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绕过防火墙 / Firewall of China

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Dave Lyons - China's Golden Shield Project. Great Firewall Of China (HUNGRY BEAST) China Anonymous Open Proxy List. Petit manuel du parfait cyberdissident chinois. Face au Great Firewall qui filtre le web chinois, les cyberdissidents se saisissent des outils à disposition : VPN, proxy et autres ne sont pas de trop pour contourner les 30 à 40000 policiers qui surveillent la toile en Chine !

Tant qu’on n’a pas été dans un Etat ennemi d’Internet, on ne mesure pas ce que c’est. La censure exercée par le régime chinois sur la Toile est la plus intense qui soit au monde, et elle se vérifie très vite. Une fois en Chine, essayez donc de taper ‘Falun gong’ dans le moteur de recherche ‘Google’ par exemple. Vous arriverez sur une page blanche.

Sur les 477 millions de Chinois qui surfent sur Internet (soit plus d’un tiers de la population chinoise) selon les derniers chiffres communiqués par le ministère de l’Industrie et des technologies de l’information cité par l’agence Chine Nouvelle, combien contournent le ‘Great Firewall’, la Grande Muraille électronique mise en place par les autorités ? Acte un du cyberdissident : 翻墙 (contourner le mur) Proxy et VPN. Great Firewall of China. HOWTO bypass Internet Censorship, a tutorial on getting around filters and blocked ports. Bypass the Great Firewall with 12vpn - Personal VPN Review. After the Beijing 2008 Olympics most people anticipated that internet censorship in China would ease but contrary to expectations the situation continues to get worse with more sites being blocked by the week (see for the latest).

Traditionally people bypassed the blocks using anonymous proxies and other free services but many of these have also been barred by the government and those which remain are usually so overwhelmed that service is patchy and slow at best. The best solution for foreigners in China and anyone wanting to access sites such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook these days is to get a personal VPN account using one of the commercial services available.

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, basically allows you to create a secure tunnel through your existing internet connection to a server in another country (usually Europe or America) where you can then enjoy complete freedom to surf as you would anywhere else. Service Offering Setup Performance Mobile Conclusion. Ya,I Yee: 10 handy tools to bypass GFW. China is one of the few countries that have internet censorship, and this nation is unofficially "protected" by a mysterious and high-tech system which is called "Great Firewall", or "GFW" by netizens. Just like any other computer firewalls in the world, the GFW system is keep on updating itself everyday and becoming more and more powerful, the few old methods we have introduced before to get through the Wall may not be practical any more.

But don't worry, EssencialBlog writes a great list of 10 handy tools to bypass GFW , the article includes independent proxy software, web browser based proxy, google and web based proxy, each of them is quite easy to use and do not require too much technical knowledge. Chinese origin: 操 GFW 十大简易招式 Tool 1 - GAppProxy It's very simple and fast, just download GAppProxy, upzip and then set HTTP proxy as 127.0.0:8000 and that's all.

For downloading and detailed introduction, please refer to Tool 2 - Go2 Tool 3 - Tor Browser.