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Facebook Twitter's MADE BETTER IN CHINA. Services. Freer Sackler Galleries | China Timeline. Shanghai Listings, Events, Reviews, Classifieds. SmartShanghai | Nightlife, Dining, Arts and Shopping in Shanghai. Times Grocery. Details Parent Category: I ♥ Nanjing Category: Arts & culture Created on Friday, 26 June 2009 13:59 Published on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 00:00 Written by Casey Rich Hits: 5074 Here in Nanjing, a city rich in history since even before its time as Jinling (金陵) the capital of the Southern Tang Kingdom, the opportunity to feel the surging force of history is still alive – if a little plastic like the tops of Zhonghuamen (中华门).

Recently, the resurrection of Nanjing began with the reconstruction of the city-wall (the longest city-wall in the history of the world). South of Zhonghuamen once stood the tiny structure of a delightful little pagoda, which has been gone from the Nanjing skyline for some time. Now, the loss of a simple pagoda here or there is not an unusual development in Chinese history. After reading about it, my challenge was to see if I could find the location of the temple under which this discovery had been made. Searching for the Pagoda Hooray for Progress. China Media. China. Business In China. Resources. China Business News. System: China. China. China Sites. News. China. China. Finance. Places. Speculation in Chinese equity / housing markets... [1212] National berserk constipation bowel detoxification of dietary fiber laxative powder satiating meal oat bran - Taobao.

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