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Powerful Days

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Everybody Hates Cornel West. The new issue of Jacobin is out now. BET Awards 2016 : Jesse Williams. Jesse Williams a reçu ce dimanche un prix lors de la soirée des BET Awards 2016 pour son engagement humanitaire.

BET Awards 2016 : Jesse Williams

Rendu célèbre par son rôle dans la série Grey’s Anatomy, l’acteur et activiste a pris position pour le mouvement Black Livres Matter, mouvement lancé par trois Afro-Américaines après le meurtre en 2012 de Trayvon Martin par George Zimmerman. Ce n’est que deux ans plus tard, en 2014, que le mouvement a été pour ainsi dire popularisé à la faveur des protestations et révoltes de Ferguson (Missouri), consécutives au meurtre de Michael Brown. Puissant et émouvant, le discours tenu par Williams aurait sans nul doute été critiqué et qualifié de « communautariste » en France, et son auteur peut-être poursuivi pour « incitation à la haine raciale ».

Dans un pays où il est si difficile de parler de racisme et où évoquer la question de l’hégémonie blanche reste tabou, on imagine mal de tels mots prononcés lors d’une soirée grand public de remises de prix. Explorations in Black Leadership. Jackson, Mississippi. 1963. Bright Boulevards, Bold Dreams: The Story of Black Hollywood - Donald Bogle.

Ferguson, MO

DeSean Jackson, Richard Sherman, and black American economic mobility: Why neighborhoods matter. The Afro as a Natural Expression of Self. Nor was it as voluminous, or as apparently devoid of a political charge.

The Afro as a Natural Expression of Self

As 16-year-old Dante implied in an interview with, an online local news source, hair is just hair. Tomiko Brown-Nagin. Don Byron. Vote. The Black Man Hall Of Fame - Gordon Parks. (born November 30, 1912, Fort Scott, Kansas, U.S.

The Black Man Hall Of Fame - Gordon Parks

A Flower for the Graves. This column by Eugene Patterson, then editor of the Atlanta Constitution, was originally published in that paper on September 16, 1963 and was read aloud that night on the “CBS Evening News” with Walter Cronkite.

A Flower for the Graves

Patterson died Jan. 12, 2013 at the age of 89. A Negro mother wept in the street Sunday morning in front of a Baptist Church in Birmingham. Freedom Riders. RosaParksBus.jpg. Duke Ellington 25 cents. Toronto: Will Smith's Overbrook, Jay Z's Roc Nation Board Docu 'Free Angela & All Political Prisoners' EXCLUSIVE: Overbrook Entertainment and Roc Nation will lend their clout to the Realside Productions/De Films Aiguille-produced documentary Free Angela & All Political Prisoners, which was directed by Shola Lynch.

Toronto: Will Smith's Overbrook, Jay Z's Roc Nation Board Docu 'Free Angela & All Political Prisoners'

They will become executive producers on a film that premieres at the upcoming Toronto Film Festival and marks the 40th anniversary of the acquittal of Angela Davis on charges of murder, kidnapping and conspiracy. Gwénaële Calvès. Extrait n°7 sur 8 de l’interview de Gwénaële Calvès, professeure de droit à l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise, par Daniel Sabbagh Directeur de Recherche au CERI–Sciences Po et conseiller scientifique du programme « Égalité des chances », filmée à Paris par la French-American Foundation.

Gwénaële Calvès

Cette conversation fait partie d’une série d’interviews réalisées par la French-American Foundation entre Daniel Sabbagh et cinq experts français travaillant dans le domaine de l'égalité des chances. La transcription de l'interview complète de Gwénaële Calvès est disponible ici. Cliquez ici afin de visionner les autres extraits de cette interview. Civil Rights. Ruby Bridges Hall. Ruby Bridges. Ruby Bridges, 50th anniversary. Obama's tears at Dorothy Height's funeral in Washington. By Mail Foreign Service Updated: 09:38 GMT, 30 April 2010 Tears streaming down his cheeks, grief overcame Barack Obama today as he attended the funeral of the woman he called the 'Godmother' of the American civil rights movement.

Obama's tears at Dorothy Height's funeral in Washington

The U.S. president was weeping openly as he watched the service for Dorothy Height in Washington today. He delivered the eulogy for Dr Height, whose activisim stretched from the New Deal right up until Mr Obama's election as the first African American president of the United States. Overcome: U.S. President Barack Obama wipes away tears during the funeral for the 'Godmother' of the civil rights movement Dorothy Height in Washington today Distraught: The president was joined by his wife Michelle, and Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the service.

Mavis Staples "Eyes On The Prize" "Hard Times Come Again No More" Mavis Staples. Segregation at All Costs: Bull Connor and the Civil Rights Movement. Birmingham 1963. In pictures: Charles Moore's powerful days. Charles Moore, 1931-2010. Charles Moore, the celebrated Black Star photographer whose searing images of violence and injustice during the Civil Rights Era helped mobilize U.S. public opinion toward change, died last week at the age of 79.

Charles Moore, 1931-2010

The Black Star family joins the world in mourning him. Powerful Days in Black and White. Powerful Days: Index. The School of Visual Communication (VisCom) offers an interdisciplinary visual communication degree in four specialized sequences.

Powerful Days: Index

Information Design: Interactive Students learn how to integrate audio, video, still images and illustrations for the web and mobile devices. Information architecture and user experience design are key components explored to tell stories in a digital medium. Powerful Days: The Civil Rights Photography of Charles Moore: Michael S. Durham, Andrew Young, Charles W. Moore: Livres anglais et étrangers. Charles Moore, 1931-2010.