. Noam Chomsky Lecture : Illegal But Legitimate. Noam Chomsky - The Militarization of Science and Space. Noam Chomsky at Occupy Boston - 1. Noam Chomsky at Occupy Boston - 3. Chomsky. Noam Chomsky at Occupy Boston - 2. Noam Chomsky: Unipolar Moment and the Culture of Imperialism Q&A. Noam Chomsky: "The U.S. and Its Allies Will Do Anything to Prevent Democracy in the Arab World"

This is a rush transcript.

Noam Chomsky: "The U.S. and Its Allies Will Do Anything to Prevent Democracy in the Arab World"

Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to the 25th anniversary of FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the media watch group in New York, which just celebrated the 25 years of the reports they’ve come out, documenting media bias and censorship, and scrutinized media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. One of those who addressed the hundreds of people who gathered to celebrate FAIR was the world-renowned political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky.

This is some of what he had to say. NOAM CHOMSKY: The U.S. and its allies will do anything they can to prevent authentic democracy in the Arab world. In the case of WikiLeaks, there was an interesting aside on this. Well, from these observations, you can conclude pretty quickly, pretty easily, what policies are going to be. Pt. 2: Noam Chomsky on Libya, Israel & GOP Presidential Candidates' 'Utterly Outlandish' Positions. Noam Chomsky on the 9/11 Decade and the Assassination of Osama bin Laden: Was There an Alternative? This is a rush transcript.

Noam Chomsky on the 9/11 Decade and the Assassination of Osama bin Laden: Was There an Alternative?

Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: As we continue to mark the decade since the September 11th attacks in the United States, today we spend the hour with MIT professor, world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author, Noam Chomsky. In the months after 9/11, as the Bush administration attacked Afghanistan and geared up for the invasion of Iraq, Noam Chomsky released a small book that provided the definitive counter-narrative to the jingoism of the time.

The book was called simply 9-11, a collected series of interviews Chomsky had given on the roots of the 9/11 attacks and his prescription for a just response. At a time when lawmakers from both sides of the aisle joined together to authorize endless war, Chomsky’s was the leading voice to call for a look in the mirror, for a rethinking of U.S. actions in the Middle East and across the globe. 9-11 went on to become a surprise bestseller.

Welcome, Aaron, joining me in this interview. [break] Noam Chomsky on the U.S. Economic Crisis: Joblessness, Excessive Military Spending and Healthcare. This is a rush transcript.

Noam Chomsky on the U.S. Economic Crisis: Joblessness, Excessive Military Spending and Healthcare

Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: Our guest for the hour is MIT professor Noam Chomsky. His latest book is called 9-11: Was There an Alternative? That last question, "Was there an alternative? ," referring to the assassination of Osama bin Laden. AARON MATÉ: Well, Noam, you mentioned the changes in discourse between 10 years ago and today. REP. So, this whole idea that the whole Muslim world is responsible for this and they’re attacking us because we’re free and prosperous, that is just not true.

Noam Chomsky: U.S. to Veto Palestinian Statehood Bid Despite "Overwhelming International Consensus" This is a rush transcript.

Noam Chomsky: U.S. to Veto Palestinian Statehood Bid Despite "Overwhelming International Consensus"

Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: We’re talking to Noam Chomsky, Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has written over a hundred books, has just returned from Norway and Iceland. His latest book, 9-11: Was There an Alternative? As the Palestinian Authority launched its bid for statehood recognition at the U.N. last week, the Obama administration confirmed it would veto any statehood measure that came before the Security Council.

This is State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland. VICTORIA NULAND: It should not come as a shock to anyone in this room that the U.S. opposes a move in New York by the Palestinians to try to establish a state that can only be achieved through negotiations. The Chomsky-Foucault Debate, 1. The Chomsky Foucault Debate, 2.