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Gastronomie Moléculaire. Herve This. PH.D. San Diego ORGANIC CHEMISTRY TUTOR 10+ Years Experience!LennoxTutoring. Chemistry. (PedagoTIC) sur Twitter. Ecolenumerique (ecolenumerique) sur Twitter. In Shift to Common Core, Schools Need to Make Time for Collaboration - Teaching Ahead: A Roundtable.

"We Learn Better in this Way" - a White House Film Festival submission. My students love music and they love technology.

"We Learn Better in this Way" - a White House Film Festival submission

So when they heard about the White House Film Festival - a chance for them to make a 3 minute video about their love of digital learning - they were dead set on making a music video. First they decided on a song. They wanted to rap at first but after a few iterations realized it was harder to come up with lyrics for fast songs. So they went back to the drawing board. Instead they picked a catchy "easy to sing" slower song - Royals by Lorde. After a few weeks of writing, practicing and rewriting, they had finally come up with their masterpiece. So, without further ado, here is "We Learn Better in this Way" by Jaylen, Jean Paul, Grevelle and Latrell (5th Grade, NTA). Comme une langue bien vivante.

Avant d’aborder l’épreuve de philosophie demain, je vous propose aujourd’hui une petite séance sur la relativité.

Comme une langue bien vivante

Avec la physique quantique, on ne sait jamais, cela pourrait vous inspirer pour des sujets sur le grand thème « La raison et le réel ». Continue reading « Bac 2019 : jour 9 – La relativité » → Falsification and its discontents. Karl Popper's grounding in the age of physics colored his views regarding the way science is done.

Falsification and its discontents

Falsification was one of the resulting casualties (Image: Wikipedia Commons) One of the answers to’s question “What scientific idea is ready for retirement”? Is by physicist Sean Carroll. Carroll takes on an idea from the philosophy of science that’s usually considered a given: falsification. I mostly agree with Carroll’s take, although others seem to be unhappier, mainly because Carroll seems to be postulating that lack of falsification should not really make a dent in ideas like the multiverse and string theory. Science Gifts: Medicinal Chemistry Books. I hope my readers who celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday had a good one.

Science Gifts: Medicinal Chemistry Books

Everything went well here, and there are plenty of turkey leftovers today. My wife always looks forward to a sandwich of turkey in a flour tortilla with hoisin sauce and fresh scallions. Un prof de chimie, partout, pour vous !! Weboblogue Actu@liTIC. Contrôle / Partage Insight pour le contrôle et le partage dans une classe branchée Plateforme Moodle Moodle en première ligne comme plateforme de formation.

Weboblogue Actu@liTIC

Blogues Wordpress WordPress pour créer des sites web, des blogues et portfolios numériques. Collaboration Google doc Google Drive pour collaborer en équipe et apprendre par les pairs. Cartes conceptuelles Freemind pour créer des cartes mentales et se brancher au cerveau Captures vidéo Pour créer des capsules vidéo et inverser la classe. Chimie Verte et plus encore…